
How to open a curtain salon. Equipment and technology for sewing curtains

how to open a curtain salonWhat gives the room a residential and comfortable look? That's right - curtains. This seemingly simple element of decor can instantly transform a room, giving it personality and chic. That is why the housewives, and the owners, very meticulously select "clothes" for the windows.

And many at the same time would like to get the right advice and expert help in choosing the right design. If you like to sew, and not just sew, but to create, then you should try to turn your hobby into a business. Let's get acquainted with how to open a curtain salon.

Choosing the future format of the enterprise

Like any undertaking, a future venture needs to be considered comprehensively. First of all, you need to calculate the exact amount that you are ready to invest in the business. Next, you need to decide what at the first stage you are ready to create: a full-fledged salon or workshop.

In the second case, you do not have to rent a room, invest in the purchase of tissue samples, engage in promotion, or hire additional staff. Sewing curtains as a business is not bad at all. You buy the necessary equipment, select a small corner for your workshop in the house, and you can immediately take orders from salons or private clients interested in your services. The main thing is to fulfill your obligations on time and not to disappoint customers with the quality of execution.

In the future, you can, based on your experience and customer base, open a full-fledged atelier or salon.

However, if you are ready to invest immediately to the maximum, you feel the strength to organize and conduct the affairs of a small enterprise, then let's take a closer look at those points that you should pay attention to when starting it.

We are registering

Before you open a curtain salon, you must register and obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. Then go to the tax office and get registered there. Typically, IPs choose for themselves simplified taxation or the payment of a patent. Other permissions and licenses do not need to be obtained.

Looking for a place

Now it’s time to find the right place for your business. As a rule, such shops open either in shopping centers or in residential areas. This fact is explained quite simply. In shopping malls there is a lot of people passing, there is a chance that someone will drop by and then order the model you like or purchase fabric, accessories. And in the sleeping area you will be at your side with your direct clientele. Many people like to contact the masters who live nearby.

Better yet, if there is a fabric store next to you, either a window installation company, or a furniture salon. People looking for the right window decoration are sure to look into the fabric salon. Those who furnish a room, usually think to change and boring curtains. Well, for a new window, of course, you need to order a new "clothes".


So, what is the size of the room we will be just right? Everything is individual here. But, as a rule, 20 square meters is a necessary minimum. On them you can quite place samples with fabrics, shelves with accessories, put a table of orders and place catalogs with portfolios on it. Do not forget to demonstrate a couple of beautiful draperies. You can even arrange a tiny exhibition corner where one of your design ideas will be realized. Just do not forget to periodically change the "interior" in the future.

name of the curtain salon

And in advance, before you open the curtain salon, decide where exactly you will fulfill the orders received. If you plan to sew them right away in the cabin, you will have to provide a place for the master.

And if you are thinking of separating the workshop from the trading floor, then you will have to rent another room. The necessary equipment will already be installed in it. Here you can keep supplies of materials and accessories. But remember, you will have to pay the rent and settle all issues with the fire department, which is likely to present you with certain security requirements.

Another way is to organize sewing curtains at home. This option is more economical in terms of costs. So you can agree not with one, but, say, with three or four seamstresses who will work at home, and you will only transfer orders to them and monitor the progress of the work.

We get equipment

In order to fulfill your design ideas and customer orders in a quality manner, you need to take care of equipping your small enterprise.

The minimum set includes:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • a machine for making blind seams;
  • ironing equipment.

And purchase the basic small tools. The same scissors, pins, needles.

Buy curtain equipment from trusted suppliers to be able to use after-sales service. Yes, and spare parts or replacement parts in this case, you do not have to look on the side. The manufacturer, as a rule, offers its own - branded ones. In addition, you do not need to chase cheapness. Taking initially a weak sewing machine, in a couple of months you will begin to take it in for repair. Many of the "home" models are simply not designed for production loads.

The name of the curtains salon

Before opening, choose a name for yourself. It is not as simple as it seems. Firstly, do not repeat the existing names. You are unlikely to like a situation where you will be constantly confused with someone. Even worse, if this someone is also engaged in the manufacture of curtains.

Secondly, do not be called a foreign word, it may seem elegant and beautiful to you, but you never know how it is translated.

Thirdly, the name should be harmonious and easy to pronounce. Imagine that you have to introduce yourself to the customer by phone. How will you sound?

If you can’t solve this problem yourself, then try to contact the professionals from the advertising business. At the same time, they will help you develop a recognizable logo.

Features of the "curtain" business

There are difficulties in your chosen field. You must combine the talents of the manager, the abilities of the designer and - plus - you must understand what the technology of tailoring curtains is. It’s good if you yourself can sew. Then you will see the difference between making a Roman curtain and creating a French lambrequin.

The execution of “clothes” for windows is akin to high art. You need to understand the sewing technique, understand the characteristics of fabrics, be able to drape fabrics, select accessories and build patterns. Yes, patterns are indispensable here. Complex structures are not created “by eye”, an accurate calculation lies behind them.

In addition, you need knowledge on how to sell curtains. It is important to demonstrate samples of your work, to sketch with a pencil in order to show the client your vision or clarify his wishes. Be sure to keep tissue samples and catalogs with layouts in the access area. And give preference to your personal portfolio. So the customer will be able to visually evaluate your achievements.

Putting together a team

Is it profitable to sew curtains at home

Alone, you are unlikely to do all the work. Find helpers for yourself. Hire seamstresses depending on the size of your business. Be sure to check if they are familiar with the technology of sewing curtains, and of the most various modifications. You do not need too narrow specialists?

If necessary, invite the designer by asking him for a portfolio and offering to sketch out a sketch from your words on the go. Ask him about the latest in curtain fashion.

Consider installing a customer’s finished order. If you take the turnkey curtains, you need a specialist who can mount a curtain rod. And, in fact, transport will be needed for delivery.

We promote and develop business

You need not only to plan events on how to open a curtain salon, you also need to understand how you will promote your brainchild. Advertising is indispensable. Order colorful business cards, flyers, booklets. They must be distributed to existing customers, and not in a single copy.

Let one business card be delayed by your customer’s permanent, and she can transfer the second to her friend. It would be nice to hand out a number of leaflets in shopping centers or cafes. You can leave flyers in stores specializing in the sale of goods for repairs.

curtain salon equipment

Think over a system of bonuses, customers love it very much. Do not forget to give small gifts or run lucrative promotions and sales. News of them spreads very quickly, attracting new visitors, who can then easily become one of the regular customers.

And if you still doubt whether it is worth venturing all this mess, then let us first answer the question: is it profitable to sew curtains at home? If you have a clientele, this lesson brings a steady income.

You only need to purchase and maintain the equipment. Materials brought by customers. Gradually, you will be able to accumulate the amount to open a small outlet first. Then, with a successful promotion, you completely pull and the salon. The main thing is not to stop at any one level, but to move on.

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