Any sane person wants to be financially independent. Moreover, the majority chooses not quite the right ways to achieve the goal.
Usually, striving for a brighter future comes down to the exhausting search for a well-paid job. This contradicts the fundamental principle of success, according to which a dream can be realized only if you devote all your time to it.
Thus, it is necessary to make a choice of several modes of existence. The first of them is not particularly attractive and consists in painstaking career advancement. The second way, such as working for oneself, seems too risky for some, but it has long been known: who does not take risks, does not drink champagne.
Character traits of a successful entrepreneur
Of course, owning a business is good, but you should not rush to leave your permanent job. First you need to check your character. It should have the following features:
- a responsibility;
- self-confidence;
- perseverance;
- purposefulness.
The list goes on and on, but without these 4 qualities it is simply impossible to become a successful entrepreneur, since to start working for yourself is to be prepared for any difficulties and obstacles that will get in your way.
If you decide to take such a step is very difficult, and doubts torment, then it is too early to start a business. In this case, it is better to do an in-depth study of the issue. This will help you gain confidence. Today, there are many seminars at which experienced businessmen talk about what a novice entrepreneur should know, etc. All received information must be rethought in its own way and only after that try to bring ideas to life.
Obstacles to know in advance
In Russia, there is a negative attitude towards entrepreneurship on the part of both the power structures and the general population. This can be explained by the fact that this phenomenon is relatively new for our country.
Many still have the Soviet ideology, according to which an entrepreneur is a person who receives income illegally. People just do not understand how to work honestly for themselves and still have a good house and car. In their opinion, one cannot live with dignity if one does not receive a salary.
Along with the abstract problem described above, the following very real administrative barriers exist:
- Complicated business registration procedure.
- Total control by many organs.
- Imperfection of the legislative framework.
- Cross-subsidization of individual industries.
- Bureaucracy.
Do not forget about the economic factors that impede the development of business in Russia. Chief among them are limited access to financial resources and the presence of monopolists on the market.
Common mistakes of beginning entrepreneurs
In order not to make your mistakes, you need to study strangers. In fact, most novice businessmen fail because of the most ridiculous miscalculations. They may be completely different in content, but all are the result of a lack of skills in conducting their own business.
The first place in the ranking of errors is rightfully occupied by the incorrect calculation of the funds necessary to launch the project.Oddly enough, inexperienced businessmen often invest more money than is required from them at the initial stage.
True, there are those who are trying to save money where this cannot be done.
The next most popular miscalculation is the early or, conversely, late launch of the project. For a successful start, it is very important to choose the right time.
The market needs to be prepared, an advertising campaign carried out, thereby creating pre-sale hype. In addition, the early opening of a business without appropriate marketing research leads to a complete lack of a customer base.
Who to seek help from?
The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of provisions, according to which everyone has the right to exercise their capabilities, which the state should contribute by all means. At one time, the concept of creating conditions for the favorable development of small and medium-sized businesses was even developed, which included the following points:
- Elimination of legal obstacles.
- Governmental support.
- Infrastructure development.
- Control over the activities of public authorities.
All this relates to the theoretical part. With regard to practice, today a number of projects are being implemented, thanks to which assistance is provided to novice entrepreneurs from the employment center.
Choice of field of activity
In order to find out what is profitable to do in a particular situation, it is necessary first of all to study the market, analyze the demand and supply. Since in small business there is a lot of competition, it is worth choosing a promising direction in which the least rivals are moving. At the same time, one should not try to occupy a niche located entirely on the outskirts of the financial world. Narrow specialization will also be beneficial only at the first stage of development.
The Russian economy is in a long process of reform, so it is very difficult to say what is profitable to do in such conditions. One thing can be stated with full confidence: in the near future, the country will gradually move from a raw material development model to a processing one.
In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize that there is no single pattern on which a successful business is built. No one can teach how to work for themselves. Most of these skills are acquired in practice. In addition, each of the successful entrepreneurs who talk about how to work for themselves, only conveys personal experience that is not suitable for everyone.
Of course, this does not mean that you should not listen to other people's advice. You can always draw information from friends, experts, and even competitors, rethink it, and only then apply it in your own business.
In order to conduct business in Russia, it is necessary to be able to circumvent various administrative and economic barriers. However, the situation is changing for the better, and in the future the market of our country may become one of the most attractive.