
Restaurant business: how to open your cafe from scratch. How to open your own restaurant or cafe. Obtaining a license and advertising

how to open your cafe from scratchIn fact, cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments are considered extremely profitable business. But not everyone succeeds in constantly developing their own business.

Many people are interested in how to open their cafe from scratch. In fact, everything is important in the restaurant business - even the little things. That is why an interesting idea can turn into a profitable business only with accurate planning and complete dedication.

How to open your cafe from scratch?

Many people at least once in their life thought about opening such an institution. And among businessmen who are interested in questions about how to open their own restaurant and cafe, the problem of potential profit becomes paramount. How to make such an institution bring stable income? What will be the profitability of the cafe?

In fact, many restaurateurs manage to quickly raise their business from scratch. By the way, the profitability of one cup of coffee averages 200–300%. A restaurant (or cafe) receives raw materials, then it produces a product that costs much more than the material spent on it. It is this difference that provides the income that goes to pay bills, taxes, etc. The profitability of a cafe (or restaurant) with the right approach can be very high.

On the other hand, it is worth considering that the profit of such an institution directly depends on the number of visitors. Accordingly, in the cafe it is necessary to create such conditions that each client wants to return here again. And the competition in this business is quite large.

What is the difference between a cafe and a restaurant?

Many people, even those who are not interested in the food service industry, ask questions about the difference between cafes, restaurants and bars. In fact, today the borders between such institutions are very blurred.

For example, a bar is a place where customers are offered a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. In Soviet times, the cafe was a place intended for food, and alcoholic beverages were not sold here.

Today, the difference between a cafe and a restaurant is in the assortment and service. The restaurant offers a wide selection of dishes, desserts, alcohol and tobacco products, as well as high quality service. In the cafe, the price list is less diverse.

How to open your cafe: business plan

Before you start your own business, you should consider all the little things. How to open your cafe from scratch:

  • draw up the necessary documents;
  • find a room, rent it;
  • determine the design style, make repairs, purchase furniture;
  • purchase the necessary equipment and utensils;
  • determine the number of employees;
  • make a menu, a cocktail card;
  • conduct an advertising campaign;
  • purchase the first batch of products;
  • organize a grand opening.

Each of the above points is important in its own way. And below you will be offered some useful recommendations.

What documents are needed to open a cafe or restaurant?

Note that the opening of any public catering establishment is associated with the execution of a mass of documents. First you need to register with the tax office - this may be the registration of IP or LLC.In addition, you will need a license for a cafe, permission to trade, as well as the sale of alcohol and tobacco products (in this case, the purchase and registration of a cash register is also required).

In the future, you need to get a document that attests the compliance of the premises with all sanitary standards. To draw up such a document is necessary trade permit in a particular place, the results of a physical examination of all working personnel and a lease. In addition, the institution should be checked by the gas and fire service, as well as the labor protection service.

The basic package of documents looks something like this. By the way, it is worth preparing for regular inspections by the sanitary-epidemiological station, fire and tax authorities.

We determine the category of customers

What are you going to open: a cafe or a restaurant? Before you search for premises for rent, it is important to determine the category of customers that you are going to serve. Indeed, for young students and middle-income people, a cozy cafe with fast service and affordable prices is suitable. But not everyone can afford a luxurious restaurant with a huge selection of exotic dishes, rich decor and full service.

Almost everything depends on which particular category of clients you are going to serve: the choice of the location of the restaurant, the menu, prices, products used, the number of staff, interior decoration, etc.

Where is the best place to rent?

So, if you are interested in how to open your own restaurant or cafe, it is worthwhile to understand that the choice of its location depends on what clients your institution is designed for.

A small cafe with fast service and affordable prices can be opened in a shopping center, in the commercial area of ​​the city, as well as near hostels or educational institutions (universities). Here, workers and students can enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning and dine quickly.

But expensive restaurants will be appropriate in the tourist center of the city or, for example, on the outskirts, in a quiet area near the park area. Here, visitors can relax, have fun, slowly enjoy excellent food.

If you open a cafe in a residential area, then get ready for the fact that the main flow of visitors will be observed in the evening, after work.

In addition, it is advisable to choose places with low competition. Make sure that there are no cafes or restaurants with the same pricing policy near your establishment.

Proper interior design is important for image.

how to open your own restaurant or cafe

If you have decided on the choice of the area, it is worth considering options for interior design. In fact, the design and atmosphere of the cafe are no less important than good service and delicious food.

Again, the situation will depend on what kind of clientele you are going to serve.

There are many design options for a restaurant or cafe. Your institution can be famous for its simplicity and convenience, or, conversely, amaze the imagination with its intricate design.

