Today, electronic currency has replaced many with cash. After all, with its help you can pay for purchases in online stores, mobile services and even utility bills. But how to transfer money from Webmoney to Qiwi? You will learn about this in our article.
Is it possible to transfer money from one electronic wallet another?
Not all electronic payment systems are the same. Therefore, users often need to transfer funds from one account to another. This may be due to the terms of payment for online stores or regional restrictions. Our simple instruction will help you quickly carry out a foreign exchange transaction with minimal losses.
How to transfer money from Webmoney to Qiwi? Everything is quite simple, but you must follow the sequence of actions and be sure to save passwords and all important data on a digital medium. After all, restoring your personal account in the electronic payment system is not so simple.
How to transfer money from Webmoney to Qiwi: a traditional way
If you need to exchange one electronic currency for another, you must first go through the identification procedure. This is required so that payments are safe and formal. Indeed, for any banking operations required clearance under the law of the Russian Federation. In the case of electronic payment systems, this condition acts in exactly the same way.
First you need to upload a scan of your passport and TIN number to the Webmoney system. After confirmation by the data administrator, transfers and other currency transactions will become available to you. In order to go through the identification procedure in the Qiwi Visa Wallet system, it is enough to fill in all the fields of the questionnaire in your personal account.
After all the data is confirmed, you need to bind the accounts. To do this, go to the "Cards" section in your Webmoney account and indicate the Qiwi wallet number. The same thing needs to be done in your account in the Qiwi system. As a rule, the service becomes available within 12 hours after binding.
To transfer money from one payment system to another, in the Webmoney account you should again select the "Cards" section and indicate the attached Qiwi wallet number and the transfer amount. The system will ask you to confirm the actions with an SMS message with a one-time code.
Please note that money transfers between Visa Qiwi Wallet and Webmoney will be accompanied by a commission of 1.5% of the total amount. Payments will come from one account to another in a matter of minutes, without the need for a personal appeal to the systems administration. In addition, guaranteed complete safety and security of funds.
Should I use currency exchangers?
Not everyone wants to enter their personal data into the system. But how to transfer money from Webmoney to Qiwi without identification? To do this, you can use electronic currency exchangers.
The network has many intermediaries that allow you to translate electronic currency in any format. However, be prepared for the fact that in this case the percentage will be much higher than when transferring in the traditional way. Therefore, before using the services of an exchanger, be sure to read the reviews of other users. Remember that it is much faster and safer to make money transfers through an official representative.
Do not forget about data security
Any currency transaction in the network is not insured against hacking or any force majeure circumstances. In addition, when making a transfer through an intermediary, there is always a risk of completely losing all your funds. At the same time, it will be impossible to prove your case, as you do not provide personal data.
In order to protect yourself from such troubles, it is recommended to use the "Secure Payments" function, which is installed with antivirus. In this case, all transfers will be insured against hacking. And in case of suspicious actions by the intermediary, the system will block a fraudulent attack and save all your data and money.
We can conclude that the question of how to transfer money from Webmoney to Qiwi is solved quite simply. The main thing is to ensure complete security of the foreign exchange transaction and comply with all rules.