Practice shows that many entrepreneurs began their market journey with a "stall business." And not by chance. After all, the sacramental question: “How to open a stall?” - became a hit back in the dashing 90s.
Many, now wealthy people, started in this way in business, but subsequently opened stores, restaurants or “retrained” in other industries. At the same time, an investment in one retail outlet amounted to $ 7,000–10,000. Now, these business veterans with humor recall their first entrepreneurial steps.
Old-new acquaintances: stalls
The most interesting thing is that the mentioned features of this business for 25 years have not undergone fundamental changes. Still, novice entrepreneurs who do not have the funds for a more expensive business open one trading stall after another. And this is good from a market point of view, because they increase the overall level of competition, whether it is a grocery or tobacco kiosk.
As before, the entrepreneur, basing his “stall” business, should draw up a business plan with the planning of the main financial indicators: net profit, profitability, payback periods, approximate assortment (at least 50 items).
Kiosks and Logistics
The choice of a crowded place for this outlet is a necessary condition for success. Before you open a stall, you should correctly choose its placement. Usually, these are crowded bus stops and dormitory markets. Busy streets (in the same residential areas) with a stable movement of people to / from work are also suitable.
Knowledgeable people recommend opening at least 3 stalls at a time. If in one, for example, the daily sale of cigarettes has decreased, then this is offset by the other two. In this case, with an average retail margin of 30%, an average monthly profit of $ 1,500 from each kiosk is achieved, profitability is from 15 to 20%.
For business sustainability, a kiosk entrepreneur should buy from at least five interchangeable wholesalers. It is sufficient for a tobacco business entrepreneur to have three such suppliers.
It is important to consider economical logistics. Indeed, how to open a stall if the delivery of goods to it is unprofitable? The place should be chosen and taking into account transport costs. To minimize them, entrepreneurs connect a small warehouse to their kiosk infrastructure, equipped in a convenient location in the private sector. Thus, the profitability of goods delivery routes is increased.
Organizational Registration
Registration formalities will cost 2 thousand rubles (payment of state duty - 0.8 thousand rubles, making a seal - 0.5 thousand rubles, opening a current account - 1 thousand rubles). However, it is reasonable to take the form of an entrepreneur so as to then receive compensation for the aforementioned expenses by the employment center.
Before opening a stall, an individual must acquire the status of an entrepreneur. It is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the Federal Law “On Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”, as well as consult about the choice of OKVED codes corresponding to the selected business.
Preparation of registration documents includes:
- Application for registration of IP (Form P21001)
- Originals: TIN certificates and passport;
- copies of four turns of the passport (photo, date of receipt, registration, mark on the previously issued passport - on the last page), as well as a copy of the TIN certificate;
- receipt of state duty (cost - 800 rubles).
This package of documents is provided to the center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, where state registration takes place within 5 days.
Simplified tax accounting and other forms of accounting
Individual entrepreneurs usually choose for themselves a simplified tax accounting system (it does not provide for maintaining a balance sheet, profit and loss statement, full reflection of operations on accounting accounts). It is used if the number of hired personnel does not exceed 100 people, and the income is 45 million rubles. for 9 months.
STS assumes when choosing IP two interest rate alternatives:
- 6% with a tax base including all comprehensive income;
- 5-15% (depending on the region) with an income base adjusted for expenses.
Under the simplified tax system, an entrepreneur does not pay VAT, personal income tax, property tax.
Registered constituent documents are submitted to the tax authority along with an application for a simplified system (form 26.2-1).
Also, the tax authorities will register the cash register acquired by the entrepreneur. Then the entrepreneur is registered with the PF, the health insurance fund, and the statutory body. You should also be registered in the trade and fire inspections.
Full registration will take about 2 months.
To rent or not to rent land?
Leased land for a kiosk that has a foundation. Non-stationary stalls as movable property are issued a permit for non-stationary trade. This area is regulated by Federal Law No. 381-FZ “On the Basics of State Regulation of Trade Activities ...”.
