
How to connect electricity to the site? Rules for connecting electricity

During the construction of a new summer cottage or private residential building, the owner will have to solve a difficult task - to connect electricity to the site, correctly filling out all the necessary documents. The reality is that the connection process lasts for many months, so it’s better to take care of it even before the end of construction. How to connect electricity to the land? What documents may be required to obtain permission to connect electricity?

Where to go?

Regardless of whether it is planned to electrify a house, a summer cottage or just a piece of land, the first thing a future subscriber needs to find out is: where to go to connect electricity to the plot. You need to declare your intention to the organization, on the balance of which there are the nearest power lines.

In any Russian region, two organizations are involved in power network maintenance. The former carry out generation, that is, the production of electric current with subsequent supply to the power grid. Organizations of the second type are directly involved in energy sales, that is, distribution and sale of electricity to consumers, including connecting electricity to new subscribers.

connect electricity to the plot

To find the address of the nearest client office of the network organization, you will either need to visit the official website of the company in your region, or call the regional toll-free number. You can do even easier: ask the address of the client office from the owners of neighboring plots that are already connected to the mains.

Stages of connecting a private home ownership to the electricity network

Consider the example of private home ownership, how to connect electricity to the land. A step-by-step procedure for connecting to the power grid, which includes obtaining permission and processing all documents, is as follows:

  • Filing an application for connection to the power grid.
  • Subscriber receiving technical conditions.
  • Fulfillment of technical specifications.
  • Connection to power grids and commissioning.
  • Registration and issuance to the subscriber of an act on technological connection, an act of delimiting the balance of ownership and operational responsibility of the parties.
  • Connection to the electric network of power receivers, installation and sealing electricity meter.
  • Conclusion of a power supply agreement with a grid company.


An application form for technological connection to the power grid can be obtained at the client office of the network organization or printed on the official website. The following should be attached to the application:

  • Documents confirming the ownership of the land, as well as a residential building (if available on the site).
  • When the application is submitted not by the owner of the site, but by his authorized representative (representative), an attorney is attached.
  • Project (plan) of power supply.

The last document is not always included in the list of mandatory annexes to the application, therefore it is recommended that you clarify the need for such a project in the client office of the network organization. The list of attached documents is exhaustive. The requirement of a network organization to provide other certificates and receipts is illegal.

Project (plan) of connection to the power grid

An electricity supply project is a document that includes a plan for the location of power receivers, power supply schemes, an approximate calculation of power consumption, etc.In order to connect electricity to the site, it is enough to order the simplest and, accordingly, the cheapest version of the project.

The development and design of the project can be carried out by organizations licensed for this type of activity. Most often, such companies are subordinate organizations. A copy of the license, certified by the seal and signature of the head of the company, is issued to the subscriber along with the power supply project.

how to connect electricity to the land

The finished project is being approved by the regional administration and by the chief engineer of the Energosbyt network organization. The agreed and approved project is entered in the appropriate register.

Technical conditions

After a set of documents is submitted to the client office of the network organization of the network, the application for connection to the power grid is considered within 30 days. After this period it will be accepted, and the consumer will receive a draft contract for technical connection, or an official letter will be sent to the subscriber indicating the reasons for the refusal.

The applicant is also issued technical conditions - a document containing the requirements required to connect the facility to the mains. The consumer is usually given 2 years to complete all the work. If the owner of the site failed to meet the technical specifications for the allotted time, the application is submitted again.

connect electricity to the plot

Important! The applicant fulfills the technical conditions exclusively on the territory of his own land plot. It is the responsibility of the network organization to carry out all that is needed outside the consumer site to connect electricity to the site.

Upon completion of the work stipulated by the technical conditions, the network organization conducts an inspection with the preparation and signing of the relevant act, and then carries out the connection of the site to the power grid.

Terms of connection

To carry out work on the technical connection of the site to the power grids for the grid organization, the deadlines are from 6 months to 1 year. Electricity connection to the site within the city should be made within six months if the electric networks are located no further than 300 m from the object. The village should be connected with electricity within the same time period, provided that the electric networks are no further than 500 m. If the distance from the border of the applicant’s land plot to the electric networks exceeds the specified distance, the connection works are performed within 1 year.

