
How does the percentage of sick leave depend on seniority?

Of course, the accountant of the enterprise should calculate the sickness benefit. However, it will not be superfluous for an employee to know how, according to the law, money is paid out when temporary disability occurs. Each person should roughly imagine how much money he will receive after recovery. It is no secret that for any employee payment for a temporary disability certificate is made individually. What determines the percentage of sick leave? From the experience and average monthly income of the employee. We will analyze this question in more detail.

What will be taken into account when paying sick leave?

sick leave payment

In order to safely leave on sick leave and not worry about money, the employee needs to know his experience. It is worth noting that the legislation has been amended, and now when paying money on a sheet of temporary disability, not the total duration of the person’s work is taken into account, but only the time of labor activity with contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. For example, if an employee has been working for 15 years, and length of service 5 years, the percentage of sick leave will be calculated on the basis of 5 years.

What periods will be taken into account?

  • Time spent in public service.
  • Work under an employment contract. Many employers do not seek to conclude a contract with an employee, but issue salary in an envelope, without making contributions to the social insurance fund. The percentage of sick leave from experience depends directly. Therefore, with the onset of illness, the worker risks being left without means of subsistence.
  • Creating an IP, but only if the entrepreneur begins to make contributions to the FSS.
  • Service in the army, emergency situations or law enforcement agencies.
  • Lawyer activities, notarial services, the work of private detectives and even personal bodyguards will be included in the length of service.
  • Farm work, subject to contributions to the social insurance fund.
  • Deputy work. Deputies holding a permanent post in the State Duma, the Federation Council, or regional authorities may not worry about paying sick leave.
  • Each prisoner who is in the colony and regularly attends correctional labor increases the percentage of sick leave. The further amount of payments will directly depend on the experience of a freed citizen.
  • While on sick leave, a sheet of temporary disability in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, as well as parental leave are an integral part of the length of service.

Thus, any employee whose earnings are deducted from the FSS, will be able to rely on higher interest on the experience in the future accrual of sick leave sheet.

What periods are considered non-insurance?

sick leave payment

Based on the law, the entire period of being on sick leave must be paid. It is important to remember that all weekends and holidays that fall on the employee’s incapacity for work will not be free.

percentage of sick leave from experience

However, not every employee knows that there are special periods of time when, even with the insured person, the insurance period may not be counted. Exclude:

  • Periods of suspension from work. It is no secret that many employees need to undergo an annual medical examination to continue their work. In case of evasion from him, the employee shall not be allowed to work.
  • The time spent in custody.
  • Downtime
  • The time of study leave or leave without pay. According to the legislation, the length of stay on sick leave during annual leave will be paid, and the rest itself will be automatically extended by the number of sick days.

How do we confirm the experience?

The main document of each employee in our country is a work book. She is able to confirm the work experience of the employee. However, in rare cases (in case of loss of a book or erroneous entry in the labor), an employee may provide an employment contract as proof of seniority. In addition, the employee will be able to request from the employer a certificate from the accounting department or an extract from the order to confirm the fact of employment. For military-liable citizens, a military ID is a supporting document, as well as other certificates and documents issued at military commissariats or archives.

Who will pay?

Based on Russian laws, sick leave is paid from 2 sources: from the employer's funds (first 3 days) and from the FSS (all subsequent days of sick leave).

The employee should remember that when issuing a disability certificate for caring for his child, for treatment in a sanatorium, during prosthetics or quarantine, the document will be paid at the expense of the FSS.

Sick leave: we receive, we bring, we consider

interest on sick leave

As a rule, in order for the payment of benefits due to illness to be paid, the employee must submit documents to the personnel department on time. What percentage of the sick leave from the length of service will be paid to a citizen, largely depends on the personnel officer. It is he who is obliged to calculate the total number of years worked and indicate it on the submitted documentation. When calculating the amount of benefits, the number of years worked at the enterprise is not taken into account. A personnel employee should take into account only those years when a citizen, while working, regularly paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

The impact of seniority on sick pay

In order to correctly calculate the number of years of work experience, it is necessary to add up all periods of labor activity. When calculating the length of service, you should not pay attention to breaks in work. Only a certain number of years will allow the employee to rely on the fact that he will be paid 100% for sick leave. The length of service should be considered as follows: every worked 30 days is equal to 1 month, and 12 months should be considered for 1 calendar year. Such recalculations should be made only if the employee worked for less than a month or changed his place of work quite often. If the employee has a fully worked out period (month or year), then no recalculation of labor time should be made.

If the employee’s workbook does not indicate the exact date of employment and dismissal (the number is not specified), then the personnel officer will count the length of service from the 15th. In the event that only the year of service is indicated (the month and date are not indicated), then according to the rules, staff members consider the period from July 1 of the corresponding year.

We consider employee earnings

what percentage of sick leave from an employee will receive

In addition to the length of service for the payment of the sick leave, the size of the employee’s income is very important. How to calculate the average monthly income?

To calculate the average income, you should take into account the total salary for the last 2 years preceding the occurrence of the insured event. Thus, if an employee just got a new job and suddenly fell ill, he would be better off bringing in proof of earnings from previous jobs.

To calculate the average daily income, the earned earnings for 2 years should be divided by the total number of days for this period, that is, 730.

The percentage of sick leave from the experience: we consider independently

sick leave 100 percent experience

Everyone perfectly understands that accountants are also people, so errors in calculating sick leave cannot be ruled out. In order to get the right amount, it is better for the employee to calculate his own benefit in connection with temporary disability. The table below shows the percentage dependence on the length of service:

Table 1
Employee Experience Benefit amount in%
From six months to 5 years 60
5-8 years 80
More than 8 years 100

Thus, if the employee has an insurance experience of 6 years, the percentage of sick leave will be only 80% of the average monthly payment. An employee who has been making contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for 10 years will be paid the full amount of incapacity for work.

Exceptions to the Rules

Calculation of payments will be made on the basis of the minimum wage, if the employee went on sick leave due to injury or illness associated with alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication.

In addition, upon the onset of pregnancy and childbirth, the FSS will pay women 100% sick leave (the woman's work experience should be more than 6 months). Disability certificates issued to citizens in connection with an industrial injury, to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as to citizens who participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, are also paid in full.

Let's count ?!

percentage of sick leave from insurance

For example, imagine the following situation:

An employee of the company "Nika" is on sick leave from January 15 to 25, 2016. A citizen got a job in this company from January 15, 2014, and before that he worked at an enterprise called Victory from February 5, 2008 to October 27, 2013.

To determine the total insurance experience of an employee, it is necessary to calculate it for each enterprise:

  • Labor activity in the Pobeda company lasted 4 years (2009-2012) 19 months (from March to December 2008 and from January to September 2013) 52 days (periods from February 5 to 29, 2008 and from 1 to 27 October 2913). In this case, you should translate months into years, and days into months. Thus, a citizen worked at the Pobeda firm for 5 years 7 months 22 days.
  • Work at Nika lasted 1 year (full 2015) 11 months (from February to December 2014) 31 days (periods from January 15 to January 31, 2014 and from January 1 to January 14, 2016). When recounting, we get experience in the company "Nika" 2 years 1 day.

The total duration of the insurance period of a citizen is 7 years 7 months 23 days. Turning to table 1, we determine the experience of 7 years - the percentage of sick leave is 80% of the average employee earnings.

Based on the foregoing, the payment of a sheet of temporary disability directly depends on the length of service and employee earnings, and each person can independently calculate the approximate amount of the benefit.

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