Blood pressure measurement is a procedure many resort to. Some according to indications, some with a preventive purpose. A blood pressure monitor is used to measure blood pressure. How to choose a device and what to look for when buying, will be described below.
Blood pressure
How to choose blood pressure monitors? First you need to find out what it is - blood pressure. Then you need to determine the type of device and technical characteristics. It will be useful to compare the cost of such devices from different manufacturers. But first things first. First, a little theory.
Blood pressure is the pressure that blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels. This is one of the most important signs of life. With the help of tonometers, blood pressure (BP) is measured, but there is also venous, capillary and intracardiac. We are interested in the first option.
Arterial pressure
This is one of the most important characteristics that characterize the work of the entire circulatory system. It is determined by the volume of blood that the heart pumps over per unit of time, and the resistance provided by the vascular bed.
Systolic blood pressure (upper number) indicates the force of pressure in the arteries, when the heart, compressing, ejects blood into the arteries. Depends on the strength of the contraction of the heart muscle.
Diastolic blood pressure (lower number) indicates the pressure in the arteries at the time of maximum relaxation of the heart. This indicator reflects the magnitude of the resistance of peripheral vessels.
When the theory is over, we can proceed to consider the question posed in the title of the article.
A wide range is not always good
The pressure measuring device can be either mechanical or electronic, both automatic and semi-automatic, with a cuff worn on the wrist or shoulder, and even mercury. Finding out which tonometer is better is not easy. Dozens of models from various manufacturers and at completely different prices are on the market. How to choose a tonometer from all this abundance?
You need to start with simple questions.
As a rule, when buying a particular device, people pay attention to its functionality, cost, technical specifications, customer reviews in the end. And based on the information received, they decide whether the thing suits them or not. In our case, the selection criteria are as follows:
- Frequency of operation. If you have to constantly monitor the pressure, measure it every day, it is preferable to buy an automatic device.
- Age. You can choose a wrist tonometer for young people. Older people should opt for an automatic device with a cuff on the shoulder.
- The presence of diseases of the heart or blood vessels. If any, it is worth choosing a tonometer with an additional function for the diagnosis of arrhythmia.
- Price range. Mechanical models are the cheapest and most accurate, semi-automatic cheaper than “automatic machines”. But the latter have a number of additional functions that give them an advantage over the two previous types.
Having examined each item in detail, it will be possible to determine the main question: "How to choose a tonometer?"
Varieties. Mechanical apparatus
Although the mechanical tonometer is the progenitor of modern devices, it still continues to be widely used today. The kit includes a pear, a manometer with a phonendoscope and a shoulder cuff. As for filling the latter, the air inside it is pumped mechanically, using a supercharger.
Such a tonometer has a higher measurement accuracy, but for older people this is not the best choice: their hearing is weak and does not always allow us to distinguish the signals emitted by the device. The cost of mechanical units is not so high, and at the same time they are quite reliable. But in order to measure the pressure with its help, a person who knows how to handle a phonendoscope is required.
Automatic devices
Automatic blood pressure monitor - the best option for the elderly. It is convenient to use and does not respond to a variety of external factors. How to choose an automatic tonometer? The kit includes an electronic unit and a cuff. The compressor itself will bring the air pressure to the required level and then gradually begin to reduce it. The electronic "filling" of the device will record at this time data on the characteristics of the pulse wave, which provide sensitive sensors inside the cuff.
At the end of the procedure, information on the pulse rate, diastolic and systolic pressure will appear on the display of the device. Everything is extremely simple. But it should be remembered that automatic blood pressure monitors are highly sensitive, and an irregular heart rate can interfere with accurate pressure measurement. In this case, people suffering from arrhythmia should acquire a special model.
Semi-automatic blood pressure monitor
Before the developers were able to present to the public fully automatic devices, the market was flooded with semiautomatic devices. In them, air is manually pumped into the cuff, but the reading and processing of sound information is carried out by the electronics integrated in the unit body. How to choose a semi-automatic tonometer? You should know that this type is less energy-intensive in comparison with automation, since there are no electric motors. The advantages of this variety are accessibility and ease of use. This is a great option for giving or traveling.
How to choose a tonometer on your wrist?
This version of the device can be put on your hand, like a watch. This option is perfect for a person up to forty years old who has no cardiovascular disease. Athletes often use such tonometers to monitor blood pressure and heart rate during training.
There are models on the market that measure blood pressure on a finger. These are the least accurate of tonometers. Therefore, they should not be used by people with heart problems.
So, how to choose a tonometer?
When buying, in addition to such a criterion as the type of device, you must pay attention to the type of cuff, the stability of the measurement results, the ability to connect to an electrical network and to a computer, memory, warranty period and various additional "chips".
Important Nuances
Now let's look at the above question in terms of the age of the potential consumer. To begin with, we will discuss how to choose a tonometer for an elderly person.
For people of age, it is recommended to choose a device with a shoulder cuff. In the region of the forearm, the blood vessels are much better expressed, sharper, therefore, the blood flow and pulse are more easily distinguishable. Preference should be given to automatic models, so that when pumping the cuff with a pear, blood pressure does not increase (as is the case with a mechanical or semi-automatic unit).
Which tonometer is best for pregnant women? A special type of device has been developed for this category of patients. Such a tonometer in the early stages can reveal a tendency to preeclampsia (toxicosis during pregnancy).
There are models with a special children's cuff designed to measure pressure in children.
Of course, there are many varieties of the devices we are considering, and it is difficult for an ignorant person to understand all the tricks of technology. Therefore, before you make a purchase, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist in a pharmacy. They know better than others the features of a particular unit and will be able to suggest how to choose a tonometer that best meets your needs.Indeed, various factors, primarily those related to health, influence the functionality of the device and the effectiveness of the result it produces.
