
How to draw up the "Act of reception and transmission of keys"?

In life, a person has to draw up and sign a variety of documents. Among them may always be the "Act of reception and transmission of keys." Therefore, you need to know well not only the purpose, but also the contents of this document.

Basic concepts

Before proceeding to the details, you need to understand the basic concept. What is an "act"? Generally speaking, this is a document that is a confirmation of an action. Now everything becomes clear. This means that the “Act of reception and transfer of keys” is a procedure recorded on paper, as a result of which a certain object was transferred from one owner or person in charge to another.

key transfer acceptance certificate

This is usually done by prior arrangement. Almost any item can be transmitted. In this case, the keys act as the object. When can such an action occur, and by what regulatory acts should it be regulated? The key, in fact, is part of any property (apartment, car, house, safe and other valuables). And such issues are the responsibility of the Civil Code of Russia. When is the "Act of acceptance of keys" drawn up? It all depends on the circumstances of the contract and the type of property transferred. But it should be noted that in practice, keys can be both independent and its integral part.

Special case

Under production conditions, nothing changes either. Some employees, by virtue of their duties, bear full responsibility for the values ​​entrusted to them, which are in a separate room, which is locked from strangers by key. Changing the place of work, they are obliged to transfer to their successor all accountable property, including that which is stored separately. The new employee must have direct access to everything that will now be his responsibility. So he must have his own keys.

To comply with the legality of such actions, each step is documented. Therefore, the "Act of reception and transmission of keys" is separately drawn up. It has an arbitrary shape. The text of the document contains a list of keys to be transferred and it is marked which room each of them fits into. All positions should be numbered to avoid possible misunderstandings. Later this document will be attached to the rest of the case transfer materials.

The keys to the apartment

Separately, it is necessary to consider the transfer of keys to the living quarters. This situation in life is quite common. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether a house is rented or acquired. A new user must receive access from the owner in the form of a set of keys. This procedure is also executed in the form of a separate document called the "Act of reception and transmission of keys." The sample can be taken at any law firm or compiled independently. Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do. In a similar way, it is compiled during the transfer of the apartment itself.Key acceptance certificate

This type of document must contain the following required information:

  1. Name, date and place of its creation.
  2. “Cap” in the form of text, where the undersigned parties have concluded this act. Both participants here must provide full information about themselves (name, address of registration and passport details).
  3. The main part says that one of the parties gives the other one or more keys, clearly indicating which door each of them opens. Here you can reflect all the shortcomings of this room in order to avoid future unreasonable claims from one of the parties.For example, one of the locks functions poorly and requires replacement.
  4. In the final part, the parties affix their signatures and once again prove full information about themselves as evidence of this.

An act drawn up in duplicate remains with each of the parties until the expiration of the agreement.

Electronic signature of documents

Recently, enterprises have been practicing the signing of many documents using electronic signatures. This is very convenient when submitting reports, when the delivery of the original can take a lot of time.electronic key transfer acceptance certificate

To do this, you must contact the center for public services or the tax office at the place of registration. There, you will need to go through a certain procedure from filing and subsequent confirmation of the application to receiving the key itself and a copy on paper. Usually it is issued to an authorized person from the organization, which is appointed by order of the director and subsequently becomes the full owner of the certificate of these keys. Now for electronic certification and transfer of documents, only two signatures will be important: the responsible person and the head of the enterprise.

“The act of receiving and transmitting an electronic key” is drawn up by analogy with other similar documents. Only the key owner and the representative of the organization issuing it participate in it. The document is certified by the signatures of both parties.

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