
How to verify the authenticity of a diploma? Are diplomas checked for authenticity?

Today, almost everyone dreams of financial well-being and abundant life. However, without a highly paid and stable job, such a goal is very difficult to achieve. Again, in order to get a warm place, you must at least have a higher education. But not all young people bother with a five-year study at the university. They do not understand why attend lectures, take exams, when you can buy the coveted crust in the transition, and then present it at the request of a potential boss.

Labor market situation

Unfortunately, the number of such unfortunate specialists in our country is not decreasing. In this regard, an increasing number of employers began to study more closely the document on higher education, which the applicant palms him. But few know how to verify the authenticity of a diploma.

How to verify the authenticity of a diploma

This issue becomes especially relevant when it comes to hiring an employee for high positions, where, in principle, you can’t do without specialized education. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of big money, the lion's share of applicants go for outright deceit, providing personnel officers with fake crusts. Of course, the recommendations below on how to verify the authenticity of a diploma will be very helpful to them.

How to fake

Unfaithful persons buy fake documents and inserts from the same unscrupulous employees of the academies, universities and printing workers who produce them. Signatures and stamps are easily falsified, and the information is entered deliberately false. And in some cases, all this is done on fake paper. However, it is not difficult for experienced specialists to recognize the aforementioned fake, although there are exceptions to the rules. One way or another, but every employer will be interested to know how to verify the authenticity of a diploma.


Currently, inspection of documents is carried out, as a rule, with applicants for positions in internal affairs bodies (police, prosecutors), as well as those who want to work in the field of space and military industry.

Verify the authenticity of the diploma by number

However, this does not mean at all that the director of a bakery does not have the right to verify that his subordinates have real diplomas. Are diplomas checked for authenticity in reality? One way or another, the employer decides whether or not to verify. If he has the time and wants to get to the bottom of the truth at all costs, then the probability of inspection is quite high. However, when initiating the above procedure, you should be aware of some nuances.

So, how to verify the authenticity of the diploma to the head?

Official request

The boss can address the request to the university, which issued the document to his potential employee. However, he must obtain written permission for this from the subordinate himself, since in Russia personal data cannot be the property of third parties.

Check diploma for authenticity

In addition, the request of the employer must be authorized by the relevant state authorities. Moreover, he must give serious arguments to justify the verification. As a rule, the low qualification of the employee most often acts as a justification. In fairness, it should be said that the employees of the university office often react very sluggishly to the above written requests from employers, they are simply too lazy to go to the archive and “raise cases”, saying that the requested information cannot be disclosed by law.

Thus, checking a diploma for authenticity is not an easy task. Bureaucratic red tape can last up to six months, so some employers subsequently abandon this venture for fear of spending too much time, and, as you know, for every businessman it is money.

However, the boss can go the easier way: send the holder of the diploma directly to the university.

Are diplomas checked for authenticity?

In other words, the subordinate himself stomps to the university and brings from there archival certificate. However, this is bad luck: today it is easy to buy a diploma and a certificate, therefore, in this sense, the employer is in no way protected.

Social networks

To solve this problem, you can do the following: try to find the owner profile in social networks. Today, in every reputable university, online communities of students and graduates have been created. Even if your subordinate is not a member of social networks, you can always find his fellow students who can tell you a lot about new and interesting things. Of course, this is not the most effective way to verify the authenticity of a document on higher education, but you can find out whether a particular person really studied at an academy or university.

Of course, it is not always possible to verify the authenticity of a diploma. In Ukraine, by the way, this problem is quite acute. There are plenty of fake documents on higher education in a neighboring country.

Verify the authenticity of a diploma in Ukraine

Verification of diplomas there can be carried out on the Internet portal of the Ministry of Education by entering contact information.

To the naked eye

How can I verify the authenticity of the diploma yet? It will not be superfluous to act as an expert yourself.

First of all, pay attention to the quality of paper, which should be classified as the State Sign, have a strong structure and exude a subtle smell of cellulose. Look carefully at the series and number of the document, swipe your finger over them: if after that some numbers have been erased, then this is an obvious fake. The proof of the originality of the diploma is the presence of watermarks, which are very difficult to fake. Pay attention to how the document is filled: in this diploma, entries are made with high-quality matte paint.

By number

There is another way to check. Each diploma has an identification element in the form of a number. Naturally, all such codes issued by these documents on graduation are recorded in the register of the Russian Ministry of Education. To verify the authenticity of the diploma by number, you need to initiate a request on behalf of the university that issued the document.

How can I verify the authenticity of a diploma?

Again, we should not forget that federal officials can provide information of interest only with the written consent of the employee and the permission of law enforcement agencies.

Today, there are Internet services where you can use a number to find out the authenticity of a document. However, their use is fraught with errors, as they do not provide completely reliable information.


It should be recognized that the number of false documents on higher education is growing steadily every day. That is why officials should focus on this problem and create in the near future an impressive database of genuine diplomas that have been issued to university graduates.

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