
How to become a farmer? Agricultural development

The idea of ​​creating your own farm is now visited by many entrepreneurs. And not without reason. After a long decline, agricultural enterprises in our country again become profitable and profitable. It is all about the interest of the state in their development and the provision of its comprehensive support. Read about how to become a farmer and where to start housekeeping.

First stage

An entrepreneur who decides to open his own farm should first decide on some points:

  1. With what specialization the farm will have. This may be, for example, the cultivation of any animals: cows, pigs, rabbits. The poultry business is also considered beneficial. There are also farms specializing in the cultivation of all kinds of vegetables, melons and even cereals. The organization of nurseries of seedlings of various varietal garden and garden plants, popular among summer residents, is now considered quite profitable in our country.
  2. With a place of business. The environmental cleanliness of our products is something that can greatly affect the success of such an activity as farming. Where to start organizing it, therefore, is understandable. You should find a site in an ecologically safe area. At the same time, you should try to find an allotment located not too far from the city. In this case, in the future it will be easier to find markets.

The selected plot can be purchased in the property or take it for long-term lease.

how to become a farmer

How to become a farmer: organization costs

Also, before starting the organization of the economy, it is imperative to calculate all future expenses. Their list may include:

  • land lease;
  • the construction of various kinds of farm buildings;
  • purchase of equipment and machinery;
  • purchase of seeds, seedlings or young farm animals;
  • payment of salaries to employed workers;
  • carrying out preventive measures in order to avoid losses resulting from the death of animals or infection of cultivated plants.

Also, separate items of expenditure will be the purchase of animal feed or fertilizer for plants. We will have to spend some money on the official registration of a new business.

farming basics

Registration procedure

The answer to the question of how to become a farmer also lies in the correct design of a new agricultural enterprise. At present, Russia has adopted a huge number of laws that simplify the registration procedure for such farms. Therefore, you can set up your new business if you wish, without even contacting specialists. To do this, you need:

  • pay state duty;
  • notarize the application for registration with a notary;
  • submit documents to the IFTS;
  • get registration documents;
  • register in the funds;
  • receive from Rosstat letters with statistics codes;
  • open a company account.

novice farmer

Start-up capital

Of course, you can open your own farm only with certain funds. However, nowadays it is not necessary to have a lot of money to organize such an enterprise. A novice farmer can receive financial support (although in most cases a small one) from the state. At the moment, in our country there are several types of subsidies aimed at supporting livestock breeding, crop production, etc. If you decide to get help, you need to contact the Employment Center and register.In addition, you should write an application for unemployment benefits and subsidies, as well as draw up a business plan. It is not necessary to register as an IP or LLC before receiving funds. Typically, novice farmers are given about 60 thousand rubles.

State development assistance

Also, since 2012, the program "Beginner Farmer" has been operating in our country. Initially, it was designed for a period from 2012 to 2014. Families wishing to raise livestock or farm animals could receive a grant in the amount of up to one and a half million rubles and one-time help for household amenities of 250 thousand rubles. This program was later extended. Now in many regions, farmers can receive comparable amounts for the development of their farms. However, for this you need to win the competition. Only entrepreneurs who have registered their households at least 12 months before can apply for participation in it.

 how to become a farmer from scratch

Among other things, farmers are given the opportunity to obtain long-term loans for the development of their enterprise. Moreover, such loans, as a rule, have lower interest rates.


KFK (peasant farming) can be taxed both in a general and a simplified manner. In this regard, the state is also very loyal to such enterprises. Within five years from the date of foundation, farm owners may not pay taxes at all. But only if KFK is registered precisely as an organization. Individual entrepreneurs are exempt from paying tax on individuals, on property and on value added. But at the same time, the unified agricultural tax, transport and land taxes will still have to be paid.

General Farm Tips

When asked about how to become a farmer from scratch, first of all, of course, you should think about buying young animals or seeds. In the first case, experts advise purchasing at least 500-800 cattle at a time. The payback period of such farms is about 2 years. As for the seeds, in this case it all depends on the area of ​​the site. On small plots, it is most beneficial to equip greenhouses.


Typically, farms are family-owned enterprises. Of course, working in such a team is easy. However, in order to ensure that personal relationships do not become an obstacle for business, it is imperative to make some family member the main one. It is for him that the decisive vote must always remain.

If there are no economists in the family, you should definitely hire an accountant. And, of course, you should immediately determine the markets. To do this, it will be necessary to establish ties with various processing and trading enterprises. Searching for markets is perhaps the most difficult task for a novice farmer in our country. Many imported agricultural products are very cheap. The cost of meat, milk or vegetables obtained on the farm can be quite high.

Is it possible to become a farmer without experience

Some people with a vague idea of ​​agriculture are also sometimes interested in how to become a farmer. The reason for this is often the overpopulation of cities, the inability to find decent work, etc.

farming business ideas

In principle, any resident of our country can engage in agricultural business. Even in the absence of relevant experience. However, in this case, of course, you should first consult with knowledgeable people regarding the specialization chosen for the economy. You can also hire at least for the first time people who are versed in such issues as the basics of farming, as well as having practical experience in animal husbandry or crop production. It is better not to organize a farm solely at your own peril and risk. Due to errors in care, your broilers or rabbits can take a break, and tomatoes or cucumbers produce a much smaller crop than you expected.

Prospects for the development of farming in Russia

Despite government support, modern Russian agriculture still has many problems. When deciding how to become a farmer from scratch, you should be aware of this. For example, in 2015, farms received a record crop. But they collected it mainly using American equipment. Now, under the conditions of sanctions, farmers simply cannot find spare parts for it. Therefore, most likely, they will also have to spend money on domestic equipment. This concerns, however, mainly only large farms. But small ones have their own problems. Many owners of small agricultural enterprises consider grants issued by the state insufficient for the development of a profitable and prosperous economy. In addition, real farmers from the hinterland often receive financial assistance, but those producers who have good relations with officials of the regional ministry of agriculture. Many owners of small and medium-sized enterprises also note an increase in the tax burden, which can nullify all their efforts.

farm support

But, despite the existing problems, agriculture in Russia continues to develop. Supporting farming is one of the most important tasks in most regions. The budgets of many regions have separate items of expenditure aimed specifically at developing such a business. The federal authorities also promise comprehensive support to entrepreneurs in this area.

Good prospects for people who want to earn money by honest work, open up many business ideas. Farming is one of them. But, of course, worthy results in the agricultural business can be achieved only by making some efforts and working hard.

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