Our country remains the territory of summer residents. Someone contains personal plots for pleasure. After all, nothing affects a person so beneficially as working with the land and caring for green plants. And for some, the presence of a vegetable garden or garden is a source of food.
Many people nowadays do business on this. Growing seedlings for sale is one of the most profitable articles of this venture. Why is it profitable? No need to take care of plants all summer, and then sometimes pick the worst crop and bring it to the market, where there is high competition. As a rule, it takes about two months to grow seedlings. And the costs are minimal. This is mainly the cost of seeds and land material.
What to grow for sale?
Someone prefers to take care of capricious and whimsical seedlings of plants for their garden. And someone will just go to the market and buy it. But before a person who decided to make money on the cultivation and subsequent sale of a particular crop, the question always arises: what is profitable to grow for sale?
As a rule, the most popular spring is seedlings of peppers, early cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplant. A little later, the sale of young seedlings of cabbage will go. Then you can take strawberry mustache to the market. In addition, no special costs are required for this. Along the way, the implementation of flower seedlings is carried out. Growing roses - this is one of the most profitable cases from among these.
You can also engage in the cultivation of medicinal plants in your area, of course, of those that are not found in the wild in your region. Growing greens for sale is a good alternative to these types of jobs.
Growing seedlings. What is required?
Where to start a business in growing and selling seedlings? Initial capital is required. Its size depends on the size of the proposed event. So, if a small production is planned, then a small amount will be sufficient. You need to buy land in bags, plastic containers and seeds. Perhaps over time, fertilizers will be needed for seedlings.
If you plan to deliver the business on a large scale, then you should think about the costs of a good greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate (film possible), high-quality varietal seeds, heating system and electricity (in some cases). Plus, you need to add that you need to have your own car in order to transport seedlings for sale to shops or local markets.
Flower business
Summer residents in our time are not limited only to the cultivation of vegetables and berries in their plots. Many of them like to ennoble the space around the garden house, planting flower beds with flowers and decorative grass. That's just growing seedlings for this is a very troublesome business. It is much easier to get it on the market and plant it on your site. Thus, a flower seedling business is a very profitable business. The most popular here are the following species: roses, petunia, daisies, carnations, asters, pansies, left-handed and others.
The cultivation of flower seedlings can be organized both on closed balconies in sowing boxes, and in greenhouses and greenhouses. The earthen mixture for this should consist of sand and sod land. Their ratio is 1: 3, respectively. It’s good to add some humus or peat here. To plant the seeds of most types of flowers you need in March. The main care here is abundant regular watering and loosening of the soil.
Growing roses
Seedlings of any flowers are a hot commodity in the spring in markets and flower shops. What do people here most often ask? What kind of flowers is the most expensive? Rose planting material is in high demand among the population. These flowers are the most expensive from the list of similar plants. They propagate by cuttings (often climbing species), layering and root offspring.
It is immediately worth noting that you can trade in such planting material as well as adult plants. After all, a bouquet of roses to this day remains the most desired floral gift for any woman. It is worth recognizing that growing flowers for sale in a greenhouse is a labor-intensive business that takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, roses are moody, they are demanding care. But all the efforts and costs will more than pay off. Here you will need the following: a good heated greenhouse, a fertile land mixture (in sufficient quantity), special flower fertilizers, manure, humus, drugs against diseases and harmful insects. As a rule, roses are planted in a greenhouse in January.
But at the same time, it is worth considering that there will be additional costs for re-registration. But when landing in March and later. This cost item will disappear, because at this time daylight hours are significantly increased. Humidity in the greenhouse should be about 70%, air temperature during the day +22 aboutC. Watering should be plentiful, loosening the soil regularly.
Growing petunia for sale
What else is profitable to sell in flower shops? Many gardeners are in a hurry to buy seedlings of petunia. After all, these are beautiful flowers that do not require intensive care. At the same time, they delight the eye with their beautiful "outfit" for a very long time. Growing flowers at home is an expensive business, requiring a lot of money to purchase a greenhouse, seeds and a mixture of earth.
But not in our case. After all, these plants are unpretentious. The main thing that they require is abundant watering and good illumination. Petunia seeds can be planted in sowing boxes or pots. The earthen mixture should consist of humus, sod land, peat and sand. Here you can save money by not buying ready-made soil in the store. From autumn, it is necessary to stock up on garden soil, mix it with humus and sand.
Sowing in boxes should be frequent. After the appearance of the first leaf, the plants dive, that is, cut. Abundant watering is required. Fertilizing with fertilizers is recommended, but you can do without it, because petunia is quite unpretentious. Sowing is carried out, as a rule, in late February or early March.
Medicinal plants
What else can you cultivate in your greenhouse or on your balcony for sale? Here you can consider the cultivation of medicinal plants. As a business, this can be quite a profitable business. Ginseng, ginkgo biloba, eleutherococcus, pine forest, eyebright, Tibetan lofant and many other medicinal herbs and shrubs can grow on your site. Their implementation can be carried out in the following form:
- sales to pharmaceutical companies as raw materials;
- sale of medicinal plants in pots to the population (Kalanchoe, golden mustache, aloe and so on);
- actually organized production of various cosmetic and medicinal infusions and fees with subsequent implementation.
Greens for sale
Growing seedlings for sale is, undoubtedly, a profitable business. But the profit that it brings is unstable and depends on the season. But fresh greens to our table, we always fit. True, business here can only be done on its cultivation in the cold season. Indeed, in the summer, few will buy dill, green onions and parsley. But in autumn, winter and early spring, greens are in high demand among the population.
