
How to open a wedding salon? Detailed business plan for a wedding salon

In the presented material, we will talk about a somewhat romantic, even, one might say, purely feminine form of business. We will talk with you about how to open a bridal salon.

A small digression into history

In Soviet times, this function was performed by the bridal salon. The bride and groom submitted an application to the registry office, where they, along with time for reflection, were allocated coupons for the purchase of outfits and accessories. At that time, it was impossible to buy either a more or less suitable dress or costume or shoes for a wedding celebration on free sale.

Particularly entrepreneurial then already did business on those coupons, illegal at that time, submitting fictitious statements in order to be able to buy scarce goods and then resell them at exorbitant prices.

When the Union ordered a long life, newly-minted businessmen began to import into the country unprecedented hitherto outlandish wedding dresses that previously could only be seen in foreign films. But since they were expensive, the rental of wedding dresses began to flourish: the bride paid a certain amount for the rental to be the most beautiful at her wedding.

Of course, you may have a logical question: “And what, in fact, is this conversation?” And to the fact that some novice entrepreneurs, thinking about wedding business firmly stuck in that time. In the sense that they very much doubt the success of this enterprise, mistakenly assuming that the rental of wedding dresses and accessories will make them fiercely competitive.

So how are things really? Is it profitable to open a wedding salon? Yes! Because today the couple is ready to spend the last penny, but to come to the wedding not in the rented outfit, but in her own dress. No matter how much it costs. So why not take advantage of this?

business plan wedding salon

Wedding Salon as a Business

True, a gradual but sure departure from the rental outfit scene does not mean a lack of competition. She is. And quite tough. But, as they say, who does not risk, he does not trade. A correctly designed business plan for the bridal salon will help to avoid mistakes during the preparatory phase.

After analyzing the state of the market in this area, looking at the work of competitors, correctly drawing up a commercial project, you can be sure that your activity will certainly bear fruit (that is, a stable and considerable income).

As for profitability and payback, the wedding business is doing fine with this. The newlyweds and them in a righteous impulse “to be no worse than others” are ready to hurt themselves in a cake, take all conceivable and inconceivable loans to buy outfits and organize a celebration, which only suits the entrepreneur.

Where to begin?

From the search for suitable premises and documentation. Why in that order? Because how to open a wedding salon, that is, get permission for this, is possible only if you already have a lease on hand for the corresponding premises. In principle, it is probably better if we announce the entire list of necessary documentation. Then it will be easier for you to plan your own actions and draw up a business plan for the wedding salon.

how to open a wedding salon


So, first you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or establish an LLC. And then - to go for permission - to arm yourself with the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Copy of the charter.
  • A copy of the certificate of state registration of the LLC (or IP).
  • A copy of the memorandum of association.
  • The passport of the organization with the relevant details.
  • A copy of St. va on tax registration.
  • A letter from the Goskomstat (copy).
  • Card KKM registration (also copy).
  • Lease agreement for the premises (copy).
  • The conclusion of the Sanitary Inspection (copy).
  • An assortment list agreed upon with the same Sanitary Inspection (a copy is also required).
  • Conclusion from fire supervision (need a copy).
  • A copy of all contracts for the services of "communal".
  • BTI passport.

We agree, the list of documents looks somewhat intimidating. However, the devil is not so terrible ... Permission is issued quickly enough. In addition, there are a lot of intermediary companies on the market who, for a fee, will take all these chores upon themselves. You just need to remember to include this expense item in the business plan of the bridal salon.

open your wedding salon from scratch


So, we will consider that we already have documents. And now a few words about where and what you need to rent a room. Naturally, in a crowded place and, despite the high fees, in the center. It is highly desirable that it be equipped with a large display case.

By the way, when you are faced with the question of how to arrange a bridal salon, pay her maximum attention. The showcase should be such that any potential client could not resist and not come to you at least just for the sake of curiosity. And there already - a matter of technology. And the skills of your staff.

As for the area of ​​the cabin, it should occupy at least one hundred and twenty squares. It is not necessary to trim it with gilding, but it is still advisable to discuss the interior with a professional designer during the repair. You need a lot of mirrors, a good and spacious fitting room. An abundance of light is only welcome.


