
What documents are needed to apply for a child allowance? How to apply for a child allowance quickly?

The allowance for children is granted to citizens of the Russian Federation living in the country. The law provides for payments to minors and to those who are outside of Russia. They are appointed in the event that a corresponding agreement has been concluded between the Russian Federation and the country of residence of the citizen. what documents are needed to apply for child allowance

Who is not a subject of law?

Payments are not allowed to parents whose children are in shelters with full state security. No subsidy is granted to those citizens who are deprived of parental rights in court. To the third category of persons who cannot apply for registration monthly child allowances, include those who went abroad for permanent residence.

Procedure Overview

There are various parental benefits for children. For example, the law provides for a lump-sum payment at birth or adoption of a child. Then the allowance is due to one parent. The adoptive parent receives the right to payment only if he takes a child who is not yet 3 years old. You can apply with the appropriate application within six months from the date of birth (adoption in the family). A lump sum payment will be transferred within ten days from the date of application. If the child’s father works at a state-owned enterprise and the mother is a housewife, then the working parent submits the application. A single mother applies for payment, even if she does not work. drawing up a child allowance in Moscow

Making a child allowance in Moscow

In general, the procedure is carried out in accordance with the rules in force throughout the country. Working parents, military personnel or students can receive benefits at the place of work or study. If both mother and father do not work, then you should contact the territorial body of social protection.

What documents are needed to apply for a child allowance in 2015?

The first paper will be a statement. The following documents are attached to it for the preparation of the child allowance:

  • Certificate from the company or place of study.
  • Certificate of the birth of a child, issued at the registry office.

If several children were born, then the allowance is put on each of them. What documents are needed to apply for a children's allowance for the poor? Non-working citizens must provide a copy of the last entry in the work book, if any. If the parents have never worked, a certificate from the central authorization is needed.

Special cases

If women who were dismissed from the company due to its liquidation, or who were on maternity leave at that moment, do not receive payments, then they should contact the SOBES, located at their place of residence. What documents are needed to apply for child allowance in these cases? Provide:

  • Sv-about the birth of a child.
  • Statement.
  • Labor book.
  • Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment compensation.

what documents are needed to apply for a child allowance in 2015

It should be noted that at some enterprises compensation is not paid or not fully accrued. This is considered a violation of the TC. If the due payments were not made, then you can write an application for retroactive accrual.


What documents are needed to apply for child benefits when taking a child into the family? In addition to the application and other papers required in a general manner, the following should be presented:

  • A copy of the judicial act (entered into force) on adoption.
  • A copy of the agreement on the adoption of children in the family for education or an extract from the decree of the guardianship authority.
  • A copy of the judicial act on the deprivation of the rights of real parents, recognition of them as dead, legally incompetent (fully or partially), missing.

documents for registration of child allowance

Papers for military personnel

In this case, it should be said that the spouse of the citizen who is serving on the call has the right to receive payments. The allowance will be assigned and transferred within ten days from the date of submission of all documents. Payments are not made to the wives of cadets who are in educational military institutions. According to the law, accruals are made from the moment a child is born. However, in this case, one should also take into account the start date of the citizen’s service. Earlier this day, transfers cannot be made. Payments are made every month until the child is three years old. What documents are needed to apply for child allowance for wives of military personnel? In addition to the passport, the certificate of birth and marriage, as well as the application, a certificate from the military enlistment office should be presented.  preparation of monthly child allowances

Papers for those who plan to receive payments

Many pregnant women are interested in whether it is possible to submit applications in advance, and what documents are needed to prepare a child allowance. Those who are on maternity leave and registered in the first trimester should get:

  • Help from the clinic.
  • Disability sheet.

If during the previous 2 years a woman worked at several enterprises, then income certificates for all this time will be necessary. This is necessary to calculate the average earnings and based on it the size of the payment. All these papers are provided to the accounting department of the enterprise where the accruals will be made.

Child Care Payments

One of the parents must receive a certificate from the company where he works that he did not take leave to stay with the children. Full-time and non-working students in SOBES are provided with a certificate of family composition and extracts from the work book. In addition, if a maternity and pregnancy allowance was issued, its calculation must be presented. The right to receive payments has that person who actually looks after the child up to one and a half years. As such a person, not only one of the parents can act, but also any other relative (grandfather, grandmother, and so on). This compensation is awarded at the same time as the grant. Payments are made in accordance with the procedure and within the time frames established for such charges for a child up to 1.5 liters. The decision on the provision of payments is made within 10 days. What documents are needed to apply for a children's allowance for the poor


Women who are registered from the first trimester, write in a free form a request for a one-time payment. To issue a maternity allowance, you need a separate application. Typically, the sample is provided by the employer. Childcare allowance is paid after the application for leave is granted until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

The petition is written in the name of the head. After this, an order is issued on granting leave. An application for the calculation of benefits is submitted to the personnel department. If a woman has been on maternity during the previous two years or one year, she may ask to replace this period with the previous ones to calculate the average salary. It is advisable to do this if it leads to an increase in payments. An application for the replacement of years is also written in the name of the head in free form.

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