The cost of connecting electricity

The cost of a technical connection to the power grid depends on the distance to the boundary of the site and the connected power of the electrical installations. Provided that the electric networks are located no further than 500 m in the countryside or 300 m in the city, it can cost the applicant no more than 550 rubles per 15 kW to connect electricity to the site.

connect electricity to the plot without buildings

In the event that, according to the connection project, homeownership requires more power, the cost of the actual connection is discussed in the draft agreement. All work on the design, installation, connection of additional equipment is carried out at the expense of the owner of the site. The amount that will have to be paid for an increase in allowed capacity can reach up to 100-120 thousand rubles

Also, additional costs will arise if it is planned to connect electricity to the IZHS section, which is located at a considerable distance from the nearest electrical networks.

Power Connection Documents

After completing all work on the electrification of the site, the network organization issues to the consumer:

  • Act on completed technological connection.
  • Act on the delineation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of the parties.

Both documents are executed and issued to the subscriber free of charge. Upon receipt of the acts, the consumer must:

  • Invite a specialist network organization who will check and seal the meter (meter) of electrical energy.
  • Choose a payment rate for the consumed electricity and conclude an energy sales agreement in the client office of the network organization.

After that, the subscriber can use electricity legally.

IZHS site connection

Often, land owners under private housing construction make a decision in advance to connect electricity to the site, long before the start of construction work. The connection of the IZHS site is carried out on the same grounds as the connection to the electricity network of a residential building. What difficulties may arise for a consumer who plans to connect electricity to a site without buildings?

connect electricity to a site without a home

If the land plot is located on the territory of a settlement or a village under construction, then the only reason why the applicant may be refused a network company is a lack of capacity. It arises from outdated transformer equipment or a large number of new households. At the same time, the owner of the site can wait for the modernization of electric networks or build his substation, independently or together with neighbors.

For other reasons, the network company has no right to refuse to connect electricity to a site without a home. However, the owner of the site, which is too far from settlements and electric networks, needs to be prepared for the fact that the installation of power lines in the area of ​​its construction this year is simply not provided for in the plan. Under such circumstances, it will become possible to connect electricity only within 12 months from the date of application.

Features of connecting electricity to a plot in a garden (country) partnership

How to connect a summer cottage to electricity, if the land owner is a member of a gardening non-profit partnership (SNT)? The decision to connect sections of all SNT members to electric networks is taken at a general meeting with the registration of the corresponding protocol. An application for electricity connection is submitted by an authorized representative of SNT. To it should be attached:

  • A copy of the charter of the gardening partnership.
  • Copies of documents confirming the ownership of the owners of their summer cottages and houses.
  • A copy of the minutes of the meeting with the decision of the members of the SNT on connection to electric networks and the conclusion of an agreement on the technical connection of the plots.
  • A project (plan) with a layout of energy receiving devices in all suburban areas of the SNT.

where to go to connect electricity to the site

Within 30 days after the application is submitted, the network company will issue a draft contract for connection and technical conditions binding on each summer cottage. The SNT chairman must check the agreement for compliance with the current legislation and, in the absence of comments, sign and provide one copy to the network organization. If any clauses of the contract are contrary to the norms of the law, the chairman of the SNT sends a refusal indicating the reason. In this case, the network organization is obliged to bring the draft agreement into line with the law within five days and provide the SNT with a new document.

Fulfillment of technical specifications

Members of SNT are given a year to fulfill the technical conditions. The network company performs the work stipulated by the technical specifications, up to the borders of the territory of the garden partnership. Owners of summer cottages should implement the technical conditions inside SNT on their own and at their own expense. Thus, the costs of the partnership for the electrification of their own summer cottage are added to the costs of building power lines, and, if necessary, substations on the territory of the partnership.

Terms and cost of connection

To perform work on the actual connection of sections of a horticultural partnership, the terms should not exceed:

  • 6 months at a distance of the boundaries of SNT to the nearest electric networks 300 m (city) or 500 m (rural area) and the total power of connected electricity up to 100 kW.
  • 1 year - with a greater distance to power grids and a total capacity of up to 750 kW.
  • 2 years - with a connected total power of more than 750 kW. In addition, for such cases, it is possible to extend the deadline for carrying out technical specifications to 4 years.

The cost of connecting one suburban area to the power grid is not more than 550 rubles with a connected power of up to 15 kW. After the actual affiliation is over, the chairman is issued an act of balance sheet ownership and an act of technical connection. An energy supply agreement is concluded with a garden partnership in the interests of members of the SNT.

how to connect a summer cottage to electricity

Thus, the connection to the electricity networks of summer cottages is the result of a general decision of the owners - members of SNT. But if agreements for the electrification of summer cottages between SNT members for some reason have not been reached, this does not mean that it is impossible to connect electricity. Each owner of a summer cottage has the right to independently apply for the connection of his summer cottage. In this case, the connection conditions provided for private ownership apply.

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