
How to get a military card after 27 years? Getting a military ticket after 27 years: difficult cases

The number 27 is almost magical for Russian men. It is after you are 27 years old that you can stop hiding from the army: you will not be called up anymore, you can safely receive a military ticket. But how exactly is this done?

military card after 27

When do you get a military ticket?

The simplest, of course, is for those who have already served in the army. For them, the problem of getting a military ID after 27 does not exist: they receive it much earlier, on the day when they are called up for service. Well, since a soldier who is in military service does not use a passport, for them a “soldier” is the main identity document.

Even police officers from the faculty are not entitled to demand anything else from the soldier. And by the way, they also do not have the right to detain not only the officer, but also the soldier, even if he violates the order. They have the right to only stop the offense, but then they are obliged to call a military patrol or representatives of the unit (a mark about which is always on the ticket), after which the offender surrenders to the military, and then the “civilian” police should not worry about his fate: even if the military officer committed a crime, he the court of the garrison to which part of it belongs will be engaged.

There are also no problems with military tickets for citizens who were not called up due to the fact that the medical commission at the regional military registration and enlistment office recognized them as completely unusable or of limited serviceability. In this case, the documents are issued 10 days after the doctors made their decision.

Finally, students of those universities in which the military department has no problems. In this case, they receive training equivalent to an officer’s training, undergo short-term training, and immediately after graduation they go to the reserve not as soldiers, but as junior officers. In this case, the graduate only needs to contact the draft board and receive documents. Unlike in Soviet times, the graduate of the military department has nothing to worry about: the Russian army is not as large as before, and practically does not need "jackets" - officers with civilian education. Therefore, graduates of military departments in the service, if called up, in exceptional cases.

But what to do for those who did not serve, was not immediately written off to the health reserve, but dodged the call? What does it look like for them to receive a military ticket after 27 years?

military card after 27 years 2014

New trends

For those who wish to receive a military card after 27 years, if they did not serve, in 2014 the legal basis has changed. Now, a new wording has appeared in the legislation: “persons who have not completed military service without legal grounds.” This is the name of those who did not serve, having neither a delay nor the conclusion of a medical board about unsuitability for service, but at the same time did not receive a summons and therefore was not recognized as a “deviator”.

It is important to remember that the criminal liability of a person who evades conscription occurs if this person received a summons and therefore was obliged to come to the place of training. In the same case, if the summons could not be handed at all, formally the person is not guilty of anything. If a citizen signed the summons, but then refused to appear in the service, it is quite possible to initiate criminal proceedings, court and imprisonment for up to two years. Considering that the service life is only one year now, it’s quite reasonable to still serve, and not sit in a colony.

Therefore, conscripts who do not want to serve have long been aware of this subtlety in law.Many successfully hide from the draft until the right age is reached, and receive a military ticket after 27. That's just to ensure that the life of such "almost non-deviators" was not too sweet, some measures were taken. Now, for those wishing to receive a military card after 27 years, if they did not serve, in 2014 the legal framework provides for:

  • the corresponding mark in the accounting documents that the person did not serve for a disrespectful reason;
  • restrictions on employment (they will be discussed in more detail below).

military card after 27 years difficult cases of 2014

Help in return for a ticket?

The media and the Internet have long been rumored that citizens who evade service and want to get a military ticket after 27 years old should feel bad in 2014: they will only receive a certificate in return for a ticket. Considering that a military ID during employment and receipt of many other documents is a thing quite in demand, such a measure can become very severe.

I must say that there really is such an initiative. In October 2014, the Minister of Defense issued an order stipulating just such a procedure: after 27 years, a military ticket is not issued to draft evaders. However, to this day this order has not entered into force. On the other hand, there is no reason to expect that it will be declared illegal and canceled. Therefore, over the heads of all Russian deviators, this sword of Damocles hangs and will still hang.

military card after 27 years if you did not serve in 2014 the legal basis

Restrictions on employment and not only

Changes in the law provide for restrictions for those who receive a military ticket after 27 without having served. Now, it is better for such citizens not even to think about employment in the state or municipal service.

In addition, for draft evaders receiving a military ID after 27 years, 2014, by order of the Minister of Defense, can pretty much ruin their lives. If, in fact, only a certificate will be issued instead of a ticket, such citizens will not be able to:

  1. Get a job in serious companies - not only state or municipal, but also private.
  2. Get permission to carry weapons.
  3. Get a license to drive a car.

The last two points are related to the fact that the medical board requires an opinion from a psychiatrist, and his visit to the commission, as a rule, requires a military card on hand. From a formal point of view, this order can be appealed, but it is still an extra waste of time and effort to visit a court or prosecutor's office.

military card after 27 years

So how do you get a military card?