How to rent a plot of land for a stall? This is a whole procedure. You should contact the regional committee of state property with a statement indicating its location and area. Wait for an answer for about a month. Having received approval, you can fence off the site. But that is not all.
Then it is necessary to obtain a cadastral passport in the cadastral chamber. After that, an independent examination of the site is carried out. With the received documents again contact the State Property Committee. He publishes an advertisement in newspapers and withstands a monthly pause. If there are no complaints from citizens, then a lease is concluded.
Trade in vegetables and products
Consider how to open a vegetable stall. The entrepreneur must purchase a specialized set of commercial equipment: a freezer (for the interim preservation of vegetables purchased from wholesalers), a refrigerated display case (if necessary), shelving, special slides.
When trading in vegetables, like other food products, stalls must comply with sanitary rules that have been in force since the middle of the last century (N 158-54 from 05/06/1954). The inner walls should be without gaps, painted with light oil paint, the counters are covered with waterproof light material.
Hygiene rules should be noted. This is one of the indispensable aspects, considered immediately before you open your stall. A washbasin, soap, brush, clean towel should be provided.
Clothing sellers are stored either in cabinets or on an open hanger, but hanged.
It is forbidden to store vegetables on the floor in open containers; you cannot place a retail outlet with vegetables, fruits, food products closer than 25 m from garbage containers, sewer latrines, and from unanalyzed latrines at a distance of at least 50 m.
Village stall
How to open a grocery stall in the village? First estimate the number of potential buyers. If the nearest grocery store is far or located in another village, then you simply must do this!
In busy villages, this outlet is based on the same principles as in the city. However, usually the assortment of food products in a successful rural stall is almost twice as narrow. The fact is that village shoppers are more pragmatic. In addition, several basic types of food are produced in family subsistence farms.What to do? Sale of products with a long shelf life or with inelastic demand (bread, noodles, sugar, salt, cereals, sweets, groceries, etc.).
Fast Food Kiosk
Dynamism is a characteristic feature of our time. Many people eat on the go during the day. These are your potential customers if you consistently implement the corresponding business plan. Fast food stall with donuts, grilled chicken, shawarma is especially in demand during lunch breaks.
It must be equipped with a spacious refrigerator. Spinning, you should not buy large quantities of raw materials. For example, for hot dogs, even with busy trading, you should not buy more than 45 kg of sausages and 300 rolls per one outlet. Everything is tested by practice. Keep a record. Make demand.
Cigarette trade
If an entrepreneur wants to engage in the sale of cigarettes, then he should be guided by the requirements of Federal Law N 87-ФЗ "On the Limitation of Tobacco Smoking", which prohibits opening a tobacco stall near schools and kindergartens. However, the attractiveness of such a business lies in the ability of kioskers to sell cigarettes at lower prices than in stores. Therefore, customers of tobacco stalls are usually those who buy blocks.
In addition, when purchasing goods, you should take certified products that take into account the restrictions of the same law on the content of tar and nicotine in smoke.
When selling, you should be guided by the maximum retail price indicated on the bundle.
The entrepreneur who has no strategy is bad. This should be recognized before opening the stall. Flexibility in handling assortment will be required. If, for example, competing neighbors sell large batches of the same type of goods, then you should go beyond this range, expand it, and trade in small batches.
Although it should be recognized that the risks in such a business have been added: the city authorities are removing kiosks from the main streets, explaining that they do not correspond to the general plan. Proceeding from the last circumstance, sleeping areas became the "estate of stalls" in cities.
To begin with, do not buy, but rent stalls. You can avoid the formalities associated with leasing land and focus directly on trade.
Remember! You have only one chance to please the buyer - the first one and a half weeks of work. Its effectiveness is an indicator of the adequacy of your business plan. Give your best. If the trade did not go within two months - change the kiosk, renew the lease. This, of course, is an additional cost, but what to do? After all, you are looking for "your way" in business. It should have dynamics.