
Electronic signature: how to do? The procedure for obtaining electronic signatures

An electronic signature (how to do it will be described in the article) is a specific attribute. It can be put only on a certain category of documents. This, in turn, is evidence of their legality and legal force. Next, we consider in more detail what an electronic signature is, how to make it yourself and under what conditions to apply.

electronic signature how to do

general information

This attribute is a powerful means of controlling the certainty of certain types of information. An electronic signature ensures data integrity. At the same time, it confirms their relevance and authorship. It is an information object that is created for data certification. An electronic signature has been developed to verify the authenticity and integrity of the information. How to make a document that is not presented in paper form protected with this attribute?


There are only 3 types of electronic signatures. This is fixed in Federal Law 63. Each attribute has its own distinctive properties and characteristic features. An electronic digital signature (how to make one or another, we will consider in more detail below) can be of three types:

  1. Reinforced qualified.
  2. Plain.
  3. Reinforced unskilled.

where to make an electronic signature

Simple type

This attribute has the abbreviation EP. It differs in that it can confirm the fact of certification of a document by a specific person. However, in this case there is no guarantee that no changes will be made to it, despite the fact that there is an electronic signature. How to make a document more secure? To do this, use the advanced options.

Reinforced Skill Type

This attribute guarantees that the document is protected from any amendments and corrections. This is enshrined in provisions 63 of the Law on Electronic Signatures. This attribute provides the ability to identify the person who certified a particular document. In this case, the use of special recognizing cryptographic algorithms is implied.

digital signature how to make

Qualified type

The main difference of this attribute is that special cryptographic means of protection are responsible for its guarantee. They are certified by the FSB.

Issuance Features

Where can I make an electronic signature? It is issued only by an accredited certification authority. He, in turn, must comply with all the rules and criteria of the registration procedure. They are regulated by the Ministry of Communications. According to the established rules, a new accreditation must be carried out every five years. At the same time, certification centers are required to strictly comply with all requirements related to their activities.

Certificate of electronic signature

An unqualified element may not be supported by a special document. It indicates that the electronic signature key belongs to a specific person. A qualified element necessarily requires the presence of the above document. It contains the main information about the organization, the certification center. Additionally, the verification key for the legal attribute and the validity period of the signature are indicated.

Introducing New Rules

Since 2014, EDS has the highest legal force. Accordingly, it is similar to a real hand signature. It provides documents with full legal significance.

Types of embedding an attribute in a document

The following options are distinguished:

  1. Affiliated.
  2. Disconnected.
  3. Inside the data.

Attached view

To create this attribute, a new file is generated. It contains all the data that will be signed. This process is similar to placing documentation in an envelope and sealing it. Before removing it, you must check the print safety. In the case of an electronic signature - make sure that the registration is correct.

Attached attribute has a lot of advantages. For example, the simplicity of further manipulations with information is noted. This is because it is contained in the same file as the electronic signature. How to make such a document open? It should be noted that it is not possible to read and use the information in the file without the use of cryptographic information protection tools. There is a certain analogy to an ordinary envelope. You cannot extract contents without first pasting. It, in turn, can be sent, copied, etc.

electronic signature how to make a price

Detached view

An additional file is required to create this attribute. The bottom line is that it is separate from the signatory. Moreover, the latter is not subject to any changes. The advantages of such a signature include the fact that the file can be read without the use of cryptographic information protection. However, you will need a few elements to verify.

These include the file and the electronic signature itself. This attribute also has its drawbacks. The fact is that the signed information must be stored as several files. Data and signatures are implied. In this case, the use of the latter is significantly complicated. The fact is that with any actions with signed information, you will have to carry out procedures for copying and transferring multiple files.

Location inside data

An attribute may be associated with an application that uses it. For example, a signature may be inside documents that open with Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word. In this case, there is a dependency on the application in which the attribute was created. The fact is that without knowledge of its structure, it is rather difficult to verify the authenticity of data.

Electronic signature: how to do?

The manufacturing price of an attribute depends on its subsequent application. For example, to participate in electronic bidding, its cost is from 6400 p. If the signature is used in the Interagency Interaction System, then the payment can be from 3650 p. Where to make an electronic signature? You must contact the certification center.

A signature can come in handy during trading on the currency exchange or when writing important electronic documentation. Especially this requisite is needed for a novice trader. The fact is that the future development of foreign exchange trading depends on the electronic market. This is a great opportunity to make major deals over long distances, as the signature guarantees its honesty. Next, step-by-step instructions will be given.

Step 1

It is required to find a certification center in the region of residence. It is a specialized agency licensed. It allows you to issue an electronic signature.

Step 2

To obtain this attribute, you must submit an appropriate application. It takes time to process and accept it. After that, an employee of the center contacts the person who submitted the application. He informs him of the procedure that will need to be completed in order to receive an electronic signature. All this is aimed at confirming the authenticity of the data provided by the applicant. In order to minimize the number of verification procedures, you must provide a scanned color copy of the documents.

Step 3

Next, you need to get two digital keys. One of them is open, and the other is closed. Also in the certification center the applicant is provided with the appropriate certificate. It is also issued in two forms. The certificate is presented in paper and electronic form. The latter will be certified by a specific certification authority.

Step 4

In order to start using electronic signature, you need to install additional software on your computer. Certification center specialists can advise the applicant on this issue. Also, the user can install on their own or invite programmers. After downloading the necessary components, you can start using the signature.

Remote Receive Order

In order to receive an electronic signature at a distance, you must fill out and leave a request on the appropriate site. As a rule, the operator contacts the specified phone number within 24 hours. Thus, the applicant will be able to agree and clarify all the details of interest to him. He will also be told about the procedure for obtaining an electronic signature.

certificate of electronic signature

An application form and invoice will be sent to the applicant. It is necessary to fill in all the data and make a payment. You will also need to prepare a package of necessary documents. In order to speed up the process of obtaining a certificate, you need to provide pre-prepared scans to the certification center.

In it, extradition is made. An electronic signature will need to be approached in person. You must have the original documents with you, as well as a copy of the payment order, which is certified by the bank. If scans were sent in advance, then the signature can be collected immediately. Otherwise, it will be ready within three days.

Application area

This attribute acts as a guarantor of the accuracy of the documentation. It is an analogue of a handwritten signature or print on paper. This attribute is widely used in electronic document management system. In particular, it is often used in the certification of individual modules or programs. In this case, the user, downloading applications from the network, can verify the correctness and correctness of their work. This attribute also confirms the reliability of the download source. This signature allows you to confirm the integrity and establish the authorship of any electronic documentation.

For example, a user may receive a letter with distorted or fake information from scammers. When using an electronic signature, this possibility is excluded. During business correspondence an attribute can act as a kind of sealed "envelope". In this case, it is also possible to verify the reliability of the information received before opening it. Using a signature, electronic versions of documents are agreed. For example, these may be contracts concluded within one company or between several. The text of all documentation will be reliably protected from any unauthorized changes.

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