Tell me, are you satisfied with your salary? Sure no. In order to be able to earn as much as you want, you need to open your own business.
Despite the abundance of various products and the struggle of manufacturers for customers, today there are many niches that you can take and successfully conduct business. One of the tidbits of the market has always been the legal arms trade. She is able to bring really big money.
OK, but how?
Many businessmen are wondering how to open an arms store. What needs to be done for this? We must say right away that this is not a matter for every entrepreneur. It may take a lot of time and effort to get all the necessary permits.
You can buy, and therefore legally sell such goods in the Russian Federation, only in specialized stores. Naturally, he can begin his work only after his owner has a license to trade in arms, and many difficult legal and bureaucratic procedures have been completed.
So how is it possible to go into the arms business on completely legal and legal grounds? How to take into account numerous rules and laws, and most importantly, go through bureaucratic red tape?
Rules for obtaining permits
These and many other questions are answered by the last order of the Minister of the Interior. A special document governs the issuance of permits for both the acquisition and storage of weapons and ammunition intended for citizens. It is very important that it deals not only with sellers of deadly items, but also with their owners.
The document immediately catches the eye of a graph in which it is written in black and white that obtaining a license to trade in arms is possible only by a legal entity. In this sense, the physical can only hand over dangerous objects to the police if they are found.
The document tells in detail about where the entrepreneur is obliged to turn, what papers to collect so that he is allowed to legally sell firing and stabbing tools. This order of the Minister must be studied, first of all, for the formation of a legal framework within which the arms business must exist.
Armed to the teeth?
The special regulation spells out the whole mechanism of action of a person who wants to arm himself. It not only lists all the necessary documents, but also contains their samples, which greatly simplifies the task for citizens of the Russian Federation.
After all, it is known that most of the time, as a rule, is spent due to the fact that people simply do not know who to contact and with what papers. And this is usually used by dishonest officials.
But let's not go far from the topic. Let's get back to the main point. If you decide to seriously take up the trade in dangerous items, you will need to draw up a business plan for the weapons store. It is necessary to provide for all possible financial investments, from the acquisition of goods to rental premises and other things.
How many trunks are actually in the hands of the population?
By the way, Russians cannot be called “people without weapons”. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 5 million trunks are currently in the hands of the population. In addition, stores sold about 2 million traumatic pistols.
However, this is only an officially registered weapon. Nobody knows how much it really is.Experts believe that in the future the number of both registered and illegally acquired weapons will only increase. In this regard, business aimed at the sale of dangerous items seems to be more and more relevant.
Danger is gone
By the way, the Interior Ministry notes that the growing interest in weapons on the part of the population is not due to the fact that the Russians have ceased to feel safe. Extremely rarely recorded are the use of military weapons for self-defense.
Stores began to sell more guns and shotguns due to the fact that recently the number of hunters and collectors of rare weapons has increased significantly. And the law of the Russian Federation, by the way, allows one person to have five trunks. Therefore, in this sense, the law is on the side of entrepreneurs who have decided to invest their financial resources in this complex but profitable business.
Profitability is good
So, what else, besides the mass of permits and special facilities for storing trunks, is necessary? How to open a gun shop? As always, the whole question rests on money, or rather, on their quantity. Indeed, in order to start a business in this area, you must have at least 6 million rubles.
And the “exhaust” will not take long, because the business is very profitable. Experts in this field claim that all invested funds can pay off within two years. Next, you work for net profit.
In addition, the market annually has an increase of 5 percent. Please note that in Moscow alone there are officially more than 50 large stores, in the assortment of which there is a large selection of knives, carbines, rifles and pistols. At the same time, despite such a saturation of the niche, it is still possible to enter it.
For example, a store specializing only in self-defense pistols or hunting carbines will be very interesting for consumers. In other words, you have to stand out. Otherwise, you will become one of many, and it is unlikely that your business will go uphill.
What do you need to open an arms store?
In addition to receiving all the necessary papers that are specified in the special regulations, you must have a room suitable for trading in dangerous items. Its area should be at least one hundred square meters. Special requirements are also imposed on the walls and ceiling of rooms in which ammunition and weapons are stored and sold.
According to standards, their thickness should be 36 centimeters. According to the instructions of the checking authorities, it is advisable to turn them into a kind of weapons cabinet. To do this, it will be useful to build a welded structure around the rooms. It is better if there are no windows at all. Only strong unbreakable shelving is allowed. So the weapons cabinet will be reliably protected in case of attack by intruders in your store.
