
How to choose a baby monitor? Which is better: baby monitor or baby monitor?

In the life of modern man, technology plays a significant role. Various devices and devices help to facilitate the existence and solve a huge number of pressing issues. He touched on technological progress and the problems of childcare, inviting parents to easily control their recently born offspring.

What is a baby monitor?

Modern manufacturers offer a wireless device that allows communication between the baby and mother. It consists of two blocks. One is the transmitter and the other is the receiver.

how to choose a baby monitor

The transmitter is a baby unit. The device installed next to the baby picks up all the sounds it makes. All of them are transmitted using radio waves to the receiver, which is the parent unit. A good baby monitor is so sensitive that a mother who is at a distance of one and a half to three meters from her child can hear the baby tossing and turning, yawning, hiccuping and coughing, groaning and sneezing. By the time the child finally wakes up and cries, the parents will be there.

Sound mode

How to choose a baby monitor so that it allows you to most effectively control the baby? First of all, you should carefully study the technical characteristics of the models on the market. It is worth mentioning that, as a rule, baby monitors are equipped with several observation modes. The main one is sound. The parent unit is in most cases equipped with a regulator. It allows you to either reduce or completely mute the sound. At the same time, control over the baby continues in the light mode. In this case, at the slightest sound in the children's room, a special indicator lights up on the parent unit.

baby monitor reviews

How to choose a baby monitor with this feature? Pay attention to models that are equipped with several similar bulbs. Their inclusion indicates the sound volume. The stronger the baby cries, the more bulbs light up on the parent unit.

Notification system

Very convenient models, in the receiver of which a special clip is provided. It allows you to attach the parent unit to clothes or wear the device on a strap like a watch. A useful feature of the baby monitor is the vibration alert mode.

Some mothers often use different features of the device at the same time. They are afraid to miss the signal given by their baby.

How to choose a baby monitor over the communication system? It is worth saying that in the device it can be either unilateral or bilateral. In the first version, the mother only listens to her child. If the purpose of acquiring such a baby monitor is solely control of the sleeping baby, then such a device will do just fine.

Two-way communication allows the device to work in the "intercom" mode. In this case, the mother hears the baby and can answer him. The device with such an opportunity will allow the use of a baby monitor for an older child. In this case, the device becomes an interesting children's toy or walkie-talkie, with which family members can communicate not only within the walls of their home, but also for a walk in the woods, in the country, etc.

Radius of action

Another characteristic of the device is the maximum distance that is possible between the blocks. How to choose a baby monitor by the specified parameter? Stable audio reception varies by model. Typically, the average maximum distance is from one hundred to one hundred and fifty meters. In this case, the choice of device will depend on the place of its use.For a city apartment, 30-50 meters is enough.

But if you plan to take the baby monitor to the country house or to a country house, then it is much better if the device’s action extends to the greatest possible distance, which can be from 300 to 400 m. When buying a device, keep in mind that all the above numbers apply only in relation to open space. Indoors, they are much smaller, due to the mass of obstacles that are encountered in the path of radio waves. These are walls, and communications laid in them, and furniture. Operational home appliances also have an effect on radio waves. Communication of the baby monitor is constantly checked. If the mother is outside the reception area, an alarm will sound on the parent unit.

Types of appliances

Depending on what technologies are used in the transmission and reception of sound, there may be a digital and analog baby monitor. Which one to choose? As for the analog signal, its transmission is carried out in the clear. In this regard, it is more exposed to various interference. Digital baby monitors have a high level of sound transmission. Such a device is equipped with an impressive number of channels for tuning, and provides reliable reception.

which baby monitor to choose

If you do not know how to choose a baby monitor, user reviews of this device will help you determine the appropriate model. If you decide to purchase a two-way device, then parents who have already bought it are advised to opt for a digital model. Thanks to the high sound quality, she will transmit the voice of her parents without any distortion.

Battery or battery?

The next technical characteristic that you should pay attention to when buying is the power source of the device. There are models of audio surveillance systems that can operate on rechargeable batteries, as well as on batteries. Of course, other baby monitors are also produced. They are able to work only from the network. However, in this case, the mother is deprived of mobility and forced to be only near the outlet.

There are models that use only batteries. This is also not very convenient, since these power sources are very fast. Very comfortable in this regard are devices that are equipped with a mode that saves the energy of batteries. Such a baby monitor “falls asleep” if no sounds are heard in the children's room for a long time. However, as soon as the baby makes a sound, the device is immediately activated and will transmit a signal to the parents.

When to recharge?

Parents who have purchased a control device for their children should not worry about the batteries or the battery draining unnoticed. The sound transmission and reception unit is equipped with special indicators. Their function includes confirmation of connecting the device to a power source. When the battery condition is close to discharge, the indicator lamps change color. There are models that are able in this case to issue an alarm on the parent unit.