In this regard, nothing special is needed. You will need exactly the same equipment as for any store: mannequins, shelving, shelves, modular designs. And a cash register. When preparing your business plan for a bridal salon, consider whether it is possible to save a few expenses on this item.

In simple terms, look for closing clothing stores, look for ads in newspapers and the Internet in order to buy all the necessary equipment at a reasonable price. Believe me, the same dummy that was in use will not differ much in appearance from the new one, but in price - significantly.

Also, the salon will need to be furnished with upholstered furniture. Firstly, for prestige, and secondly, for the convenience of those who will expect a bride trying on dresses.

Is it profitable to open a wedding salon


The lion's share of it should be wedding dresses for the bride. It is necessary that you can offer at least twenty, or even thirty models. But! Be smarter and more visionary than your competitors. Think about the fact that the bride and groom, too, have something to come to their own wedding.

Today, no one will marry in a suit left after school graduation. So, open the male section in your salon, albeit a small one. It will definitely bring income, or even make your institution the most popular in the city.

In addition to wedding dresses, it will be reasonable to offer all kinds of accessories to newlyweds. Shoes, gloves, clutches, hats, jewelry - all this must certainly be present on the shelves of your salon. If the size of the initial capital allows, then the assortment can be supplemented with linen and evening dresses. Which is also in demand among the newlyweds.

Where to get the goods

How to open a wedding salon, we have already discussed. But where, in fact, to acquire the outfits themselves? There is one little trick here. Today, no one carries dresses and suits from abroad (although this is not particularly addressed in the interests of business). They are sewn on the spot. Fortunately, fabrics and necessary accessories are present in the market in sufficient quantities.

Therefore, you need to attend to the search for good tailors who will replenish the assortment of your salon.In addition, the dress often attracted to the bride requires some adjustment in the figure, which can also be successfully handled by the seamstresses working on you.

bridal shop as a business

Perhaps in time, when you already have your own network of salons, you can carry outfits for foreign brands for our brides. In the meantime, your option is to sew them. By the way, the margin on the finished dress can be from seventy to one hundred percent. Impressive? Still would! After all, this is your income.

Therefore, boldly conclude contracts with private craftswomen or ateliers and begin to replenish the assortment of wedding dresses. As for the related products, here (through searches and mistakes) you will need to find good wholesale suppliers.


In principle, at first you can do bookkeeping yourself (or use one-time services of a specialist of this kind) and accept orders. But the assistant in the hall is in any case simply vital. Ideally, even a few. Consultant and seller.

Moreover, it must be professionals, even to some extent psychologists. Their main task is not to let the client go without buying, to make every effort so that he can make the right choice. And I was pleased with the result. And then he also recommended your salon to his friends who will also lead buyers ...


The option considered above is popularly called "word of mouth". Albeit somewhat original, but extremely reliable way to attract clients. However, it is necessary to promote your business in all possible ways.

Ads in newspapers, on special stands, billboards and banners, television, radio. Everything is used. It will also be nice to get your own website, where you can talk about your brainchild, demonstrate samples of outfits, announce promotions and discounts.

profitability of a wedding salon

No need to skimp on expenses. Be sure to include this item in your business plan and strictly follow it.


Now consider the most pressing issue of concern to a novice entrepreneur. How much does it cost to open your wedding salon from scratch? It is impossible to answer it accurate to the ruble, because it all depends on the scale of the undertaking and the city in which you are going to work. It is clear that in the capital will have to pay a much larger amount than in the periphery.

According to experts, the minimum amount of initial capital (given its average value) should be about one hundred thousand dollars.

And income

If we talk about such a thing as the profitability of a wedding salon, then it is worth noting the following. You should not count on the fact that a dollar rain will immediately fall on you. At first, you will generally work in the red. But! Not all at once! After some time (at least six months), the business idea “wedding salon” that you put into practice will generate income of three or more thousand dollars a month.

Your business will pay off completely only in a few years. Yes, of course, a somewhat long road to wealth. But true.

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