
How to draw up an act of reconciliation of settlements?

Control is the main condition for a successful business. When working with various counterparties, one must have good knowledge of the information and not forget to confirm the words with real numbers from time to time. It is for this purpose that in the modern document flow there is an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements.

Description of the document

Relations between partners cannot be built only on trust. In addition to feelings, there must be real facts that at any time can confirm or refute various suspicions. Any activity is actually associated with the acquisition or sale of something. Some produce goods or provide services, while others buy them by entering into an appropriate agreement. Both those and others are periodically required to audit their expenses.

Reconciliation Act

For this they use Act of reconciliation mutual settlements. In what cases does it become necessary to draw up such a document? The reasons can be very different:

  1. If one of the parties provides its goods without prepayment or by installments.
  2. In the case when sold particularly valuable products.
  3. The company has a large number of partners, each of which supplies goods in a fairly wide range.
  4. In the case of a long and continuous cooperation of counterparties.
  5. In a situation where both sides decide to expand the scope of their relations, concluding new agreements.

Any of these reasons may serve as a reason to request from your partner an act of reconciliation of settlements. No distrust or prejudice should be seen in this.

Important details

Every accountant knows what an act of reconciliation of settlements is. This is not surprising, because it is they who have to compose it. In this situation, an employee who owns certain information is required. To compile such a document, you have to pick up data from different accounts:

  • on previously issued advances;
  • by income;
  • on undertaken obligations;
  • according to existing shortcomings.

Access to such information is available only to an accountant. At the direction of the head, he collects the necessary information and draws them up in the form of a document of a certain pattern. However, the responsibility for the data provided lies ultimately with the chief accountant. If there is no apparent disagreement between partners, then such a form as confirmation of the results of activities for a specific period. Some accountants act in this way when it turns out that the primary transaction documents are lost or they are just too lazy to look for them. Nevertheless, this does not relieve them of responsibility for the information provided.


How should an act of reconciliation of settlements be drawn up? The sample fill will be a sequential presentation of specific information.

settlement reconciliation report

Any such act should contain the following information:

  1. Document's name.
  2. The period for which it is composed.
  3. Name of counterparties.
  4. The basis of the transaction (contract, agreement).
  5. Dates, numbers and specific numbers taken from primary documents (payment orders, invoices and others). They contain information that will confirm the delivery or payment of the goods. Such information, for convenience, is usually collected in a table divided into two parts. In this case, each of the parties has the opportunity to indicate separately the data it has.
  6. Signatures of representatives of each of the parties.

The document is compiled necessarily in two copies so that each organization can keep it at home.The signature of the chief accountant here must be mandatory. And sometimes it may be the only one. This can be done in cases where there are no discrepancies in the data. Most often, as a confirmation, the signature of the head of the enterprise is also required.

Accounting Automation

Some employees are interested in drawing up an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, how to fill it in the program “1C: Accounting”? There are no particular difficulties. Thanks to the computer, the work is much easier.

reconciliation statement of settlements how to fill

You just need to perform several sequential operations:

  1. Go to the "Sales" or "Purchases" section (if necessary). Then, in the “Settlements with contractors” tab, select “Reconciliation report”.
  2. While inside the selected journal, click the "Create" button, and then go to the "Act of reconciliation with counterparties" tab. A dialog box appears, which can be filled in two ways: automatically or manually. The specialist chooses for himself exactly the one that he needs.
  3. Select the tab “According to the organization”, then click “Fill in” and specify the request with the key “Fill in according to accounting”. A list of all operations performed will appear on the screen. If you need information on all contracts for the specified period, you just need to check the "Break by contracts" checkbox.
  4. Make a note “Reconciliation agreed”.
  5. Find the “Advanced” tab and select from the list of persons required for signing the act.

It remains only to record this document, and you can send it to print.

Rules for compiling a document

Accountants often have to do an act of reconciliation of settlements. An example of compiling and filling out such a form is strictly individual for each organization. Considering that the law does not provide for this any strict unified form, the employees of any enterprise are forced to form it themselves, being guided by general rules and requirements:

  1. Any act begins with a “header” with initial information about partners.
  2. Next comes the standard phrase that is used in all contracts. It states that the undersigned representatives of the two parties drew up the present act, confirming that the next state of accounting.
  3. Following these words is the already known table. The first line in it is "the balance at the beginning of the period." Next are the operations, divided into “debit” (performance of work or delivery of goods) and “credit” (payment). Then follows the balance at the end of this period. And the table ends with the calculation of debt.
  4. Signatures of authorized persons must be confirmed by the company’s round seal.

act of reconciliation of settlements example

Instead of a leader, another person can sign the act. To do this, you need a power of attorney that will give him such authority. By the way, in court, her absence may cast doubt on the entire document.

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