Birth certificate is the first and main document of a newborn person. For many young parents, bureaucratic red tape immediately after arriving from the maternity hospital is absolutely unacceptable and undesirable, because it is so important to establish a new way of life and conditions for a normal life, without wasting too much time on numerous, albeit important, papers. Let's talk about when, where, at what time and how to get the appropriate document. Special attention should be paid to the issue of duplicate registration (if the original was lost).
Where to start and where to go?
The first question we have to answer is where to get the birth certificate of a child. There can only be one answer - contact the registry office, the department of civil registration. Most often, people are sent to a similar state institution at the place of registration, but nothing prevents you from visiting the institution at the other end of the city or even the country. If your place does not have the specified institution, you will need to go to the village council, where you will be provided with detailed advice on the rules and place of paper processing. Obtaining a birth certificate is determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, which is called "On acts of civil status." It was adopted on 10/22/1997 and entered into force on 11/15/1997.
How urgent is it necessary to receive a document?
The second popular question is: how urgently is it necessary to obtain a birth certificate? There are some parents who are quite careless in collecting documents for the baby, believing that they will be able to draw up the appropriate papers at any time convenient for themselves, without any special consequences - both in a year and in five years. In fact, everything is far from the case, the state sets a period of one calendar month, and this rule must be observed.
During this time, parents are required to appear in the registry office to apply for a certificate. If you missed the deadline for any reason (whether valid or not), you will have to pay a fine, and only then deal with paperwork. Please note that without a certificate you will not be able to receive other necessary documents, the absence of which may also entail certain sanctions and the abolition of benefits by the state.
List of required documents
The certificate is issued and issued only on the basis of a specific package of documents that must be transmitted by responsible persons (that is, parents) to the registry office. A birth certificate will be issued only if there are such papers as:
- Birth certificate of the baby. In most cases, issued in the maternity hospital, its validity period is also one month. Its main purpose is to confirm the fact of the birth of the baby by you. As a rule, the certificate indicates where and what time the child was born, as well as its gender.
- Passports of mother and father.
- Marriage certificate (if any).
All papers must be presented in the original, copies are not accepted and are not considered.
We deal with the nuances
As you can see, the list of necessary documents is minimal, collecting it is not difficult, however, even in this case there are certain nuances that can cause some difficulties.
Perhaps your child was born not in the hospital, but outside the medical facility. How then can you get the necessary primary certificates? The right to issue papers of this nature also belongs to a private doctor who is licensed to conduct labor at home. If you have chosen an independent way of delivery without the help of any specialists, you will also need to provide a statement from the stranger who was present during the delivery.
In most cases, a birth certificate is issued in the presence of passports of both parents. A single mother has the right to register the baby only one at a time, with her own document. If paternity is not ascertained, information is entered into the certificate from the words of the mother, and the child receives her last name.
Missing required documents? It does not matter, go to court, and on the basis of its decision, a birth certificate of a child can also be issued. At the same time, one should not forget about the deadlines: it is also necessary to contact the highest authority to resolve a controversial issue within one month after the birth of the baby.
Who can get the document?
If there is a marriage certificate, the first document of the child can be received in the hands of any of the parents, regardless of whether they came to the registry office together or one of them. Such liberality is very convenient, because a newly minted mother sometimes just has no one to leave her baby on to deal with paperwork.
If the relationship between the mom and dad of the baby is not properly registered, they will have to go together for the necessary document, since the father will have to write a statement recognizing paternity. In some cases, the presence of both parents is mandatory, even if the marriage is done according to all the rules. This is usually relevant in the following cases:
- The child was born in another city / country.
- Parents have different surnames.
- The kid is given a non-standard name (foreign or simply extremely original).
Why do I need a certificate?
Why is a birth certificate necessary at all? Is it possible to do without this document? A similar question can also often be heard on the Internet. It sounds extremely strange, and there can only be one answer to it - obtaining a birth certificate is strictly necessary! Subsequently, it is on the basis of this document that you can get a passport. Among other things, only on the basis of the certificate are carried out:
- Registration of the baby at the place of residence.
- Obtaining a citizenship insert.
- Registration of a medical policy.
In addition, you will definitely need a document to apply for a number of benefits, enrollment in kindergarten, and then to school.
Birth certificate: sample and unusual graphs
The document also has unusual columns, which most parents are unaware of, even though their children have the appropriate paper. So, the birth certificate has a column of "nationality", which is not required and information can be entered there only at your request. But such an obligatory category as "middle name" may not be filled at all. Usually, a departure from the general rule is done precisely on national grounds, that is, if the foreign name of the father cannot be properly transformed into the middle name of the child.
What does a modern birth certificate look like? A sample document is presented below. Earlier, the certificate was issued in the form of a small book, in hard green binding, now it is a thin sheet of A4 form with a slightly lighter color. It has watermarks of protection, series and number, it is certified with a seal and signature. Data in the document can be entered both by hand and printed (only in black).
Re-receipt of the document
How to obtain a child’s birth certificate again if the original has been lost and it is not possible to find it? First you need to contact the registry office, in which the initial registration of the baby took place. If this is not possible, try contacting your nearest district office. Once there, you will have to:
- Write a statement in the prescribed form about the loss of the original.
- Provide the original passport of the parents, as well as a marriage certificate.
- Provide a receipt that you have paid the necessary fee for losing the original document (paid at Sberbank).
If favorable, a duplicate will be issued to you immediately on the day of treatment. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the registry office, in which the original document was received, you will have to wait a little longer until the request is exchanged between government agencies. As a rule, in this case you have to wait about one week.
Special circumstances
Obtaining a woman’s birth certificate after a divorce from the second half or the death of her husband is carried out in a regular manner. If the birth of the child occurs less than 365 days (one year) after the divorce of the parents, he will be automatically registered with the man with whom the mother of the baby was married. Documents for a birth certificate in this case will look like this:
- Help from the maternity hospital.
- Marriage certificate / divorce certificate.
- Mother's passport.
If men do not agree with this state of affairs, he can challenge the correctness of the document in court, proving that he is not the biological father of the baby. If the spouse died before the birth of the child, the woman will also be able to officially register without any problems, indicating him as the father. In this case, do not forget to bring a death certificate to the registry office.
A few words in the end
Birth certificate is the first and very important document for each of us. Obtaining this paper does not require special efforts and is carried out as soon as possible. Violation of the regulations entails unpleasant consequences, which are expressed in the fine and the inability to draw up an additional package of necessary papers for the child, such as registration, registration and medical insurance policy, and later on the passport.