Blood vessels in people with atherosclerosis become harder. It is for this reason, due to a weaker signal, errors in the measurement of pressure can be observed. Tachycardia can also cause distorted results. Which tonometer to choose? It is better for people with such diseases to purchase special devices that independently perform a triple measurement of pressure and themselves display an average indicator.
Some models of tonometers are equipped with an indicator that signals the presence of arrhythmias in humans.
And if an icon indicating this disease appears on the liquid crystal display, then another measurement of blood pressure should be performed.
If a person has a weak pulse, how to choose a tonometer? It is worth stopping at a mechanical version or an automatic one, but with a system of intelligent logic.
She will be able to choose the optimal calculation formula, which will allow you to correctly measure the pressure even with an irregular and weak pulse by calculating the average value.
With a large circumference of the shoulder, it is worth choosing a device with a special cuff or with one that is worn on the wrist.
When using an “automatic machine”, sometimes indicators should be compared with the results of measurements made by a doctor using a conventional medical tonometer.
When making a purchase, you should also ensure that the warranty card is issued and correctly filled out. It should indicate the serial number and model, as well as the date of sale. Both the buyer and seller must sign this document. With a correctly filled out coupon, you can always get warranty service at an authorized center when the tonometer fails or you need to purchase or replace a part, an extra cuff, for example. The address of the service center must also be indicated in the document.
Another point to pay attention to when answering the question of how to choose an automatic tonometer: when buying a battery-powered device, you should buy high-quality batteries. Conventional batteries, which are supplied by the manufacturer with the device, will be enough for a short time. And when using the device with discharged batteries, you should not expect the right result. The degree of charge is shown on the display.
Pressure measurement: recommendations
A pressure measurement should be carried out in a comfortable and calm environment. One hour before the procedure, you should refuse to eat, for 1.5-2 hours - from cigarettes and alcohol or other tonic drinks.
The cuff should be located on the left arm, in the forearm, at the level of the heart. Air is pumped up until its pressure exceeds the expected systolic (upper) blood pressure in the patient. Then you need to attach a stethoscope to the inner surface of the elbow and begin to bleed air from the cuff. This usually takes a few seconds. When the air pressure equals systolic, a pulsation will be heard in the stethoscope (Korotkov tones). At the moment when it disappears (in children, it sharply weakens), diastolic blood pressure is displayed.
The accuracy of the measurement depends on how quickly the air pressure in the cuff drops. That is why it is recommended to lower it slowly.
The automatic wrist tonometer is put on so that the device’s body is located on the wrist, and the cuff is fastened on top of the arm. The position is the opposite of that of a conventional wristwatch.
Today, small automatic blood pressure monitors are put on the wrist and allow you to measure blood pressure on the radial artery running in the wrist joint. Their principle of operation is similar to that described above. But the accuracy is an order of magnitude lower, since the artery is small, and the blood pressure is lower, therefore, the pulse is also less.When measuring, it should be remembered that the wrist with the device should be kept at the level of the heart, since lowering the hand by only ten centimeters, you can get an error within 8 mmHg. Art. There is an alternative option - a prone position.
Of course, such a tonometer is not entirely accurate, but it is very convenient to use, since its use is available in any conditions and does not require special skills.
Nowadays, the tonometer is not just a device that serves to measure blood pressure. It may indicate the presence of both arterial hypertension and other diseases. For example, certain technologies make it possible to identify the initial stage of arrhythmia and measure pressure in an unstable heartbeat without any error.
Manufacturing companies
On the windows of pharmacies and specialized stores are products of A&D (aka AND), Tensoval, Panasonic, Omron, Nissei, MicroLife, Little Doctor, Citizen, Beurer, B.Well. Which tonometer is better? Which manufacturer should you choose? The following points will help determine the answer.
Tonometer rating and customer reviews
Most people, before making a purchase, consult with friends and neighbors, study information on specialized resources. How to choose a tonometer? Customer reviews and tests have identified the following models.
Concerning result stability, OMRON products showed excellent results. Consumers note that the M6 model, which is able to control the quality of measurement, determine arrhythmia and notice even the slightest hand movement, is very good.
Memory. Judging by the reviews, it is better to choose a Microlife BP 3AC1-1 or Nissei DS-1862. They have all the memory divided into special blocks (banks), and therefore, the results can be stored in different cells, which is convenient when several people use the tonometer.
Common functions. A consumer survey showed that Nissei DS-1862 had the best results. It has a large memory, a comfortable cuff and a nice price.
An important criterion is service availability. People note that it is easiest to get through to Nissei's service centers, whose employees are helpful, competent and polite. Also good results at the OMRON service centers. It is more difficult to get through to Microlife SC.
The best packaging. As it turned out, such a trifle can be important. Consumers are almost unanimous in their opinion: the best here are the Microlife and OMRON tonometers. Their products are supplied with a bag for storing the device.
the same with AND UA888 - the compressor also stopped pumping although it buzzes. It seems like he worked for about 4 years, but his father used it less often than Omron.
and also quite quickly some semiautomatic device, which was presented to his father on “an elderly man’s day”, died .. and he doesn’t have a compressor, there’s nothing to break, but he just stopped measuring anything at all in the process of releasing pressure from the cuff ...
Now we’ll think which tonometer to take. you will find Soviet mechanical figs now, and measuring them is not particularly’s only strange that no one is testing the reliability of the tonometers (unlike all smartphones and other gadget nonsense, it’s recommended that you look at the packaging of tonometers above, and all kinds of handbags are nonsense ..) and you won’t even find reviews anywhere. For the whole runet only here there are some reviews ..