
How to get a new hunting ticket? Getting a hunting ticket through the "State Services"

In connection with changes in the legislation of the country, the question of how to get a hunting ticket becomes quite relevant for many hunting lovers. Indeed, in order to expedite this procedure, it is better to know in advance all the features and nuances of obtaining this document, which gives the right to carry and use hunting weapons.

Changes in the law

The main changes that have occurred with the legislation in the part governing hunting are concerned with a change in the procedure for obtaining a hunting ticket. So, earlier, in order for such a document to be extended and continue to operate, interested parties had to re-register before the end of the first quarter of each year, and if the hunter was legalized for five years, then the certificate had to be replaced with a new one. Failure to complete this annual re-registration entailed the invalidity of the ticket and, accordingly, the cancellation of rights.

how to get a hunting ticket

In addition, a ticket to the hunter was issued indicating the specific society in which he was. For example, hunting ticket could be extradited to a person who is a member of the Moscow Society for Hunting and Fishing. Such a document allowed to conduct hunting activities only in a specific hunting farm.

In 2011, changes were made in the hunting legislation, which, on the whole, can be said to simplify the life of poultry and hunters.

So, from the indicated time, the Russian government approved a new-form hunting ticket with the status of a single state-issued hunting document. At the same time, old documents still continue to be used in individual hunting societies.

What is it for?

A hunter's document, or a hunting ticket, is issued to citizens so that they, in turn, can confirm their right to engage in hunting. In the future, it is precisely with the help of this document that it will be possible to issue the necessary permission in the internal affairs bodies, which allows a person to own firearms with ammunition. Without such permission, a citizen’s possession of any weapon will be considered a criminal offense, and the punishment for it is by no means small. After obtaining permission, the hunter will go to a specialized store, where he will buy weapons and ammunition. Of course, legislation allows the purchase of weapons without a hunting ticket, but in this case, the person who bought it will only be allowed to store and transport it, but not to hunt.

get a hunting ticket


How to get a hunting ticket of a new sample should be known to all those who are engaged or are just planning to engage in hunting. Of course, this document is not issued to everyone in a row, so a number of requirements are presented to its future owner. One of the main ones is: the age of majority and the legal capacity of the recipient. He also should not have an outstanding criminal record for committing intentional crimes.

Obtaining a hunting ticket of a new sample, in addition to the above, requires the applicant to know the hunting rules. Upon receiving this document, the hunter puts his autograph under the statement, the meaning of which is that the recipient confirms his knowledge of the hunting minimum and the requirements. For some hunters, such a change is only a joy; you no longer need to pass any exams for knowledge of safety procedures or for the same hunting minimum.

where to get a hunting ticket

State negligence

Perhaps in this innovation lies the mistake of the state. Previously, hunters were forced to study the necessary norms and requirements in order to get the coveted ticket. Now, young hunters do not need to make such sacrifices. The state believes that they will independently study everything necessary, and only after that they will apply for a hunter’s document. From this point of view, the position of the state looks very undeveloped.

Duration and Territory

So, getting a hunting ticket is available to almost any citizen of the Russian Federation. And another nice innovation was the validity of this document. Now it does not need to be changed in five years or renewed every year. The hunting ticket has become unlimited, issued for an unlimited period. Although this is not entirely true, nevertheless, if the identity document is changed, you will have to apply for the exchange. And in case of spoilage, getting wet or other trouble with the certificate, it will also be necessary to make a replacement.

getting a hunting ticket

In addition to all this, the effect of the document is now not limited to any particular area or hunting estate. With a new crust, you can ride and do your favorite thing throughout Russia.

Who can issue a document

The answer to the most important question: “Where to get a hunting ticket?” Is the following. The authorized state body issuing such certificates is the Committee on Environmental Management. Anyone can contact the department of this organization located at the place of residence directly. But some may be interested in where to get a hunting ticket if the environmental department is far away or absent in a particular city. In this case, you need to contact the multifunctional center through which citizens and legal entities are provided with state services of various bodies. How to get a hunting ticket through public services, employees of this institution will explain in an accessible form, check the necessary documents, indicate the window into which you need to pass them.get a hunting ticket through public services

List of documents

The list of documents required to obtain a hunter ticket is relatively small. The applicant will need to provide:

  1. A copy of the passport, or rather, a copy of the pages indicating personal data, photos, registration of the issuing authority. You must present the original passport with a copy for verification.
  2. Photos measuring 25 x 35 mm - 2 pieces. You can submit both color and black and white images.
  3. Fill in the appropriate application in the form and sample provided by the staff of the Committee or the MFC.
  4. Previous hunting ticket (if available and not expired).

how to get a new hunting ticket

Additional information about getting a hunting ticket

Currently, the requirements have been simplified, no more certificates need to be provided. The same applies to the applicant's criminal record. The authorized body will itself request the information it needs from other organizations.

But the applicant will be required to consent to the use of personal (personal) data. A person can provide such consent by signing the corresponding document.

Also, there is no need to pay the state fee or any other fees, since the hunting ticket is issued free of charge. The deadline for issuing is five business days from the date of delivery of the full package of documents. Getting a hunting ticket through the State Services of the multifunctional center is a more acceptable option in terms of speed of service and convenience. But, on the other hand, it is believed that the hunter’s document is faster to get from the Committee on Environmental Management, since time is not wasted for sending it from this committee to the multifunctional center. In any case, the choice is left to the citizen.

It should be noted that the document becomes valid from the moment its details are entered in the state register.The public servants will have to notify the hunter that this depositing procedure has been completed by e-mail to the address indicated in the application or by telephone.


Thus, with the amendments to certain legislative acts regulating the receipt of a hunter's document, much in this process was simplified. Information on how to get a hunting ticket can help many who wish to hunt.obtaining a new hunting ticket

However, the receipt of this document does not mean that a citizen immediately becomes a hunter. To do this, you need to carefully read and study many regulatory acts, including laws on hunting, wildlife and animals and birds listed in the Red Book, hunting rules, safety rules for hunting. This knowledge will help in some cases to save not only your own, but also someone else's life. After all, it is well known that hunting is a relatively dangerous occupation, during which often a man with a gun unintentionally causes harm to the health of other people.

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Hello, I have a residence permit. I can get a hunting ticket and how much


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