Germany attracts many people seeking to leave their homeland and settle in a prosperous European country. This state is distinguished by the fast pace of economic development and high business activity. Life in Germany provides every person with great prospects and promises a hope for a stable existence. In order to legally move to this country, you need to draw up a document. It is called a “blue card”, or residence permit.
What guarantees a residence permit?
A residence permit in Germany gives its owner all the rights that an ordinary citizen of this country has. A foreigner with a residence permit receives the following opportunities:
- move freely without issuing visas throughout the territory Schengen area;
- open bank accounts in Germany and arrange loans there;
- get driver’s rights;
- register your own car, etc.
The only difference between a foreigner holding a residence permit in Germany and a citizen of this country is the limitation of the duration of this document, as well as the absence of the right to vote.
Holders of a residence permit have the opportunity in the future to obtain a visa of unlimited duration - permanent residence. Moreover, for those who are married to a German citizen, three years must pass, and in other cases - five years.
Obtaining a residence permit in Germany is not easy. The procedure is quite complicated and will require a certain amount of time. However, the prospects that open to those who receive a residence permit are very attractive. They will be a worthy reward for their efforts.
What are the ways to obtain a residence permit?
A residence permit in Germany can be obtained on the following grounds:
- Opening your own business.
- The conclusion of a work contract.
- Entering into a registered marriage with a German citizen.
- Admission to study at the university of this country.
- Real estate ownership and economic independence.
There is another way. People who receive contingent refugee status can obtain a residence permit in Germany. Only Jews have this advantage.
Business opening
Suppose you decide to apply for a residence permit in Germany. How to get it to a foreign entrepreneur? For this, it is necessary to create a business involving at least five workers from the local population of the country. In addition, when issuing a residence permit, the amount of the entrepreneur’s starting capital, which should be at least a quarter of a million euros, will be taken into account. However, in practice, a one-hundred-percent guarantee of a positive answer is given by twice as large initial investments.
If you are satisfied with such an option to apply for a residence permit in Germany, how to get the coveted document? For this, a business plan should be sent to the embassy of the country in a detailed manner, which will reflect all the main stages of building an entrepreneurial business.
Subsequently, the submitted documents will be sent to the tax and financial authorities of the territorial authority where the activity is planned. The terms for studying papers and making decisions vary from six months to a year and a half. If you receive a positive response, you will need to register and register a business within two or three months. This option to obtain a residence permit is possible only if the country has an economic interest in the type of activity offered by the entrepreneur.
Apparatus employed
Obtaining a residence permit in Germany in this way is very difficult.The country's labor legislation is one of the most stringent in relation to foreign citizens.
A residence permit in Germany for Ukrainians, Russians and other immigrants from the countries of the former USSR with this option is issued only with the provision of a huge number of documents. In addition, the employer must have a number of special permits.
The main advantage with existing vacancies are citizens of European countries. That is why finding a job in Germany is very difficult. In order for the search to succeed, the job of the applicant must be in demand in the country.
Recently, a number of legislative acts have been issued in Germany, which can significantly simplify the procedure for applying for the work of foreign citizens. So, in 2012, the “blue card” was introduced. This document has greatly simplified the entry of qualified specialists with professions that are scarce for Germany. Since 2013, a new government decree has been in force. It highlights the issues of employment of specialists with secondary vocational education who wish to move from non-EU countries.
A residence permit in Germany became somewhat more accessible for Russians after the adoption of the Law on Guest Workers, the annual quota of which is two thousand people. Also, countries have signed a number of agreements. Among them - the document "On the employment of workers of Russian enterprises under the contract" and "On the employment of persons employed for the purpose of improving language and professional knowledge."
Marriage with a German
This is the easiest way to obtain a residence permit in Germany. However, German officials, fearing fictitious marriages, approved in the adopted legislation a large number of various bureaucratic obstacles that complicate the life of not only scammers, but also those who made this decision exclusively for love.
The list of documents that must be submitted to those who are not German citizens includes the following:
- passport;
- birth certificate;
- visa;
- certificate of the possibility of marriage, etc.
A complete list of documents can be clarified at the registry office at the place of registration. All submitted papers must have a translation into German and be legalized.
After registering the marriage, the foreign spouse receives a residence permit in Germany. Its validity period is three years. An alien spouse has the right to file an application for citizenship after two years of his stay in the country.
University education
A residence permit in Germany is issued for the following purposes:
- for studying in one of the country's universities;
- for training for admission to a higher educational institution;
- in rare cases, for training in paid lyceums.
