
How to open a tire recycling plant. Business Plan: Tire Recycling

There are more and more cars on our roads, which means that the number of used tires is growing. The question is what to do with them, how to dispose of them. Many just quietly throw away used tires, but this only leads to the appearance of natural dumps. But you can make money on this garbage. Let's learn how to open a tire recycling plant.

Profitable trash

how to open a tire recycling plantWhy tire recycling is so beneficial? This category of waste contains polymers that are widely used in a wide variety of industrial fields.

Tire recycling products are used to make new tires. Rubber crumb is used in decoration, as a waterproofing material in construction.

It is used in the design of treadmills, the arrangement of children's and sports grounds.

Deep pyrolysis processing of rubber allows you to get fuel oil at the output.

In addition, you will not have problems with raw materials. Owners of used tires will be happy to take the opportunity to get rid of annoying garbage. Often you do not even have to pay for rubber trash, you just have to offer pickup tires.

In addition to cooperation with private individuals, you may well conclude cooperation agreements with companies that buy outdated cars for scrap. And agricultural enterprises always have a lot of worthless tires from machinery.

It often makes sense to seek support from local authorities. So you speed up the issue of obtaining a license.

Tire Recycling License

Since your activity will be associated with hazardous waste, you will have to obtain a license to work with it. Passing an examination confirming the safety of your production will cost you certain financial costs.

So that you do not have problems with the sanitary inspection, do not ignore the requirements of environmentalists about the need to install appropriate filters. They, as a rule, come complete with a technological line.

And also strictly observe the remoteness of your company from any residential settlements. Whether it is a small village or a densely populated residential sector, the tire recycling plant should be at least three hundred (four hundred) meters from them.

What documents are needed to run

Before opening a tire recycling plant, register your company and register with the tax office.

Settle firefighters in advance. You need to get permission from them. It will also be required from the sanitary inspection.

In addition, attend to the conclusion of an agreement with energy suppliers.

We are looking for a room

tire recycling technologyA tire recycling plant cannot fit on a tiny patch. You will need serious floor space. To accommodate the equipment you need about 500 square meters. And you also need to allocate a room for a warehouse of raw materials and finished products.

And remember about the necessary distance to residential buildings. All of these indicators should reflect your business plan. Recycling tires should not cause indignation in your involuntary neighbors. Complaints from the public may well lead to the closure of your factory.

Under such parameters, the site located outside the city in the industrial zone is best suited. It is difficult to find free land within the suburbs, so focus on the buildings of former factory floors. Now it is not difficult to find a non-working industrial enterprise. Then the case is small - you need to conclude a lease.

When renting a room, specify the proximity of power grids and the ability to connect to them. Access roads are required.

What recycling consists of

The tire recycling technology consists of several stages:

  • side rings are removed from the tires on a special stand;
  • remove the cord;
  • the tire is divided into pieces;
  • the resulting parts are crushed to obtain fractions of 3 or 4 millimeters;
  • metal impregnation of the cord is removed from the mass using magnetic separation;
  • fractions are ground to a powder state in which the particles do not exceed one millimeter.

Now a little more. The assembled tires are first in stock. After that, they get to the initial screening. Employees of the line find out if there are metal parts in the tires (wheels, rings). They remove everything that may interfere with the initial cutting of tires.

The crushed raw materials enter the reactor hopper. The decomposition process is started in the reactor, and at the output you get a carbon-containing precipitate, gas, and a liquid-fuel fraction. Gas is returned to the reactor to maintain its functioning, and residues that are surplus are simply brought out. Since they contain harmful substances, filters must be installed.

It is necessary to distinguish between the mechanical method of disposal and pyrolysis.

The result of the first is to obtain rubber crumbs, granules, chips. In the second case, fuel oil becomes a product of processing, which is close in characteristics to furnace fuel.

Turn tires into fuel oil

Pyrolysis tire recycling has already been mentioned above. The liquid fuel fraction, which is formed as a result of decomposition of the rubber powder in the reactor, is pyrolysis oil. About one and a half tons of raw materials can drive out about 40 percent of this substance.

But only after the finalization stage does the oily liquid turn into fuel oil. It is bought for the needs of private homeowners and industrial enterprises.

We equip production

Tire recycling equipment is usually supplied by production lines. They are already equipped with all necessary installations and assemblies. At the same time, you need to understand whether you will be focused solely on the mechanical disposal of raw materials. Or your plans include the production of fuel oil. Although usually the owners of mini-factories prefer to do both to increase profits.

So, tire processing equipment includes:

  • hydraulic shears;
  • air separator;
  • eraser;
  • tape cutter;
  • cut out rings;
  • squeezer;
  • chip cutter.

A reactor is needed to start the decomposition process. And for storage of pyrolysis liquid - a tank.

When choosing a plant, remember the safety of your production. Additionally mount the treatment units, install filters. Use low-power lines to save resources.

Before opening a tire recycling plant, check with your equipment supplier for service conditions for the installation. The cost of the line is very high, so do not skimp on quality staff training.

Recruiting employees

tire pyrolysis processingFor the smooth operation of the installation does not need a huge staff. Two technical staff are quite capable of handling it. For the second shift, two more are needed. Total we have four people.

For the functioning of the office you need an accountant, a sales manager, for the purchase of raw materials. Sometimes the storekeeper’s bid does not hurt.

Salary is laid down in the business plan. Recycling tires is unthinkable without freight. Therefore, either hire drivers with freight under a work contract, or maintain a transportation department.

The selection of personnel is best entrusted to recruitment agencies, having undertaken the final interview. As mentioned above, you will most likely have to train recruited employees. In this, you can be supported by a company that manufactures equipment for recycling plants. Usually they have familiarization programs.

Sometimes business leaders invite employees who previously worked in similar enterprises.


You need to calculate expenses and incomes in advance, at the stage when you are preparing a business plan.Tire recycling is expensive. The cost of equipment will cost you a round sum. Even the most low-cost installations cost over a million. And this is without taking into account the delivery of the complex. It is hardly possible to manage without attracting investments.

In addition, without the availability of treatment plants you will not sign permits. This is another significant expense.

Monthly a certain amount will be "eaten up" by the rental, electricity consumption, salary of employees.

So is there any point in recycling?

Let's count the pros now. You get raw materials almost for free. And in some cases, businesses will even pay you for the opportunity to get rid of old tires

In addition, the resulting product, whether it is polymer powder or fuel oil, is sold at a high cost. The main thing is to find outlets. So your company will pay off and begin to bring a steady income.

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I want to open a full cycle tire recycling business. How much will the good equipment cost with staff training and what kind of approvals you need to go through.
Learned a lot of useful. Thank you
Tell in more detail what approvals are needed for the pyrolysis installation, what instances and where to start
Good afternoon Author!
Thank you for your work, enough information is interesting. I am interested in recycling polyethylene, in particular HDPE waste.



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