
How to return 13 percent for dental treatment: documents, deadlines

How to return 13 percent for dental treatment? Anyway, for getting this or that medical help? These questions are of interest to many citizens. Indeed, the registration of the so-called tax deduction is a very profitable procedure. Why not take advantage of government support if you can? Only this process has many features, subtleties and nuances. And if you do not take them into account, then a 13 percent return for dental treatment does not take place. You will simply be denied this service.

Who should

The first step is to find out who generally has the right to the so-called tax deduction. This item is extremely important. After all, not all citizens have a similar opportunity.how to return 13 percent for dental treatment

Receive tax deduction All able-bodied citizens can pay for treatment (teeth or simply for “correcting” their own health). But only if they have a taxable income. That is, all working or receiving money from the sale of property or as a result of entrepreneurial activity. This also includes pensioners.

Thus, a tax refund for treatment is possible only when you have income deductible from the respective deductions. Otherwise, you should not even think about our current issue.

The timing

Suppose we fall into the category of citizens who are tax deductible for treatment. Then you can safely collect all the necessary documents and wait for payment. What is the deadline?

In general, a tax deduction can be provided for 3 years from the date of receipt of a service. Only in practice, it is recommended not to “delay” this event. Already in the coming year, it is advisable to do paperwork. The sooner you start to think about how to return 13 percent for dental treatment, the better.

On average, the direct processing of your request and the transfer of money to the account takes about 4 months. So it is advisable to hurry with the collection of all necessary documents. In fact, it’s not so difficult to refund the treatment tax. What might come in handy? Where to apply for this service?

Where to go

Many citizens do not know where to return 13 percent for treatment. The answer here is extremely simple - in the same place where other tax deductions are made out. We are talking about tax authorities located in your city.treatment tax refund

More specifically, you will need to contact the tax office of your area. Where you are registered. Sometimes you can bring documents to the appropriate public authority at the place of your actual residence. But it is best to contact the tax at the registration. This will save you most problems and questions. How to return 13 percent for dental treatment and other medical care? What can be useful in this case?


The first thing that is required of every citizen is his identification card. And we are talking about both the original and a copy of the document. You can not reassure her. As a rule, an identity card means a civil passport. It is him who is obligatorily presented in tax authorities.

Do not be surprised if you refused to accept your request upon presentation of any other identification card. This is quite normal practice in Russia. So, first you need to prepare a passport. And after collecting other documents to apply for a tax deduction for dental treatment.


Go ahead. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a tax deduction is not a mandatory payment.It is provided by the state to citizens only upon request. That is, you need a statement of the established form.13 percent refund for dental treatment

It is filled in a single copy, no copies are needed. The application will have to indicate your personal data, as well as the reason for contacting the tax authorities. It says here that you need to make a deduction for dental treatment.

Another feature of writing an application is that it is in it that a citizen prescribes the details of the account to which a money transfer is to be made. In principle, sometimes such data can be "conveyed", but often compensation for NFDL for treatment in this case becomes impossible. They will simply refuse you. Thus, in advance, worry about having an account for making a tax deduction. And indicate it in the statement.


Is 13 percent returned for dental treatment? Yes, there is such an opportunity. But only, as has already been said, among citizens who have profits taxed by income tax. These are the rules that are currently in force in the Russian Federation.

The next point to consider is proof of your income. Here, a tax book is provided to the tax authorities, as well as a special certificate. This is the so-called form of 2-NDFL. It is taken from your employer in accounting. And it is a confirmation of taxable income.

By the way, the certificate must be presented in a single copy, as well as only in the original. No photocopies! Otherwise, you have every right to refuse to grant a deduction.Do 13 percent return for dental treatment


Important documents do not end there. After you have taken the above “papers” with you, you will need a special declaration for income tax refund. It is called 3-PIT.

Unlike 2-personal income tax, the declaration will be filled out by the taxpayer (that is, by you) yourself. At the moment, you can either manually fill out a special form, or form it on a computer and print it. The second scenario is more popular.

Form and fill out the 3-NDFL form, then collect other documents. A tax return is another mandatory item. The absence of this “paper” entails a refusal to provide cash payments by the state.


Reimbursing personal income tax for treatment is a fairly simple process, if you approach it wisely. The thing is that after collecting the above documents, you will need to present an agreement with a medical institution for the provision of services. In our case, for dental treatment.

Without an agreement with a medical organization, there is no sense in applying to the tax authorities minus. Indeed, it is this "paper" that proves the procedure. As a rule, there are no problems with the provision of an appropriate contract. You will need the original, but a certified copy will not hurt.personal income tax refund


Any medical institution, especially a paid one, must have a license. And a copy of this document, and notarized, you present to the tax authorities. Usually getting out the “paper” is not difficult. It is enough to simply inform your clinic that you need to make a tax deduction due to dental treatment. And ask to provide you licensed medical institutions.

What if you are denied? First, insist. No one has the right to refuse to grant citizens a license from medical institutions. Secondly, if the clinic has its own official website (and almost every company has it), you can always find a license here. And already with her help, contact the tax authorities minus the treatment. However, it is usually enough just to ask for a license in the clinic where you entered into a service agreement. No conscientious organization will refuse you.


Do you need to return 13 percent for dental treatment? The documents that were listed earlier are far from all that is required of you.To be honest, after all, you need to attach evidence of payment for services. Important: in the payment should be exactly your last name. Like your personal details. If someone decided to pay for dental treatment for you, then you do not have and cannot have any rights to deduction. Consider this feature.

As a rule, a check or receipt is used as confirmation of payment for services. I need the original. Just in case, make a copy for yourself, you can even assure it of a notary public. In principle, that’s all. You can contact the tax authorities with a full list of documents, and then wait for the results.income tax return

If relatives pay

Sometimes relatives may pay for your treatment. But only close. And in this case, you still have the right to receive a tax deduction. Who is considered close relatives? The list is not too long. This includes:

  • parents;
  • spouses
  • brothers and sisters;
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
  • children;
  • grandchildren.

You will need to provide any evidence of your kinship. For example, a birth or marriage certificate. Only if they are available (both originals and copies are needed) it will be possible to draw up a tax deduction for treatment.


In principle, this is where our today's list can end. From now on, we know how to return 13 percent for dental treatment. But only in Russia very often they may require you to provide additional documents to receive any tax deduction. Is this legal? Not really. But you still have to “convey” the missing documents, otherwise you can forget about the deduction altogether.return 13 percent for dental treatment documents

What can they additionally request? Among the documents for tax deduction also distinguish:

  • SNILS and TIN;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • military ID;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • certificate of marriage / divorce;
  • education documents;
  • certificates of your registration in the Russian Federation.

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