Security is important
It is important that the weapons room only open 2 times a day, that is, during the opening of the store to receive weapons and at the time of closing, when all available barrels are removed from the shelves and various stands.
It is also very important that the equipment for the weapons store includes an electric generator. It is simply necessary in case of an unexpected power outage - the alarm system must carry out its work even in such an extreme situation. It is important to place the weapon cabinet in a particularly safe place and it is advisable, in addition to signaling, to provide a small guard (to provide an armed employee for this).
A tidbit?
From the side, its own weapons store as a business looks very tempting. He attracts a large number of entrepreneurs. And many make a lot of money on this. If you throw away the paperwork, the particular difficulty in obtaining permits and the need to have a round sum of money to start, otherwise the business is very attractive and promises a quick return on all investments.The most important thing is to correctly calculate the business plan.
Be sure to consider advertising your store. Hunters and weapon collectors should know about it. By the way, it will not be amiss to make a site for an arms store. No matter how efficiently TV and radio work for you, no one has yet canceled the possibilities of the Internet. Therefore, boldly invest in advertising campaigns for the network. They will surely bring you the result in the form of several tens of clients (or maybe hundreds, here everything depends on the volume of investments).
With experience in power structures
As a rule, those who have already worked in this area go into the arms business. An entrepreneur must have many business connections and suppliers, as well as own all the nuances of this business. By the way, very often former police officers and representatives of law enforcement agencies go to this business. As a rule, they are granted a license to sell weapons without problems.
Experts argue that in this business it is very important to properly deliver the goods to consumers. In other words, special racks and display cases are needed that could represent knives, shotguns, shotguns, pistols and other weapons in a favorable light. At the same time, the glass under which dangerous objects will be located must be made of unbreakable material.
You must also consider the serious protection of your facility: from alarms to employees who have the right to carry military firearms. In the event of an attack on your store (and such facts have happened in the practice of the police more than once), you must repel the hijackers before law enforcement officers arrive.
By the way, licensing authorities set special requirements for the production of weapons stores. In addition to certain items approved for sale items, there are also clear rules for their presentation to customers (shelving, security, and so on).
It’s better not to start without capital
If you have a sufficient amount of money, for example, at the time of starting a business you have an amount in excess of $ 150 thousand, then in this case it makes sense to acquire a large room. Ideally, if it will be 200-250 square meters. In the context of such a quadrature, a number of trading floors can be organized.
Hazardous products can be divided into types and placed accordingly. For example, in one hall will be presented weapons intended only for hunting, in another - a paradise for collectors, because on its shelves there will be models of military guns, in the third there will be everything for self-defense. Here visitors can offer knives, pneumatics, various weapons accessories and much more. Firstly, such placement of dangerous items in the store will create convenience for customers. A person will immediately be able to go to the room that he needs. Secondly, you will have constant sales, which will ultimately accelerate the return on your business.
You can sell not only weapons
By the way, most stores in this profile are very successful in selling iron safes designed for storing weapons. They always sell well. We hope that in our material you have found a lot of useful information for yourself. In particular, they got an idea of how to open an arms store, how to organize its work and what requirements should be placed on its premises to ensure safe trade. The financial side of the matter has also been revealed to you.
Of course, it is unlikely that someone will be able to present you the ideal step-by-step instructions on how to open a weapons store successfully and in a short time to pay back investments. Such schemes probably simply do not exist, since each entrepreneur finds himself in very individual conditions, which, as a rule, are not applicable to other businessmen.
Custom approach is the key to successful sales
By the way, creativity and creativity are very important in this matter.For example, in order to attract more attention to their store, many entrepreneurs place entire displays with stuffed trophy animals or organize a large shooting gallery near their outlet.
This attracts the attention of potential buyers. They go to the store, and then it’s up to the professionalism of your sellers, their ability to subtly and unobtrusively lead a person to make a purchase.
If you are thinking about how to open an arms store in the Russian Federation without resorting to various marketing tricks, then you simply lose in the competition. Therefore, try to be as creative as possible. Only in this case, your numerous investments will be crowned with financial success.
By the way, the most hackneyed way to attract attention to a new store is to organize a society of hunting and fishing lovers near the place of sale of dangerous items. People who become members of such an organization will be able to regularly replenish their ammunition in your weapons store.
So, to summarize our material. To start a business, the most important thing is to have $ 150 thousand. You should also have a license to arms trading (and a number of other permits) in your hands. Ideally, have experience in law enforcement and have a network of suppliers of dangerous items. In this case, in this field you can succeed.