In the event that you successfully avoided receiving a summons and were not prosecuted, you have the right to get a ticket.

To do this, you will need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and submit an application. You will need to attach the following documents to it:

  1. A copy of the passport (you must have the original with you and present it at the request of the military enlistment office staff). The copy should include not only the first page and the registration page familiar to everyone, but a copy of all the sheets in general, where there are at least some marks (about marital status, children, blood type, previously issued passports).
  2. A document confirming education - also in the form of a copy and if you have the original with you. If there are several educations, then the last in time or more “strong” one is served: that is, if a person graduated first from a vocational school or a professional college, and then from an institute or university, documents are submitted about higher education.
  3. If so, a copy of the driver’s license.
  4. Photos measuring 2.5 x 3.5 cm in an amount of at least two pieces.

If you need anything else, you will be informed about this at the draft board.

After the application is accepted, you must be sent to the medical board. For citizens older than 27 years, it will be rather formal. After that, the draft board makes a decision on the issuance of a military ticket.

What if the application is not accepted?

Recently, there have become more frequent cases when citizens who evade receiving a summons up to 27 years old, the office of the military commissariat refuse to accept applications for issuing a military ticket.

In this case, it makes sense to send the application and copies of the documents again, but by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. This will be evidence with which, if something happens, you can go to the prosecutor's office or immediately to the court.

military card after 27 years fine

Will there be a time limit for evasion?

For those who receive a military ticket after 27, the important question is whether they will be prosecuted. The fact is that formally draft evasion is a criminal offense punishable under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a punishment ranging from a fine of 200 thousand rubles to imprisonment for two years.

In practice, there is usually nothing to fear, and documents are issued without problems. The fact is that criminal liability requires a combination of three factors:

  1. Failure to attend fees or medical examination.
  2. Reasons for failure to appear are not considered valid.
  3. The subpoena was presented.

If at least one of them is missing (say, a citizen did not appear because he was hospitalized in a hospital, or simply did not receive a summons in his hands), talk about the crime under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code, is not necessary.

It should be remembered that the summons must be signed personally by the person to whom it is addressed. In the event that one of the relatives or family members has signed the summons, this does not mean that the summons has been received legally. Family relations can be formed in different ways, and the law does not stipulate liability for third parties for not transferring the agenda.

When is the fine paid?

But for those who receive a military ticket after 27 years, a fine may be imposed. The fact is that, in addition to criminal, there is an administrative punishment. It is assigned to those who violate their military registration obligations.

Violations are possible as follows:

  • failure to appear on the agenda, if there is no good reason;
  • living in a new place without notice to the military registration and enlistment office for a period of more than three months;
  • residence abroad for more than six months without notification and deregistration in the military registration and enlistment office;
  • moving or returning to Russia without registration;
  • failure to provide information to the military commissariat about the changed place of residence, work, marital status;
  • refusal to visit the medical board at the recruiting station;
  • damage to military ID.

In all these cases, the citizen will be required to pay a fine. Its size will be from 100 to 500 rubles, depending on the gravity of the act and the circumstances in which it was committed.

Can I not pay a fine?

In some cases, it may be lucky, and then a fine will not be imposed: as a rule, the military commissariats are not too busy with those who are registered anyway, albeit with a three-month deadline. However, this depends solely on the position of the military enlistment office staff, and nothing can be predicted in advance. Perhaps they will limit themselves to verbal warning, perhaps they will impose a fine in full force.

In the same case, if a fine is imposed, it is better not to delay it with payment. Otherwise, you will have to pay twice as much or prepare for more severe administrative responsibility - up to an administrative arrest of 15 days.

military ID after 27 2014

Military ID after 27 years: difficult cases of 2014

It is clear that everything is not always simple. As already mentioned, for those wishing to receive a military card after 27, 2014 became a “Rubicon": an order from the Minister of Defense (which will either be applied or not) greatly complicated life. What can be done if they refuse to issue a ticket?

  1. If 27 years old was reached before January 1, 2014, you can try to sue, demanding the issuance of a document on the basis of an old order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2007, according to which no information was provided.
  2. Contact the prosecutor’s office and demand extradition, citing the fact that without receiving the summons, there are no legal grounds for the service - which means that the commissariat has not fulfilled its duties of presenting the summons and now transfers its problems to you.
  3. Accept and go to the reserve with the wording: "I did not pass the service without legal grounds."


Honestly, avoiding military service creates too many problems, so it’s better not to evade. Nevertheless, if you have a problem because of this, get ready for the fact that you have to spend a lot of time and effort to resolve them, and possibly find a good lawyer.

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