Additional features

The need to purchase a device equipped with a number of useful functions should be determined only by parents. For example, a children's block at the same time as performing its main task can play the role of a night lamp. In it, the light turns on automatically when the baby cries, and then independently turns off when there is silence. Especially beautiful in this case are children's blocks in the form of toy figures of a bear, a bunny, etc.

There are models of baby monitors, in the transmitter of which is a built-in night projector. This device is capable of projecting various light images onto the ceiling. The baby, lying in the crib, will watch the luminous pictures or starry sky. This feature has the baby monitor Philips and Dreams House.

Some models of transmitting audio systems are equipped with a music box function. This will certainly entertain your baby. Children's block will play tunes.It is also possible to reproduce the sounds of nature. Depending on the model, the number of melodies ranges from one to ten. Music, like a nightlight, turns on automatically from the crying of the child, allowing him to quickly get rid of tears. Some Philips-Avent models are equipped with this feature. The baby monitor of this famous company is not only thoughtful and reliable, but also very high quality. It is very convenient if the baby monitor allows you to control these additional functions from the parent unit.

The receiver of the device can be equipped with a digital clock with a timer, stopwatch and alarm clock. Such a baby monitor will “tell” mom when it’s time to feed the baby or give him medicine.

There is another useful feature that can be found in some models. This is a built-in digital room thermometer that is located in the transmitter. He will show mom how comfortable the temperature is in the room where the baby sleeps. This function has the baby monitor Tomy, Philips SKM and some others.


Before use, the baby monitor is set to a specific frequency mode. At the same time, it should be the same both at the transmitter and at the receiver. To achieve the highest sound quality, the microphone on the children's unit should be directed towards the baby.


The device should be located from a child at a distance of one to one and a half meters. In order not to hurt the baby, the device should not be put in a crib.

how to choose baby monitor reviews

As for radio frequencies and electromagnetic radiation, they are insignificant in the device, therefore, they do not affect the baby’s health in any way. This is confirmed. hygienic certificates.

The cost of the device

The most affordable baby monitors range from 1200 to 2500 rubles. These are models from brands such as Minder, Maman, Iniania and Care. Such baby monitors are one-way analog and have various sets of additional features.

At a higher price category are devices of brands such as Brevi and Chicco. On average, the price of a one-sided base model ranges from 2800 to 3200 rubles.

Widely represented on the market are Tomy baby monitors. Models equipped with one-way communication cost 2500-2800 rubles, but bilateral digital ones - 4100 rubles.

Popular among parents are Philips baby monitors. Analog basic models of this brand can be purchased for 2300-3500 rubles. Digital two-way devices, depending on the equipment with additional functions, will cost parents from 4000 to 7100 rubles.

Video calling

In modern devices designed to exercise control over the baby, in addition to sound, an image can also be transmitted. And then the following question arises for parents: “A video nanny or a baby monitor - what to choose?” Of course, a device transmitting an image is more convenient. It allows you to see the baby without looking once again into the room where he sleeps.

see switel

In this device, the children's unit is a miniature video camera with a built-in microphone. The parent receiver is a small monitor on the screen of which you can see the picture taken by the camera. The sounds made by the baby are heard thanks to the speakers located here. The maximum distance at which the device is able to work efficiently is in the range from ninety to one hundred and fifty meters (in the case of open space).

Inexpensive baby monitors, the cost of which is 4800 rubles, have a small area of ​​coverage. They transmit a black and white image to a stationary monitor at a distance of only up to fifty meters. However, such a baby monitor has its positive aspects. User reviews talk about the convenience of a large screen with a diagonal of up to five and a half inches. These models can subsequently be used as a small TV for a car, summer cottage or home, thanks to their antenna jack.

Is such a baby monitor easy to use for its main purpose? User reviews express a negative opinion about this device, because in order to step aside, mom will have to carry a 2.7 kg monitor with her.

Manufacturer's Suggestions

Choosing between a baby monitor and a baby monitor, you should consider more modern models of devices that can show your mom an image. In this case, it is worth considering all the additional features and cost of the devices, and then draw the final conclusions for yourself.

For example, Motorola is a video nanny with:
- small sized monitor (1.5 inches);
- menu in Russian;
- digital information transfer system;
- a thermometer built into the children's block;
- the receiving device is equipped with a melody playback function;
- the communication radius in an open area is two hundred meters;
- the camera is able to "see" even in the dark;
- A system that turns off sound and image to save energy.

When choosing a baby monitor you should pay attention to the Swiss high-quality device brand Switel. This device is capable of operating at a distance of three hundred meters. It is equipped with an 8.9 cm diagonal display. The Switel baby monitor is digital. The device suppresses noise, which contributes to the stable reception of sound and image. It features feedback, night vision, a feeding timer and a thermometer.

Any device designed to control the baby is good in its own way. Of course, the choice always remains with the buyer, who prefers a quality product that has a reasonable price.

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