
How to restore the work book in case of loss?

Unfortunately, today every able-bodied person may face the problem of losing a work book. Moreover, the reasons for this annoying circumstance can be very diverse: ordinary carelessness, stealing a purse with documents, even a former employer can annoy in such an unpleasant form. In this regard, the question of how to restore the work book becomes paramount, since without this document it is impossible to officially get a job.

What is a work book?

It should be noted that this is a legacy that the Russians inherited from the era of the USSR. Membership fees, party tickets have sunk into oblivion, but no one has yet canceled the workbook in our country.

How to restore a work book

This document records all the labor activity of a person throughout the entire working age. And, of course, they will demand it for applying for a pension which in our country is one of the main sources of income. So, we will consider the question of how to restore the work book, in more detail.

Things to remember

Please note that the wording "Restoration of the work book" somewhat incorrect, since the above document will not be returned to you in its original form, but a duplicate will be issued. It will be recorded in it about which employers you previously worked for. It should be noted that now in the media you can easily find ads whose owners for a fee will “resurrect” a document where all your relations with employers are recorded. However, be careful, as such advertising is usually given by scammers and scammers.

How to recover a lost work book

We turn to the practical side of the question of how to restore the work book.

We pay a visit to the former boss

According to the law, as soon as you become aware of the loss of the above document, you must write a statement about it to your supervisor at the last job. However, many do not understand what to mean by “last job”. If a person has drawn up a labor agreement with a new boss and a few days after that he found out that his document has been lost, then the last place will be considered the organization led by his new boss. If the labor was lost during the period when the person was in the status of unemployed, then the problem should be solved with the last ex-leader.

Lost workbook how to recover

After you contact the employer in writing, he has 15 days to draw up a duplicate of a document that necessarily records data on continuous and general work experience, as well as on incentives that the employee received. To prove the overall experience, it is necessary to submit a certain list of documents. These include: labor agreements, employment orders, salary sheets, an extract from an individual personal account (SZI-5 form), information on a person’s work experience until registration in the mandatory pension insurance system (SZV-K form), and others Help.

Please note that the total length of service in the copy of labor is recorded in total, in other words, the total number of days, months, years of work is fixed without specifying the positions, periods of work and the names of the employing organizations.

How to recover a lost work book

The above option is one of the most common ways to resolve the issue of how to restore the work book.

What to do if the document is damaged

In life, it often happens that a work book breaks, gets dirty, burns.As they say, nothing lasts forever under the moon. How can I restore the work book in this case? And here the law allows the employee to demand the issuance of a duplicate. However, there is one “but.” In the last version of the problem, all available information from the damaged book will be transferred to a duplicate. What to read is not possible, the employer must again prove documented. In an unsuitable document, the inscription is placed on the first sheet: "a duplicate has been issued in return" and its number and series are fixed.

Document lost due to fault of employer

There may be cases when a document on the employee's seniority is lost through the fault of the employer. Unfortunately, enterprises often experience fires, floods, thefts and other emergencies.

How to restore the work book Ukraine

Even the usual negligence of the leadership can lead to the loss of documents. How to recover a lost work book? The law obliges the creation of a special commission, which includes employees of the labor collective, representatives of the trade union, employers and officials at the regional level of government.

And in this case, the experience will have to be confirmed by documents. If they can not be fully represented by the employee, then the testimonies of former work colleagues are used. Based on the results of the commission’s work, an act is drawn up where the employee’s position, length of service, periods of work are recorded. This document is the basis for being given a duplicate.

Loss of employer negligence

The question of how to restore a lost work book becomes doubly relevant when the document disappeared due to the negligence of the employer. In this case, the latter can be brought to administrative responsibility, and he will be required to pay a fine (legal entity - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles, entrepreneurs - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles). In some cases, a court may punish an employer by suspending it for up to three months. So you can safely go to the prosecutor’s office and the labor inspectorate, where they will always tell you how to restore the employee’s work book.

How can I restore my work book?

And be sure that such measures will awaken your employer’s guilt, which will speed up the process of searching or restoring a document. However, holding your superiors accountable does not remove the need to duplicate.

What to do if there is no opportunity to provide written evidence

Of course, no one is safe from the phrase: “I have lost my workbook, how to restore this document?” That is why experts recommend that employees independently monitor their workbooks, make copies of them, get acquainted with the records that are made by personnel officers, and verify their correctness.

How to recover a lost work book if there is no opportunity to submit written evidence confirming the existence of experience? This question is also acute for many. So what to do? There are two solutions to the problem. The first implies a situation where your last employer sends requests to all organizations in which you previously worked. After analyzing the documents sent for appointments, awards, the period of employment, the employee of the personnel department will restore the records in your labor, observing the chronology.

The second way to solve the problem is to go around all the organizations where the person worked. However, be prepared for the fact that some of the enterprises may be liquidated, and then the recovery process will be somewhat more complicated.

How to restore a work book to an employee

You will have to visit the archives, and in some cases - write a statement to the court establishing the legal fact that you really once worked as a staff member of an enterprise that ceased to exist. Here you will have to submit written evidence: contracts, orders, statements, sick leave, certificates.

You can contact the FIU and the courts

In order to confirm your work experience in writing, you can contact the local department of the Pension Fund with a request. This is done both personally and by post. As soon as the employees of the aforementioned body receive your appeal, they are given a ten-day period to issue you a certificate of employment history.

And, of course, no one takes away your right to restore a document through a court. However, be prepared for the fact that this method of solving the problem will take a lot of time.


Labor in paper form will exist for a long time. It will appear in electronic form only for those who officially began to work since 1998, when personal accounts were opened for the insured. In the meantime, there is no point in ignoring the question: “How to restore the work book?” Ukraine in this sense went even further: there a paper document is losing its relevance for those who started working after 2000.

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