
How to come up with a passport painting. Types of passport murals

It is no secret that it is a signature that makes any written text a real document. The more interesting and intricate a signature is, the more it protects information. It is not surprising that the question of how to come up with a painting is still relevant today.

The history of the mural

A modern signature, upon careful consideration, can say a lot about its owner. Over the years, people have learned to put a lot of information into a few small touches.

The first mention of the painting dates back to the time of Julius Caesar. It was this ruler who invented a unique encrypted letter, which was later dubbed as “Caesar's Box”. In Russian writing, the first mention of the painting is found already in the early 11-12 centuries. And the widespread use of certification comes in the 17th century.

The first signatures looked like certification notes, but over time they took on a shorter form. Closer to the 18-19th centuries, murals are gaining enormous popularity. They are divided into professional and cultural areas, which differ with the help of strokes and ornate. Mural pictures were not uncommon in those days. The subject of murals is still relevant today. In the world there is a lot of literature on the topic: how to come up with a painting.

Graphology or what handwriting says

A signature is a kind of cipher. This short record may contain a wide variety of information about a person. But painting can easily tell about a person with the help of a science called graphology.

passport painting

Handwriting is a unique feature of every person. There are no two identical handwritings in the world.

The father of graphology is considered Jean Hippolyte Michon. This great scientist examined the correspondence between handwriting and certain qualities of a person.

This science has been studied for many years. The most diverse and unexpected assumptions were considered. We studied many aspects: the slope of the letter, size, speed, pressure, rhythm, the distance between lines and words, and more.

And despite the fact that even the most experienced graphologist will never accurately determine the age and gender of the writer, graphology is quite popular in the modern world. It is widely used in judicial practice. And the people who work with this science are called "handwriting consultants."

Character in signature

Specialists studying graphology can easily determine certain character traits by a large number of signs. The first letter in the signature, if it is highlighted in large, tells about the capriciousness and the excessive demanding of a person to others. But, for example, if the end of the signature is directed upwards, this means that its holder is optimistic and energetic; directly - speaks of balance in the character of a person; down - about the suppression of personality and its pessimism.

A lot can be said about the length of the signature. If a person signs a long ornate record - this means that he does not like haste in business, rather assiduous and persistent. Often with such a signature, people are stubborn and tedious. A short, light painting means that in the character of its owner there is a rush and a frivolous attitude to some matters. Before you come up with a list, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with these signs.


How to come up with a list is a difficult question. But it’s even more difficult to use the original and unusual signature daily many times.

People who have to sign up at work often use facsimiles.This term comes from the Latin "fac simile" and means "to do this." The first such signatures were found in the 18-19 centuries, but they were mainly associated with typography. Visually facsimile is very similar to a seal or stamp, which are made in the form of a painting. Thanks to this simple thing, you can easily certify a document without the presence of, for example, the director.

There are several articles in the civil code that describe all situations in which the use of this type of signature is allowed. This procedure is convenient for the management of large companies and people associated with document management. Of course, you can always distinguish hand-painted paintings from facsimiles. By the way, some documents require only original painting.

Electronic signature

Unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible to put the original signature or use facsimiles. In order to keep up with the times, you need to familiarize yourself with such a procedure as an electronic signature. This is an original key created using computer and computer techniques.

Thanks to this innovation, the time spent on the execution of most transactions is significantly saved, the procedure for working with basic documents is reduced in price, and a corporate system for the exchange of documents is being built. In general, electronic printing has a number of advantages. Moreover, faking such a painting is simply impossible.

There are several types of electronic signatures: simple, enhanced qualified and enhanced unskilled. Who knows, maybe in the near future there will be an electronic signature on your passport!

Types of passport murals

Signatures in documents

Each one thought about the question of how to come up with a passport painting. Many train for a long time before putting their signature on this document, and some simply write the simplest version, which will then be easy to repeat. The most common option on how to come up with a painting is to use capital letters of the first, middle, and last name.

You need to experiment a little with them: swap them, try to increase and decrease the size of a letter, connect together. To create an unusual painting, you can use some elements: hooks, eyelets, underlines, dots and icons above the letters, a stroke around the painting and others.

The stroke at the end of the entry looks interesting enough. It is important to remember that a signature should characterize a person. In general, you can find a variety of types of passport murals: using signs and numbers written with the left hand, with drawings and other details that reflect the internal state of the signer.

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