
How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2?

Do you know how to transfer money from a Sberbank card to your phone? We are ready to provide all the necessary information for Beeline, Tele2, Megafon and MTS subscribers. The article contains detailed instructions and recommendations.

How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a phone

How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a friend’s phone?

Temporary financial difficulties may arise for each of us. Well, if there is a person nearby who is ready to help. Sometimes a completely opposite situation occurs when a friend asks for a deposit to his mobile account. A direct transfer of money from number to number can help out. But what if you have different operators? Or is the balance of your phone also approaching the blackout threshold? There is an exit. Now we’ll tell you how to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a friend’s phone. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Find the “SMS” section on your phone. Select "Write New."

2. Enter a text of this kind: [PHONE 900XXXXXXX 200], where 900XXXXXXXX is your friend’s phone number and 200 is the top-up amount.

3. We send a message to the number 900. In the response SMS, it will be written that the operation was successful.

How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a Beeline phone

MTS account replenishment using Sberbank card

The phone suddenly ran out of money, and you need to make an important call? If you have a Sberbank card, you can solve this problem in a matter of minutes. What does the company Mobile TeleSystems offer its subscribers? Now you will know about it.

How to transfer money from Sberbank card to MTS phone:

Method number 1 - using the services of "mobile assistant" and "Internet assistant". If the service is not connected to you, then transferring money in this way will be impossible. To correct the situation, you need to go to the nearest MTS salon, taking with you a passport and a bank card. Employees of the communication department will talk about the features and benefits of these services.

To connect the "Internet assistant" you only need to enter the data of the subscriber (F. I. O, date and place of birth) and attach the card to the phone number. After visiting the MTS salon, you will be able to make financial transactions while at home. Just dial 0880 and then 1-3-2. Commission for the transfer of money is not provided. There are no restrictions on the amount and number of such operations.

Method number 2 - registration of a special card MTS.CARD. This program has recently been introduced by Mobile TeleSystems. Three types of cards are offered to subscribers - with different interest rates and limits. The most popular option is Maestro. The process of registration takes 10 minutes. And the interest rate is 28% per annum.

Options to replenish the balance of the phone from the MTS.CARD:

  • call 0515, you just need to name the payment code to the operator;
  • through an ATM;
  • through special terminals.

Money transfer from Sberbank card to Megafon account

Subscribers of this network must visit the official website of the operator. After registration, access to the "My Account" will open. There you can attach a bank card to a mobile phone. The Megafon company offers its subscribers two services that allow you to quickly replenish the balance. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

"Mobile payment". To connect this option, we contact the nearest communication salon. You give the operator a passport and report the card number that you want to bind to the phone number. Within three days, an SMS PIN code will be sent to your mobile phone. It must be entered every time a payment is confirmed.But keep in mind that after an incorrect triple code dialing, the Mobile Payment service is automatically disabled. There is no need to pay for using the option. Transfer fees are also not provided.

"Automatic account replenishment." This option is only suitable for VISA and MasterCard cardholders. As in the previous case, you must visit the Megafon sales center to activate the service. After linking the card to the phone number, you will forget about what a zero or negative balance is. As soon as 10 rubles remain on the account, it will be automatically replenished. The amount of the transfer is initially specified in the contract. The service is free and does not include any fees.

How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a Beeline phone?

Amount left on your mobile account, which is not enough to make important calls? Do not get upset ahead of time. Now we will explain to Beeline subscribers how to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a phone.

Option number 1 - payment via the Internet. On the official website of the operator there is a special form for replenishing the phone with a card. This procedure does not take much time. There is no commission for payments, which is good news.

Option No. 2 - through menu commands and USSD requests. First you need to bind the card to a mobile number. Then a secret code will come to the phone. It must be entered every time a translation is completed. After binding the card, a new item should appear in the "My Beeline" tab. It is called "Payment by credit card." By selecting this item, the subscriber can replenish the account. You just need to enter the desired amount.

How to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a phone tele2

Information for Tele2 subscribers

The number of mobile phone service providers is increasing every year. The company "Tele2" introduced to the market not so long ago, but already has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. If its development will continue to go at such a pace, but very soon it will catch up with the top three operators (Megafon, MTS and Beeline).

Not all subscribers know how to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a Tele2 phone. We are ready to share the necessary information.

Want to quickly top up your mobile account? Then go to the Tele2 website and find a special form for making transfers. Fill in the fields with bank card information. Enter the phone number and the required amount. After a few minutes, the balance will be replenished.

You can transfer money from the site of Sberbank. We go through registration and create a “Personal Account”. After linking the card to the mobile number, a money transfer service will be available.


We described in detail how to transfer money from a Sberbank card to a phone. The article contains instructions for subscribers of different networks (Beeline, Tele2, Megafon and MTS).

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