
How to open truck tire fitting? List of documents and equipment for opening a tire fitting

Today, many people prefer to open their own business than to work in any enterprise. This is due not only to the fact that this lesson is more profitable, but also to the fact that today it is not so difficult to organize your own business.

First you need to decide what exactly will bring good income and the strength of the future entrepreneur. Many young businessmen burn out precisely because they underestimate their capabilities and take on what is far away for them.

One of the most profitable and demanded cases is the work of your own tire fitting. Even taking into account the fact that today there are already quite a lot of them, especially in large cities, they do not become less popular.

In addition, you can not repeat after all and think about how to open a cargo tire fitting. Given the Russian roads and the vulnerability of tires, such a business will be most in demand. Tackling such a thing, it remains to solve some organizational issues.

how to open truck tire

Where to open truck tire fitting?

The location of the truck tire shop plays a decisive role. It is from his right choice that the profit of the entire enterprise will mainly depend. Naturally, it should be in close proximity to the roadway.

Her liveliness will be only an advantage. Before you open a truck tire, you need to find out about the presence of competitors. Well, if there are no such organizations nearby. Although sometimes even their presence may not be a hindrance. If you prove yourself on the good side, then there will be a lot of customers.

To rent or buy a room for mounting?

When deciding in which place to open a truck tire fitting, one should decide on whether the premises for it will be rented or acquired. If possible, then, of course, you should consider buying. In this case, it’s no longer scary if at first the business goes wrong.

In the case of a rental, you will have to give a certain amount from the proceeds to the landlord every month. But you do not need to spend a large amount initially. Given that the cost of land today is quite high, you have to fork out.

Equipment for a tire workshop

After the most suitable premises are selected, the necessary equipment for tire fitting should also be purchased. Its list entirely depends on which services a particular service provides. Naturally, more than one tire service is not complete without balancing the wheels.

In order to provide such a service, it is necessary to purchase a specialized stand with which the dynamic imbalance is removed. You will definitely have to buy a vulcanizer. In addition, compressor and jacking equipment will be needed. A bath for checking the wheels is also needed.necessary equipment for tire fitting

In addition to the minimum set of services, tire fitting can provide a more extended range of them. If there are competitors, you should find out what they are doing, and try to expand your company by providing something that others do not.

Before you open a truck tire fitting, you need to decide not only on the choice of equipment that is in demand, but also on its quality. Only proven machines, tools and materials should be purchased.

The work of the masters and, most importantly, its quality will depend on their condition.At first, you can, of course, pay attention to used equipment. However, subsequently, you still have to purchase new machines, because the equipment used for a long time will not last.

Staff recruitment

Particular attention should be paid to staff recruitment. Of course, every entrepreneur approaches this question differently, but if you want clients to be satisfied with the quality of work, you should choose personnel carefully.

Business tire fitting, reviews of which will primarily depend on specialists, will become most profitable if the staff is highly qualified. Professional staff can be found using ads on various sites and in newspapers. At the same time, you should not take the word for people who agree to work in this enterprise.

It is better if they prove their qualifications and work experience. Of course, such personnel will need to pay a high salary, but with a good deal, their work will pay off very quickly. Customers satisfied with the work of the staff will definitely come back.

Documents required to open a tire fitting

documents for opening a tire fittingTo organize your business, it is not enough to have one desire, you need to draw up documents to open a tire fitting.

For starters, you should register a legal form. If such a business is organized by an individual, then individual entrepreneurship must be opened.

This is done at the tax office. All the necessary papers for opening the workshop are also issued there.

In addition, it will be necessary to obtain sanitary and epidemiological documents. To do this, the room must comply with all requirements and sanitary standards. Both internal and accounting books of accounting and audits are prepared immediately.

Do I draw up documents on my own or contact specialists?

The business idea of ​​"tire fitting" can be a lucrative business, but not everyone can do it all on their own. If you encounter such a process for the first time, then it makes sense to contact a specialized company, which itself will be engaged in the preparation of all documents or will correctly consult on this matter. It will be much more efficient and save time and nerves. If there is experience in these matters, and solving such issues will not be a problem, then you can do the papers yourself.

Tire advertising

Not one business will not flourish if it is not well advertised. People should learn as soon as possible about the opening of a new tire service in a particular area. This is easy to achieve. First of all, it is necessary to think over an effective and noticeable sign that will attract attention to the workshop.

Flyers that can be handed out in crowded areas in the neighborhood, right next to the tire service or in parking lots also help to advertise a new business. It should be borne in mind that truck tire advertising should be focused specifically on large cars, which most often pass by.

Mobile Truck Tire


Mobile Truck Tire

Despite the fact that today a tire workshop is very in demand and brings good profits, this is not always the case. This business can be considered seasonal.

The largest peak of customers happens in late autumn and early spring, as it is at this time that everyone “changes their shoes”. In order for the business to flourish constantly, you can think about its mobility.

This is not at all difficult to do. You just need to organize a workshop on wheels. Often with the cars there is some kind of trouble on the way, and to go far to the tire fitting.

In this case, car owners will be very profitable if the master himself arrives at the place of failure. This is especially convenient for freight transport.

Before you open the truck tire fitting on wheels, you need to choose the most suitable machine, which will fit all the necessary equipment.For starters, you can install only a minimal set of tools, without which work is impossible. In addition, all equipment should be placed so that the master was comfortable. All machines need to be well and correctly fixed.

Is it profitable to open a mobile tire service?

The profitability of mobile tire fitting will entirely depend on the accumulated customer base. For this, it is best to open an ordinary stationary workshop and recommend it from the best side, providing quality services.

After working for some time and having customers who are constantly asking for help, you can put the tire service on wheels. In this case, you need to notify everyone in advance that now the master himself will be able to arrive at the exit. In this case, the business will be profitable and will quickly pay off.

An important role in promoting the service will be played by advertising, which will help to learn about the mobile tire service. You need to print as many business cards as possible and give them to people on the street. The more there will be, the better. It is most effective to distribute such leaflets or business cards in the parking lots of truckers and truck drivers, who will certainly use this service as soon as necessary.

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