The land, acting as a property, must have a cadastral passport. Why is this document needed? We will understand this in the article.
General concepts
First, the term “inventory” should be clarified. It is a registry that contains certain information about certain objects. For assignment cadastral number to the land it should be registered. In this case, the registry will contain data on its location, purpose, legal status and so on.
Documentation Features
Until March 2008, the cadastral plan was one of the main land documents. After a number of legislative amendments, a new paper appeared. The cadastral passport for the land (how to get this document will be described below) is part of the plan that every owner should have. Many people confuse these two papers. However, this is not the same document.
What is a cadastral passport to the land?
This document describes the legal side of the allotted territory, describes its technical parameters. He is assigned a specific (unique) identification number. On it at any time you can get acquainted with the main parameters of the allotment. Without a cadastral passport, it is impossible to register the allocated territory as a property. Accordingly, it is not possible to complete a purchase and sale transaction.
How and where to get a cadastral passport for a land plot?
It should immediately be said that this procedure takes a relatively long time. Where to get the cadastral passport of the land? The issuance of the document is carried out in Rosreestr. It is available on request in electronic or paper form. Before you receive a cadastral passport of the land, you must perform a number of mandatory work. To conduct them, you should contact the specialists. Among the works that are carried out before obtaining a cadastral passport of a land plot, there is a land surveying, topographic survey. The user of the allocated territory cannot carry out these activities. To conduct them, he needs to contact a private cadastral engineer or a geodetic company. This activity in the Russian Federation is subject to licensing. In this regard, you should check the availability of the permitting document from the future contractor.
Required documents
Before you receive a cadastral passport of the land, you should prepare a package of papers. It includes:
- User statement on registration of the allocated territory.
- Passport (copies).
- The decision of the administration that the site was provided.
- An extract containing information from the household book.
- Boundary plan.
- A receipt that a state duty has been paid.
After providing these papers, before receiving the cadastral passport of the land, the authorized body checks the data. In particular, the correctness and validity of documents is evaluated. Also checked:
- The reality of the authority of the applicant.
- Completeness of the package of documents.
- Compliance of the paper form with the established requirements.
- Validity of information provided for accounting.
Final stage
After checking the submitted documents, the authorized body can approve or reject the application for a cadastral passport to the site. The decision will depend on the results of the study of the materials provided. If no shortcomings are identified, the application will be satisfied. The land will be registered, after which the applicant will receive a cadastral passport. In the materials provided may be found any defects.
In this case, the authorized body suspends the procedure and notifies the applicant about it. The notification shall indicate deficiencies that were identified during the audit. After elimination, their process resumes. A refusal to issue a passport will occur if the documents provided by the applicant contain information that is not true. In general, the procedure takes about 20 days, provided that a survey plan has been drawn up and all the necessary papers have been prepared.
Document Content
The cadastral passport shall include the information necessary for state registration of the allocated territory. A document is issued if the allotment has a unique number. If it is not, then you must first register the land in the territorial cadastral authority. In this case, documents of title should be provided. This may be a resolution of the administration, a certificate of inheritance, an extract from the household book and so on. The cadastral passport contains four separate sections. They are compiled on numbered individual sheets.
Section B1
This section includes the name of the cadastral authority that registered the site. It also reflects all the information that relates to the directly allocated territory. All data is entered in the corresponding lines. In particular, the cadastral number that is assigned to the site, as well as the date of execution of the act, is indicated. Section B1 contains information on the location of the allocated territory. If it is impossible to determine the address (for example, the site is located outside the village), the law allows a description of the location relative to other plots. The section also indicates the area, category of permitted use, information on the legal status of the territory and its cadastral value. Additional information or special marks are also allowed here.
Section B2
This section is a plot diagram. The scale of the plan and coordinates are indicated here. If there was no land survey and there is no case, then B2 will not be filled. At the same time, in the previous section (B1) there will be a note that the borders of the territory are not established.
Sections B3 and B4
These two sections are not always present in the document. Their registration is carried out when the state cadastre contains the necessary information for this. Sections B3 and B4 may include information on parts of a designated territory (if divided). If there is any encumbrance, then this information is also indicated here. Accordingly, these persons are included in whose benefit they are identified.
Additional Information
The information contained in the cadastral passport is fully consistent with the information present in the State Real Estate Cadastre. Each sheet of the document must have the seal and signature of the authority that composed it. The cadastral passport has an unlimited duration. However, if any data changes, it is necessary to update the document, since it must contain reliable information.
To carry out the procedure for registration of ownership, you must order a cadastral passport in duplicate. Both are provided by the Fed.Since 2011, the cadastral chamber has received the authority to register property and issue relevant certificates to land plots in the process of registering them.
In this regard, the preparation of two copies of the document for them is not considered mandatory. However, it is expected that soon interested citizens will not have to order a cadastral passport. This is due to the developing information interaction between government bodies. It is likely that the authorized services themselves will order the necessary documents without the participation of the owner of the object. At present, in order to obtain a cadastral passport, you will have to apply in person (or through a representative) with the appropriate application and prepare a package of papers attached to it.