And it costs a lot at this time of year. For its cultivation all the same components will be required: pots or sowing boxes, good soil mix, high-quality seeds, fertilizers.Good lighting, regular watering and loosening are important. Greens can be planted in the garden and seedlings, for example, celery. It costs a lot in the market. You need to do this as follows:
- We germinate celery seeds (so they sprout faster).
- Dry them a little and mix with a little dry sand.
- Plant the seeds in prepared moistened soil in sowing boxes to a depth of 0.5 cm in the grooves. Do it in the first half of March. After sowing, cover the boxes with glass.
- Then carry out watering (preferably with a spray gun).
- After the first leaf appears, seedlings are dived.
Business selling strawberry mustache
You can trade not only vegetable seedlings. Our gardeners are in great demand with strawberry planting material, which, as you know, most often propagated by a mustache. The most important thing here is a good variety, resistant to diseases and giving a good harvest. This is perhaps one of the least costly cases. Indeed, in order to engage in the implementation of this planting material, you do not need to spend money and effort on growing plants. It is only necessary to select good young outlets. The only thing that will have to be spent earlier is the purchase of a high-yielding strawberry variety. It is easy to calculate how much profit such a business can bring.
Growing vegetable seedlings
Many thermophilic cultures that we love, such as peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, do not have time to grow and ripen in a short summer in our strip. So many gardeners either have to plant the seeds themselves in pots in early spring, or purchase them on the market. The latter option, by the way, is increasingly used by our homeowner owners. If you try, you can make a good business with seedlings of these vegetables.
What is needed for this? First of all, a large greenhouse. There is also a simplified option - growing seedlings at home. Here, first of all, you need to guess with the timing of seeding. After all, the most common mistake is the early sowing of seeds of greenhouse crops. As a result, you will have to bring the sprouted elongated seedlings to the market, where they are unlikely to buy it. And a lot of time, effort and money was spent on its cultivation. The second point to consider is the quality of the seeds.
Many people prefer to buy hybrid varieties of tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. And it is right. After all, as a rule, they have good characteristics, and seedlings from them will be strong. Another thing is that you can not then use their fruits to obtain seeds. The next generation of plants will be weak. But this is information for gardeners who bought such seedlings. To start sowing seeds, you can start in one container, and after germination, it would be advisable to plant them in separate pots. Frequent watering with warm water and top dressing are required.
The implementation process in dynamics
Crowded at stalls with seedlings and seeds becomes in April and May. At this time, as a rule, there is no crowding here. The offer is great, the competition is high. But demand is also not far behind in terms of its performance. Many gardeners prefer not to bother with growing seedlings in the spring, but to buy it on the market. April is the peak of this type of small business. At this time, seedlings of flowers, peppers, early cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants are sold. But a little later comes the time of seedlings of cabbage.
In May, as a rule, market activity decreases. By the end of the month, all major garden crops will be planted. June, July - time for the sale of flower seedlings. Growing flowers for sale in a greenhouse with us is also very profitable. Many summer residents seek not only to get a good harvest from their site, but also to ennoble its appearance. September is the time for the sale of seeds of bulbous plants, for example, tulips.
How to sell? Some recommendations
Of course, advice on growing good seedlings is important, but those who wish to sell it profitably will also benefit from offers for its sale.The recommendations are as follows:
- In large cities, especially in Moscow, as a rule, seed prices are high. Therefore, in order to profitably purchase them, it is worth moving 100-200 kilometers from the metropolis. On the periphery, planting material is several orders of magnitude cheaper.
- It is worth taking care of buying seeds in advance. The best time for this is January. Then, prices for planting material will creep up sharply.
- In advance, you need to take care of all the necessary documents for the sale of products. Every self-respecting seedling seller must have a phytosanitary certificate. Without its presence during the inspection carried out by SES, your tray will be closed instantly. Such certificates can be purchased at the district veterinary inspection. Large farms that sell seeds often give them along with products.
Growing seedlings for sale is, without a doubt, a profitable business, especially if it is organized in a large way. Therefore, if you want to take them seriously, you should know that the payback period is 3-4 years. That is, he will not bring the quick desired profit. But with a competent approach and patience of a novice entrepreneur, he will become a stable profitable business.
Quality seeds are the key to good seedlings
The main thing in the business of growing and selling green plants is high-quality planting material. Cases of non-germination of seeds are very common. Therefore, trust should only be trusted suppliers, which, if necessary, can make a claim. When buying seeds on the market, novice businessmen are at great risk of remaining at zero.
How to grow seedlings of cabbage
As you know, growing cabbage seedlings is a rather troublesome affair. Not everyone at home has the opportunity to place boxes with plants. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to buy ready-made young shoots in the market. Many buyers of such products complain that they get stunted plants, which then take root poorly when they are planted in the ground.
And what is necessary in order to grow good strong seedlings of cabbage? Firstly, you should correctly approach the choice of seeds. The most popular varieties of white cabbage are, as a rule, the following: “Glory”, “Moscow Late”, “Kolobok”, “Belorusskaya” and others. Secondly, it is not necessary to plant seedlings at home in boxes. You can do it right in the garden. We plant seeds in the ground, after digging and fertilizing the ground with wood ash.
The area for this will be small. It will be enough 1-2 square meters. The best predecessors for cabbage: cucumber, potatoes, legumes. Then we cover the seeds with a film until germination. As soon as they germinate, set the arcs. We put the film on top of them. Further, abundant watering is required - cabbage loves water. It also requires top dressing, loosening the soil and thinning seedlings.
We examined what plants can be cultivated in early spring on closed balconies and in greenhouses, and came to the conclusion that growing seedlings for sale with patience and certain efforts can be a good profitable business.