Losing documents is always a problem. Firstly, for a certain time a person is left without a piece of paper, which at any moment he may need. Secondly, it is necessary to take care to restore the lost. And the most important thing here is to know exactly what the procedure is. In order not to run around cabinets a hundred times. This article details how to restore SNILS.
What is this document?
SNILS is insurance number of an individual personal account. It is assigned to residents of Russia registered in the personified accounting system of the country's Pension Fund.
Almost all Russians have SNILS (even in newborn babies). The person’s personal account number contains data on his labor activity (seniority) and on insurance contributions transferred to the future pension fund. It is with all this information in mind that pension benefits are then accrued.
The number is unique and is assigned for life. It is embossed on a rectangular green card along with the name of the citizen, the date and place of his birth, the gender and date of registration with the Pension Fund. It is this body that issues the treasured green cards that are needed in order to get a job, make insurance contributions, receive medications, receive free treatment at state clinics, receive health trips, etc.
This document is replaced under the following circumstances:
- Errors or typos in the document
- if a person changes his surname or personal data.
What does losing this document mean?
The loss of such an important document as SNILS can plunge many into panic. In fact, you don’t need to kill too much. After all, it is impossible to lose exactly SNILS. The number itself is entered into the database and remains with its owner all its life. You can only lose a card, the restoration of which is one of the easiest procedures in Russia, if we talk about documents in general. So what to do if a card is lost? SNILS how to recover? It all depends on what category of citizens the victim belongs to.
For working Russians
It is easiest to answer the question of how to restore SNILS, if it is lost by an employee. Any officially employed person who has lost SNILS must contact his employer (the personnel department) within a month and receive a sample application form ADV-3, which must be written.
And then the personnel officers pass this statement along with copies of the lost SNILS and passport to the Pension Fund. After a maximum of a month, you can go to this institution and pick up the restored duplicate. The signature of the recipient in the statement is required.
For unemployed and entrepreneurs
How to recover lost SNILS for unemployed? A person without official employment will have to apply to the Pension Fund office at their place of residence independently. This should also be done within a month from the moment of loss, taking with you a passport and a copy of SNILS. If the latter is not available, then you just need to provide your personal number. Ignorance of this will greatly complicate the procedure.
The Pension Fund writes an application in the form of ADV-3 and fills out a questionnaire issued by employees. After a month, the institution is required to issue a duplicate to the recipient. How to restore SNILS to private entrepreneurs? In exactly the same way as unemployed people.
If SNILS has lost a child
How to restore SNILS in case of loss by his child? It all depends on how old the youngster is. If 14 has not yet been fulfilled, then one of the parents writes a statement of loss in the Pension Fund.You must take your passport, birth certificate of a child and a copy of SNILS with you (or just give the number).
How to restore SNILs to a child who is already 14 years old? If we are talking about an adult young citizen, then he can go to the Pension Fund on his own. With passport, copy or SNILS number. You will also have to write the application yourself. But it is advisable not to let one child go. After all, the matter is important, and at this age, attentiveness with responsibility is still lame.
Some nuances of recovery
Situations in life are different. And not always everything goes perfectly smoothly. Here are some of the problematic questions that Russians ask when faced with SNILS loss:
- How to restore SNILS to an unemployed person who has no money for paperwork? Answer: restoration of SNILS - the procedure is absolutely free. Employees of the Pension Fund are not entitled to demand any state duties.
- Where to restore SNILS, except for the Pension Fund? Answer: no other structure restores this type of documents.
- How to recover lost SNILS if there is absolutely no time for going to the Pension Fund? Answer: in principle, it is possible to send the entire package for restoration by registered mail. Especially often, employers who have to deal with the problem repeatedly resort to this method.
- How to restore SNILS if the police still have not closed the case of stolen documents? Can I start the procedure? Answer: not possible, but necessary. It is not necessary to wait for the closure of the case, especially since the investigation can drag on for a very long time, and a successful result is not guaranteed.
- The personnel department took the documents for restoration and for two months they have not given away a duplicate. After what time is the employer obliged to return the restored SNILS? Answer: The procedure for processing a duplicate by the Pension Fund takes a maximum of a month. The employer is obliged to deliver the document to the employee within a week after receiving it in person.
Some important points
SNILS should be kept only by its owner. In all instances that may require it, you should leave only a copy. For this reason, the requirements to transfer this certificate to someone for storage, including to the employer, are illegal.
When replacing or when obtaining a new certificate, the data indicated on it should be carefully checked. If SNILS is done repeatedly, then you need to compare the insurance numbers on the old (it remains with the owner when replacing it) and the new documents. This will eliminate potential problems in the future.
An error in this document may lead to improper distribution of money in personal accounts. It is also fraught with an erroneous transfer of funds to a third-party company or pension fund, which the SNILS owner did not choose.
In this article, we explained in detail how to restore SNILS if it was lost. This procedure has certain nuances, for this reason one should be extremely careful and in any case it is better not to lose this document, since it is of great importance.