
How to behave with collectors by phone and in a meeting: basic techniques, rules and recommendations

How to behave with collectors? This question is of interest to many citizens. In particular, due to the fact that collection companies are increasingly causing huge damage to the population in every sense: both property and moral. Such organizations often violate all the established frameworks of the law in order to achieve their goal, namely to knock debts out of debtors. Therefore, you have to constantly keep the defense. Especially if you have paid off the debt for a long time, but they still tyrannize you. So how to behave with collectors? What techniques can I use for self-defense?how to behave with collectors

Contract study

The first step is to study your loan agreement. This is a very important point, which is often overlooked by citizens. After all, it is he who is able to protect you from terrorization by collection companies.

Typically, credit agreements spell out items regarding the resale of household debts. If such sayings take place, then banks are able to transfer "knocking out" of debt to third parties. In Russia, collection companies are involved in this. When nothing of the kind is specified in the contract, it makes no sense to think about how to behave with collectors (at a meeting, and not only). After all, the bank will act illegally. It is enough to call your banking organization and inform that you will complain about their illegal acts. As a rule, after this, the collectors disappear by themselves.


But what if you really have a debt, and the contract provides for its resale to third parties? In such cases, you will have to develop a certain tactics of behavior and follow it without fail. Some rules can help if you go to court for protection.

How to behave with collectors by phone (and not only)? To begin with, keep in mind: they have every right to call you, but not in the evening. The same goes for meetings. Therefore, ignoring calls is clearly not worth it. Instead, use one little trick.how to behave with collectors on the phone

Namely, at the beginning of the dialogue, calmly ask your interlocutor to clarify with whom you have the honor to talk. This information must be given to you without fail. Do not forget to specify to which collection company your debt has been transferred. Write all the information on paper, then check the accuracy of what was said. If you have been deceived, you have every right to ignore calls from the other person.

How to conduct a conversation with collectors if you are refused to provide information about the caller? Silently hang up. You have every right to do so. Any collection company must necessarily provide debtors with information about employees. Concealment is unacceptable.

Calm and Snooping

A few more points that should be taken into account in any communication with collectors: firstly, keep calm, and secondly, monitor what you say and how you behave. No psychos, neuroses, tantrums and insults. Be discreet and cultured.how to behave with collectors

Why? Try to hold back, even if it costs you a lot of effort. After all, as a rule, collectors record all telephone conversations. Therefore, any rudeness or oversight may turn against you in the future. You have to constantly monitor the language.

Also, do not try to pity the employee of the collection company, it is useless.Rather, this behavior will only turn against you in the future. It turns out that our best friend when communicating with collectors is calm. And then self-control.


Do you have to communicate with collectors? How to behave correctly in a particular case? A good welcome, especially for a telephone conversation, is honesty. In particular, when the debt is not so big for you or you have lost solvency, but are trying to restore it with all your might.if collectors came how to behave

In this scenario, the best solution is to announce your intention to pay the debt. Honestly, for what reasons it arose, when and how much are going to pay off the payment. It is unlikely that you will be left behind, but if the conversations are recorded, then this will be a huge plus for you in court. Especially if you have any evidence of intent.


How to behave with collectors? If we are talking about a telephone conversation, then you can take advantage of another trick. It's about recording a conversation. A good option for those who have begun to threaten.

Record all phone calls from collection companies; keep calm when communicating. If you are threatened or directly told about property damage, do nothing. Let them continue to talk about it, in court this kind of evidence will be enough to discourage collectors from you. Most importantly, do not say that you are recording a conversation.how to behave with collectors when meeting

Help video

Well, what if collectors come? How to behave in this case? To begin with, remember: you have every right to not let an employee of a collection company into your apartment. But if nevertheless they let you in, in order to protect yourself, start filming what is happening. But so that the employee is not aware of this. Records will help you, if necessary, to assert your rights in court. It is advisable to use just video, not audio.

Self control and confidence

When you have to communicate with collectors, try all the time, even in person, to control yourself. Moreover, show self-confidence. And most importantly, do not be afraid.

As practice shows, collection companies often use a variety of psychological methods of influencing the human psyche in order to "knock out" debt. Do not succumb to provocations. Usually the most common tricks are threats against you. Do not show your fear, only self-confidence. If you additionally have evidence of unlawful actions by the collector, inform that you will go to court.how to talk with collectors

Usually, after such statements, the direction of the conversation changes dramatically: the threats disappear, they begin to speak with restraint and culturally. But there are exceptions. So, if your dialogue dragged on, you’ve already obtained enough evidence of misconduct, and insults and threats do not end, just get away from the conversation. At the same time, in a calm tone, inform that your conversation will lead to nothing and can last forever.


But the tactics of correct behavior do not end there. More and more often, citizens after talking with collectors turn to the courts. There you have to prove the illegality of the company, as well as its innocence. A good way to do this is to invite witnesses.

Thinking how to behave with collectors? If an employee of such a company came to you, just invite someone to your place. Let him be present during the conversation, no one can take this right from a citizen. And for the court, the presence of independent witnesses means additional proof of your words. It does not matter who it is, but, as practice shows, usually neighbors become unspoken participants in the conversation.

Anti-collectors and courts

If you do not know how to behave with the collectors at all, they tortured you, but you cannot defend yourself, you can simply contact an anti-collection company. Similar organizations are found in Russian cities more and more often. They will deal with issues of your protection from collectors.communication with collectors how to behave correctly

When no method has worked and you still continue to be intimidated, harassed, threatened, it is worth going to court and talking to collectors directly in the judiciary at a meeting. Extreme measure, but very effective in the presence of evidence of illegal behavior of collection companies. After such actions, they usually lag behind citizens with "knocking out" debts. Or they begin to act according to the law.

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