In recent years, China has been rapidly progressing in all areas, including education. The country's economy is growing, and with it the importance of local business partners and the demand for language. All this entails the prestige of education in the Middle Kingdom among Russians. That is why they go to study in China.
Universities of the country - higher education system
Modern universities of the Celestial Empire train specialists in almost all areas: starting with IT technologies, and ending with philology and philosophy. Chinese universities come in two types - public and private. Lectures in them are given not only in Chinese, but also in English. There are three stages of training:
- Undergraduate.
- Master or MBA.
- Doctoral or postgraduate studies.
Education at the University of China usually begins, as in Russia, in September. But recruitment is carried out twice a year: in the fall and again in the winter. You can do it during any wave, starting to study far after the start of the semester.
Benefits of a Chinese Diploma
Unlike democratic European universities, the Chinese are very disciplined. They do not have the opportunity to freely choose courses or independently create a program and schedule. This is similar to the Russian system. The courses here are standard, lectures and practical - fixed. This not only disciplines, but also allows you to get a comprehensive comprehensive education. The system and good financing of this field provided students of many universities with excellent scientific bases and laboratories. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in science and work on the latest equipment.
A plus of the Chinese diploma will be the demand on the world labor market. Any education here is aimed at a clear result. In China, no one receives a diploma just as it often happens in Russia. Here, teachers and students consciously work on the formation of a competitive specialist. Of course, one cannot but note the cost of training - in similar colleges in Europe or America, the price is much higher than China offers.
Celestial universities - the best among the best
Some Chinese universities today are included in the global rankings the best universities in the world. They have a high level of citation in the scientific world, good competitiveness in the labor market, modern material and technical support, and high-quality financing. The best universities in China include Peking University, founded in the late 19th century. This is the most international university in the country. One fifth of all his students are foreigners. They have everything they need, including intensive Chinese courses. 96% of graduates find a good job within a few months after graduation.
Not far from Beijing is Tsinghua University - the first in the Chinese ranking of universities. The best specialists in the natural sciences and technology are trained here. Its advantages, in addition to a serious scientific base, include a picturesque campus located in ancient imperial gardens. Popular and scientific university (China, Harbin). Despite the fact that there are many humanitarian areas of training, this university specializes in mechanical engineering and energy.
How to proceed?
In principle, to enter the local university, a Russian certificate of secondary education is enough. But really you have to study in Chinese or, more likely, in English.Therefore, you will have to confirm the language level with an international certificate: both IELT and TOEFL can be sent to China. Universities often do not have any entrance exams. It is enough to submit documents. Sometimes a portfolio of projects or a motivational essay on a given topic is required - it all depends on the training profile. When you receive a notification of enrollment, start applying for a study visa.
What the cost of studying?
In most universities in China there are both budget and paid places. However, it makes no sense to expect a foreign student to apply for a vacancy ordered by the state - preferences will always be given to talented Chinese applicants, of whom there are many. Therefore, calculate your financial capabilities, because you will have to pay not only for the training itself, but also for housing and other services. You are actually moving to China for several years. Universities accept contributions differently - somewhere you need to pay all year at once, but somewhere you can give money gradually, for each semester.
The approximate cost is 2 thousand dollars a year. That is, for 5 years of study (3 years of undergraduate and 2 years of magistracy) will have to give 10 thousand. Graduate school will cost another 3. And if you finish special annual courses before entering, then their cost will be another 3 thousand dollars. You will have to pay for accommodation separately. Typically, the university provides a choice of places on campus - in double apartments, a single room or in a studio apartment. A double room in Beijing will cost 4 thousand per year. In Shanghai, it will cost a little cheaper.