Unemployment benefit is a state subsidy that contributes to the improvement of the material well-being of people who have lost their jobs for one reason or another (or did not have one before). This definition of budget financial support is quite simplified, but fully reflects its very essence. Is it possible to live on such subsidies, what is their average size in our country and abroad? We will try to find answers to such popular questions, as well as draw up detailed instructions on how to get the allowance.
Who is the minimum payout available to?
Almost anyone in need can receive adequate assistance from the state after providing the necessary documents. The minimum unemployment benefit is paid to the following category of citizens:
- Persons dismissed from the last place work under the article (that is, for any specific fault).
- Persons who have not previously worked at all or who have not been so far in positions with official registration under the Labor Code.
- Persons who have entered the exchange to receive subsidies more than 12 months after losing their last job.
- Persons who have lost their job less than 12 months after deregistration on the exchange.
Minimum Payout Amount
The minimum unemployment benefit in our country will be 850 rubles. In determining the size of the subsidy, the overall length of service, the causes of job loss, education and a number of auxiliary features are extremely important.
Basic Benefit Information
What do you need to know about unemployment benefits? We will try to state all the necessary information in the basic postulates.
- The allowance is paid to support unemployed citizens.
- Financial support from the state is provided on a temporary basis.
- Employment centers not only carry out registration and payment of subsidies, but also assist in finding work.
- Unemployed people receiving benefits are not entitled to any kind of side job.
- An increase in unemployment benefits does not occur over time, on the contrary, its size only decreases.
- Re-listing on the exchange occurs no earlier than 18 months after it was abandoned in connection with finding a new job.
- Each year, the state indexes the size of the benefit, it is determined by the cost of living.
- For 2015, the minimum amount is 850 rubles, the maximum - 4900 rubles (excluding ratios).
- The benefit rate may be affected by the district rate.
- Termination of payments is mandatory accompanied by a notification letter.
Payout Scheme
Let's talk about how the determination of the size of unemployment benefits occurs for all other categories of citizens (not burdened by any reducing factors). The main criterion for calculating is the salary of the employee at the last place of work. Based on the specified amount paid for labor duties, payments are made according to the following scheme:
- The first three months - 75% of the last wage.
- From 4 to 7 months (within 4 months) - 60% of the salary.
- Over the specified period and up to one year - 45%.
Pay attention to the fact that there is a maximum and minimum amount of benefits (it is indicated in the list of postulates above).After the specified period (after 12 months) the unemployed can only claim the minimum payments.
Documents required for registration
How are unemployment benefits processed? To receive financial state support for the loss of a job, a person is recommended to contact the Employment Center (to the labor exchange). Registration in this institution is carried out directly on the day of treatment. To properly formalize and eliminate the possibility of failure, try to collect the entire package of necessary documents. Unemployment benefits in Moscow and throughout the country are made out on the basis of the following papers:
- Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for all categories of applicants).
- An application drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the labor exchange (for all categories of applicants).
- A document confirming the education received (for example, a university diploma, certificate, etc.).
- Workbook (if any). The document is provided only by those who have already worked and designed accordingly.
- Additional documents on education (optional, but desirable). They are, of course, provided only upon availability.
- Certificate of income (issued in the form of 2-personal income tax, should contain only the correct information and the correct name).
About some important features
It should be noted that for people with disabilities there is their own program for employment and rehabilitation. As you can see, the whole algorithm of actions is simple and transparent. You collect the necessary documents (originals), take them to the Employment Center, its employees register you on the day of the application, and you begin to receive payments. Refusal to be included in the official ranks of the unemployed is possible only if you have provided an incomplete or incorrect package of documents.
Unemployment in America
Unemployment benefits in the United States are also paid only to a certain category of people. A huge number of people live in the country who, for one reason or another, cannot or do not want to work (more than 37 percent of the total population), it is simply not possible to provide all of them with subsidies. Official unemployment rate (calculated by the number of people over 16 who want to work and are looking for a suitable vacancy) is less than 7 percent.
What influences American subsidies?
Currently, government subsidies are paid in America for six months. The decision to reduce the payment term was made in 2014, which led to a sharp increase in employment. What indicators determine unemployment benefits in the US? The final amount of the grant often depends on the state in which the person lives. So, the subsidy can be affected by:
- the average wage at the last place of work for a period of 6 to 12 months;
- term of work in last place;
- the presence of dependents in the family;
- occupation;
- registration of an employee on staff or under a contract;
- certain conditions of dismissal.
US average payout
Each state has its own characteristics, ratios and terms, which must be taken into account when determining a possible subsidy. On average, a person cannot claim the amount of more than half of his previous maximum wage. Among other things, there are certain restrictions on the subsidy offered by the state. The average unemployment benefit in the country is just over $ 260 - such data are relevant for 2014. To receive such funds, a person must constantly confirm the status of an unemployed person who is actively searching for a new vacancy.
Grant Comparison
Comparing the benefits paid in both countries, it should be noted that subsidies in America are much more substantial. Moreover, financial support in Russia and the USA has a number of similar features.For example, regional ratios (state laws) have a large impact on the amount of allocated financial resources. At the same time, the requirements for documentation for registration with the Employment Center on the territory of our country are unified, but in America they may vary and depend on various factors. Another significant difference is that in the United States payments are made only for six months (maximum thirty weeks), in Russia - much longer.
Unemployment benefits - state support for people who want to work, but are not able to fulfill their wishes for reasons beyond their control. To receive a subsidy of this nature, anyone can contact the Employment Center and, having submitted certain documents, register. Grants received are a temporary measure. In addition to material support, the labor exchange also assists in job searches. After a suitable vacancy is found, materiel ceases to flow to the former unemployed. A similar support system for the needy is organized not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world.