Every working person should have a work book. From time to time, people need a copy of it, and the quite relevant question arises of how to certify a copy of the work book.
A work book is a document in which, in addition to the personal information of a citizen, information about the person’s work places is indicated.
When receiving, the order number must be indicated, on the basis of which the employee is received, and his position and the full name of the organization are noted.
In addition to the places, the work book may contain special notes in the column on work if a citizen, on the basis of a sentence, is forbidden to engage in main activities (for example, pedagogical). This is necessary so that upon admission a person could not deceive the personnel department by not mentioning the verdict against him.
Rewards and awards are also indicated. However, a certified copy of the work book, the photo of which is located below, should not contain this information.
Thus, this document is the main one for a citizen, which contains all the information about all the places where a person has ever worked, as well as the content of his activities.
Where to certify a copy of the work book?
If a working citizen needs a copied version, he needs to contact the personnel service, since this document is stored in this unit of the enterprise for the entire period of working activity. A book is never handed out in the hands, but a copy is made.
An employee of the personnel department should approach this issue very carefully, since any, even the simplest mistake in affixing seals and signatures to copies can result in a citizen being denied any services or benefits that require a certified copy labor book.
How do HR officers do this?
All sheets are copied on a conventional copying tool, it is desirable that there are no black bars on the paper and all data is clearly visible. Each of the pages is copied on a separate sheet, and then they are all stapled together, as a rule.
Usually only information that is relevant to the job is required. Promotions and penalties, as well as other information indicated on pages starting from the 23rd, are not copied.
On each page of the copied material, an employee of the personnel department authorized to perform such actions must put a date, a seal with the words “copy is correct”, the stamp of the organization, his position and signature.
Validity period
A copy of the work book, certified by the employer, is valid as a document within 30 days from the date of issue. All clearance operations should be carried out in the presence of the employee who needs this copy. Extradition is based on the application of the employee, and the employer in the person of the head, chief accountant or employee of the personnel department is required to submit the requested document within three days completely free of charge.
It must be borne in mind that for a working citizen, the question of how to certify a copy of the work book should not arise at all, since by law no one has the right to certify this document, except for the above persons.
Reasons for getting
You need a copy of this document, which is the second most important after the passport, can for anything. This can be a passport and a loan.If a person wants to get a second part-time job and he needs to confirm his employment, a copy is simply necessary.
In addition, they often require a copy in the social security authorities to assign benefits or benefits to the child's parents or just to certain categories of citizens.
Why else need a copy?
In addition to the indicated reasons for receiving the document, one can also note the need for availability of information about work in case of loss of the work book. Unfortunately, this often happens, and it is impossible to restore all information about employers, especially if they are already disbanded as legal entities. A certified copy of the work book, a sample of which is presented in the article, moreover, if it is signed by the previous employer or notary, will help the citizen in the hard work of restoring information.
At the notary
Certification of a copy of a work book in a notary's office is not easy if this document has corrections (especially for women due to a change of surname), inaccuracies, and ordinary blots. Not every specialist in this profile will undertake to certify a document that is imperfect in this regard.
However, with the right approach, initially to the content of the labor from both the owner and the personnel department, you can get a document such as a certified copy of the work book.
The sample filling is usually located in the office of the personnel department. It is only necessary, upon receipt at the next dismissal, to look at the document for inaccuracies, blots and other marks, which can then negatively affect a person's life situation.
In this case, a copy is already made independently by the citizen and, together with the original, is provided for certification to a notary at the place of residence or simply in his region.
How is a copy certified?
The procedure is the usual affixing of a seal and signature, as well as the entry by a specialist of information about this action in a special book.
The cost of certifying a copy of a document varies in different regions and depends on the number of sheets or on other circumstances provided for by a particular notary.
It is worth noting that a copy of the work book, notarized, has a validity period of 30 days, not 30 days. The only moment when a copy becomes invalid, that is, loses its legal force, is the introduction of new entries into the book. In this case, you will have to draw up the document again from the same specialist or from the employer.
How to certify a copy of the work book to the unemployed?
It is also worth mentioning that citizens who do not work, but are registered with the local Employment Center, have the full right to do and certify all documents, no one restricts them from this. How to certify a copy of the work book can be obtained from a specialist of this organization. This can be any authorized person, most often a leader. Also put down the necessary details can and service employees.
It is assumed that in this case, citizens should bring copies of their book already made in accordance with all the rules. This is due to the fact that specialists do not always have enough time to carry out such actions. In addition, the unemployed person’s work book is always with him, so making copies will be quite easy.