Russian law establishes several mechanisms for acquiring Russian citizenship by foreigners. There is a general and simplified procedure for obtaining it. Within each of them there are a large number of nuances associated with the list of necessary documents for interaction with the migration service. What are the specifics of the possible scenarios for the acquisition by citizens of the Russian Federation of foreigners?
General order
The first scenario, in which a person can acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation, does not imply special benefits.
Citizenship of the Russian Federation in this case is acquired in a general manner. Foreigners over the age of 18 can apply for a Russian citizenship if they:
- legally reside in the Russian Federation for five years (you can travel abroad, but not more than 3 months a year);
- have a job or other legal source of income;
- ready to declare renunciation of current citizenship (unless otherwise provided by international agreements of the Russian Federation);
- know Russian language.
In some cases, a reduction in the period of residence in the Russian Federation to 1 year is permissible. When it's possible?
Accelerated Citizenship
The first option: a foreign citizen - a representative of a highly qualified profession, demanded and necessary for the national economy of the Russian Federation, or he has high achievements in various fields of science and culture. Also, persons who have received refugee status have the right to take advantage of this benefit.
Another option for obtaining Russian citizenship on a preferential basis implies the presence of significant services to Russia. Citizens of the countries of the former USSR who have served under the contract and have been in the Russian armed forces for at least 3 years are also entitled to the corresponding privileges.
General order: documents
What documents are needed to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation when interacting with the migration service in a general manner? Their standard list is as follows:
- a statement in the established form in two copies;
- photocopies of a passport, birth certificate, marriage or divorce documents, certificates from the registry office, translated into Russian (if necessary), certificates from the registry office, etc .;
- application for renunciation of current citizenship;
- 4 photos (required size - 3.5 x 4.5 cm);
- copies of educational certificates;
- information on relatives recorded in one or another documentary form.
The list is small. But, listing what documents are needed to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to say in advance what the migration service will need — a variety of requirements are possible for specific people.
However, if the conditions that are prescribed in the laws regarding the acquisition of Russian citizenship in general are met, then there will be little bureaucracy in this process.
Simplified procedure
One of the most problematic criteria affecting the practical possibility of foreigners obtaining Russian citizenship, we noted at the beginning of the article, is the need for continuous residence in the Russian Federation for 5 years. However, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes rules by which a resident of another country can count on Russian citizenship, even if it does not meet the mentioned criteria. This is possible if the foreigner:
- born in the RSFSR, was a citizen of the USSR;
- married to a Russian citizen for at least 3 years;
- recognized as incapable of work and has an 18-year-old capable child (or several children) with Russian citizenship;
- has a child or children who are citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as if their other parent with Russian citizenship is not alive or by a court decision he was found missing, deprived of parental rights or incompetent;
- has an adult child or several children who are recognized as legally incompetent, and if their second parent with Russian citizenship is not alive, the court found him missing / incompetent or deprived of parental rights;
- I studied under accredited professional programs and by the time I applied for registration of Russian citizenship I managed to work in the country, in accordance with the specialty I received, at least 3 years;
- has been conducting successful business in Russia for at least three years with a turnover of 10 million rubles per year (at the time of registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation);
- for at least 3 years before applying for citizenship, acts as an investor in an enterprise, having a share of at least 10% of its authorized capital, and provided that the company's net assets are more than 100 million rubles, or if the company pays at least 6 million rub. taxes per year;
- during the same 3 years preceding the application for citizenship of the Russian Federation, he has been working in a highly qualified profession, which is included in the corresponding state list.
In addition, foreign citizens may have special benefits in obtaining citizenship, for whom the Russian language is native or they can speak it fluently.
Citizenship for Russian speakers
However, knowledge of the language is supplemented by a number of other conditions:
- a person previously lived in the territory of the Russian Federation;
- a foreigner has direct relatives who were subjects of the Russian Empire, as well as citizens of the USSR, provided they live in settlements that are within the current borders of the Russian Federation;
- a person has a job or other legal source of income in the Russian Federation;
- a foreigner is ready to renounce current citizenship (unless otherwise provided by international agreements of the Russian Federation).
This option for acquiring citizenship of the Russian Federation is one of the fastest in terms of time.
One of the simplest scenarios for acquiring Russian citizenship is participation in the State program for the resettlement of compatriots, as well as their families, in the Russian Federation. If a person has the appropriate status, then all he needs to do is register in Russia at the place of residence. Then you can apply for citizenship.
What documents are needed to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation in the scenarios under consideration largely depends on the specific basis for acquiring the status of a Russian national by a foreigner. Consider some of the options.
Statelessness in Russia: documents
One of the common scenarios is the acquisition of Russian citizenship by residents of the countries of the former USSR, which for one reason or another did not become full-fledged citizens of the states, which subsequently gained independence. What documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified form for these categories of citizens? Their list is as follows:
- copy of a document confirming a residence permit;
- original and copy of birth certificate;
- document confirming the fact of marriage or divorce;
- sources indicating that a person has a job or other legal form of income in the Russian Federation;
- document confirming knowledge of the Russian language;
- 3 photographs (required 3 x 4 cm).