Before applying to a university in Germany, a prospective applicant is required to undergo a German language course and a compulsory interview. You can live in the country and prepare for admission for no more than two years. Further, the residence permit is extended only if the applicant becomes a student.
A residence permit for studying at a university in Germany is issued for two years. The residence permit is extended further only if there is reason that the student will finish his studies.
After receiving a diploma, a temporary residence permit in Germany can be issued while searching for a suitable job. You can study in this European country with the aim of continuing education. In this case, the prior consent of the Employment Office is required.
It should be borne in mind that a residence permit is issued to a student who is able to confirm the presence on his account of an amount that is at least seven thousand euros.
Acquisition of capital buildings and apartments
It is impossible to obtain a residence permit in Germany when buying real estate. Foreign investors can only rely on a visa for short trips. This provision is enshrined in German law.However, many property owners are quite happy with the alternative to spend their holidays and vacations in this beautiful country.
Nevertheless, Germany can still provide residence permits to foreign buyers of capital buildings. Real estate is necessary for these citizens for business emigration. This is the case when an entrepreneur plans to open his own business in the country. This issue is quite clearly regulated in the legislative documents of Germany. As mentioned above, a residence permit is issued to an entrepreneur when:
- the presence of economic interest in its activities;
- the positive impact of the planned business on the development of the country;
- financial security of upcoming activities by the bank or in the presence of equity.
Usually, the conditions of the first two paragraphs are considered fulfilled if the foreigner becomes the owner of commercial real estate. Its value should exceed 500,000 euros. At the same time, one should not forget about the creation of five or more jobs.
For those who own commercial real estate, the path to obtaining a residence permit begins with creating your own legal entity. This is usually a company similar to the Russian LLC. Acquired buildings and structures are recorded in the name of the newly formed organization. In this case, the Office for Foreigners is likely to receive a positive response. The investor will be allowed to apply for a residence permit for a period of up to three years with its further extension.
An increasing number of citizens want to obtain a residence permit in Germany when buying real estate. Since 2013, eight federal districts of the country increased a one-time tax on the acquisition of various capital objects. However, after such an innovation, demand has not decreased.
For those who want to obtain a residence permit in Germany when buying real estate, since 2014 this fee has grown in four more federation lands. Now buyers who have chosen objects for themselves in such regions will pay a large amount for them. The highest property purchase tax is charged at Schleswig-Holstein. It is 6.5% of the value of the property.
Moving to Germany in old age
For the average pensioner who lives in the country of the former USSR, obtaining a residence permit in Germany will be quite difficult. The main reason for the refusal will be low income. They will not issue a residence permit to a pensioner due to the absence of real estate registered for him in Germany.
How, then, to get into this economically prosperous country and live calmly the rest of your life? A residence permit in Germany for retirees is available when you open your own business there. Ownership of real estate in this country will help to draw up a document. Relocation for pensioners becomes a reality with documents on a stable financial situation, which will enable a comfortable existence in a European state.
Jewish emigration
The German government is still responsible for the actions that the Nazis committed during World War II. It provides various benefits to Jews, among which is the issue of a residence permit. Anyone who confirms their roots can emigrate to Germany. And even if one of the parents was Jewish, the country provides the applicant with a residence permit on its territory. The official right of emigration can also be freely used by family members of such a person.
How does this procedure go? First of all, you need to prove your Jewish origin. To this end, documents are submitted to the German Consulate, which are indisputable evidence of this. Moreover, the mere birth certificate of a potential emigrant will not be enough. It will take the metrics of mother and father.
The consulate may reject the submitted documents.This happens if they were restored or for one reason or another aroused suspicion of the German side. Then you will need to provide additional documents that prove the Jewish origin of the applicant. This can be old letters and photographs, extracts from the community books of synagogues, as well as the decision of a court that recognized nationality.
A residence permit in Germany for Jews may not be issued by the consulate without any explanation of the reasons, due to the inconclusiveness of evidence of Jewish roots, if the applicant has a criminal past.
Refugee status
Obtaining a residence permit in Germany will greatly simplify the asylum application. Contrary to popular belief, refugee status is granted not only to those who left the territory of military conflicts.
Registration of a residence permit is also allowed if it is impossible for one reason or another to live in your own country. The main condition for making a decision on granting refugee status is documentary evidence of the facts that became the reason for contacting the German authorities.
Professional help
Obtaining a residence permit is a complex process that is associated with jurisprudence with all its facets. That is why it is advisable to contact a specialized company, where a lawyer and a notary, who are well versed in German laws, will help to obtain a residence permit in Germany.