You can decorate the premises with beautiful photographs or original pieces of modern art. In any case, make sure that the tables, chairs and other furniture for visitors are as comfortable as possible.

Do not forget that customers will need to put on outerwear somewhere, so either create a small dressing room or take care of a sufficient number of hangers. A bathroom is also required (it is preferable that only cafe customers use it, and not working personnel). Plumbing should be new and in good condition. Equip toilets with washbasins, hand dryers, as well as soap and other accessories.

Restaurant menu and product search

profitability cafe

Naturally, the menu is one of the most important things. You can offer your visitors all the usual snacks, and you can please gourmets with delicious dishes of French or Italian cuisine.Here, again, everything depends on the category of customers served.

In any case, the menu should include cold appetizers, first and second courses, side dishes and desserts. Do not forget about drinks: juices, fruit drinks, sparkling water. Make a wine and cocktail card, offer visitors some elite alcoholic drinks.

Regardless of the menu you choose, your restaurant should have some dishes that are prepared relatively quickly - some visitors are limited in time.

A separate issue is the search for raw materials. Quickly spoiling products (for example, fresh fruits and vegetables) will need to be bought almost daily. But those that have a long shelf life (spices, preservation, drinks, etc.) can be ordered from suppliers. Carefully consider the choice of suppliers, as you need exclusively high-quality products that will arrive smoothly.

Kitchen equipment

It is also worth making a list of the necessary equipment for the kitchen. For example, you will need refrigerators and freezers to help preserve food. Sinks, dishwashers, gas and electric stoves, ovens - all this is simply necessary. In addition, the kitchen will need furniture for storing dishes, as well as cutting tables, etc.

It is worth thinking about those devices that will help speed up the work. Surely you will need a deep fryer, crepe maker, meat grinder, etc. Take care of a sufficient number of kitchen utensils: pots, pans, knives, basins, bowls, plates, etc.


If you are interested in the question of how to open your cafe from scratch, you should know that the choice of workers is also extremely important. To begin with, you should think about how many people you will need in the kitchen. Even in a small cafe, at least two cooks are needed: one will prepare salads and cold snacks, the second will be engaged in the preparation of hot dishes. In addition, even considering the presence of a dishwasher, a dishwasher is also needed.

The room needs waiters and at least one bartender who will prepare drinks and keep track of bills. Modern restaurateurs, as a rule, employ young, pleasant people to work in the hall. It is advisable that your institution has exclusively qualified personnel. This applies to both cooks and waiters. The quality of service is no less important than the quality of dishes: the profitability of a restaurant depends on many factors.

If you have a wardrobe, you can hire a person who will take visitors' outer clothing and monitor it. A cleaning lady is also needed, because cleanliness for a cafe or restaurant is an extremely important thing.

Equipment for cafes and restaurants

Another important issue is the necessary equipment for the cafe. Here you will need bars, refrigerators for drinks, as well as an apparatus for making coffee, an electric kettle or equipment for boiling water. Ideally, you should have an ice machine, which is very convenient in the hot season.

Be sure to take care of a sufficient amount of tableware: plates, mugs, glasses for juices and alcoholic drinks, cutlery (forks, spoons, knives) should be present in abundance. You will also need napkin holders, trays, sugar bowls, etc.

More and more often in restaurants and bars they use various computer programs that help keep track of accounts, bookkeeping, and also reduce the likelihood of theft among employees.

Advertise your establishment

Of course, over time you will have a regular clientele. In order to ensure the flow of visitors in the first months, advertising is needed. Signs, posters may indicate on a cafe, the name may appear on road signs. If necessary, you can distribute flyers, advertise on the radio, or order a video on your local TV channel.

Many owners are interested in the question of how to open a cafe. In fact, the first day of your institution can be a real event. For example, you can organize a party or invite customers by offering them discounts or fun promotions.

How to develop a cafe and get a stable income?

how to develop a cafe

Yes, winning the hearts of customers is not always easy. And if in the first few days you will have a lot of visitors, over time their number may decrease. Therefore, we must by all means maintain interest in them.

For example, from time to time add new dishes to the menu, because over time, regular visitors get bored.

By the way, you can organize a survey by inviting customers to fill out questionnaires where they will indicate which dishes or drinks they want to see in your restaurant.

You can provide regular visitors with discounts or discount cards - a visit to your institution will be more profitable for them. Do not forget about the organization of banquets, weddings, birthdays, etc., because such events bring really good income.

If you are interested in how to open your own restaurant or cafe and develop it, consider organizing celebrations. Offer your customers entertainment for the New Year, Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc.

By the way, from time to time you can arrange funny themed evenings, for example, a party in the style of the 20s with the corresponding menu and musical accompaniment. And remember that only the right organization, delicious food and pleasant service can make the restaurant business more profitable.

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