Many people take the opportunity to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation, due to the fact that they were born in the RSFSR and were citizens of the USSR.
Born in the RSFSR: documents for citizenship
What type of documents for obtaining Russian citizenship are needed for those who were born in the RSFSR and want to become a full citizen of modern Russia?
A typical list looks like this:
- the original (as well as a photocopy) of the passport, if necessary - a residence permit, birth certificate, marriage documents or divorce;
- a document confirming the voluntary renunciation of current citizenship;
- sources indicating the presence of work and other legal types of income in the Russian Federation;
- document confirming knowledge of the Russian language;
- photos (required size - 3 x 4 cm).
Also, under this scenario, a state duty of 2 thousand rubles is provided. A receipt confirming payment of the relevant fee will need to be attached to the documents.
To Russia under the state program: documents
Another common reason for the relocation of foreigners to Russia is participation in the State program for the resettlement of compatriots.
What documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship in this scenario? Their list is as follows:
- original and photocopy of passport, as well as residence permit;
- copy of a document confirming the participation of a person in the State program, within the framework of which the resettlement of compatriots is carried out;
- original and photocopy of birth, marriage or divorce certificate;
- a document confirming the renunciation of current citizenship;
- 3 photos 3 x 4 cm.
As in the previous case, you will need to pay 2 thousand rubles. as a fee and attach a receipt to the documents.
If you speak Russian
This scenario is common if it is supposed to obtain Russian citizenship by citizens of Ukraine, as well as those countries where the Russian language is widely spoken (for example, Moldova). A variant is possible in which a person wishes to become a subject of the Russian Federation on the basis that he has direct relatives in this country. Consider this scenario. So, what documents are needed to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation to citizens of Ukraine? Their list will be as follows:
- Ukrainian passport;
- Russian migration card;
- birth and marriage certificate;
- documents confirming the fact of kinship with Russian citizens, as well as citizens of the Russian Empire and the USSR;
- sources indicating that relatives live or previously lived on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- 2 photos (required size - 3 x 4 cm).
Documents must be translated from Ukrainian into Russian. This list will help determine the question of what documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship to a citizen of Ukraine. As for citizens of other states, the list of required papers may differ slightly. However, this does not apply to residents of post-Soviet states. So, the answer to the question about what documents are needed to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation to a citizen of Moldova will be similar to the above (the only difference is the internal passport). But if, for example, an American wants to become a citizen of Russia, he will need another copy of the visa.
Talk to come
It can be noted that the documents under this scenario are a significant aspect, but not the most important one. It is also important to pass an interview on knowledge of the Russian language.
An oral dialogue is supposed on topics that are understandable to most citizens. It is likely that it will not be difficult for residents of Ukraine to communicate with representatives of the FMS.
We studied what documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for Ukrainians. 2014 is the year of sufficiently significant reforms in the field of Russian migration legislation. Have there been changes in the relevant provisions of the laws regarding the acquisition of citizenship for children?
Citizenship for children
Significant adjustments that would become known to the general public were not introduced into the relevant legal acts.
Russian law is quite loyal to foreigners who have received citizenship of the Russian Federation, in terms of assigning a similar status to their children. In almost all cases, the former foreign citizen is guaranteed that his offspring can become Russian citizens.All parents need to do is write a statement.
Does the child's place of residence matter
Some nuances may be determined by the place of permanent residence of children. If the child constantly lives in the Russian Federation, then to apply for his Russian citizenship, a statement from either parent is sufficient. But if his place of residence is in another country, then his father and mother must sign the corresponding papers together.
What documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for a child? The standard list is as follows:
- photocopy of birth certificate (if required - translation of the document into Russian);
- copy and translation of the passport, if any;
- the consent of the parent from whom it is required;
- 4 photos of a baby measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
If the child is already 14 years old, then he will also need his own consent to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Year of birth: is it important?
It turns out, it’s important, and quite. If a child was born before July 1, 2002, it is assumed that a stamp will be affixed to the certificate of birth indicating the fact that the person is a citizen of Russia. And if not?
What documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for a child who was born after July 1, 2002? In general, their spectrum is the same. Only the procedure for documenting the fact that the child becomes a Russian citizen is different. If in the first case the corresponding stamp is put in birth certificate, then in this scenario, the mark is put in the passports of the parents. What documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for a newborn? In fact, none. Since the baby becomes a subject of Russia immediately after its birth automatically.
An exception is if one of the parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, and at the same time the child was born in another state. For example, it so happened that people had a rest in Turkey, and there they had a baby, with whom they then returned to Russia. In this case, the consent of the parent who is a foreigner will be required for the child to become a Russian citizen. What documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for a child in this case? Basically the same ones that we indicated in the list above. The rules governing what documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for a newborn practically do not change. 2014 is the year in which new grounds for simplified acquisition of citizenship appeared. But the legislation did not introduce significant innovations in the aspect of registration of Russian citizenship for children.