
Personnel staff outstaffing. Foreign staff outstaffing

Personnel outstaffing is one of the services, the provision of which has already considerable European experience. In our country, she recently entrenched in the list of work performed, but in the capital, her assistance has often been resorted to recently. Despite the fact that staff outstaffing services go through a period of development and consolidation in this economic sphere, it can be said without a doubt that this issue is already quite popular in Moscow.

The difference from outsourcing

A little earlier in Russia, companies found a suitable solution to personnel problems through outsourcing, in contrast to which outstaffing is a long-term and permanent type of cooperation.

The whole point of this direction is that, at first glance, nothing changes and employees continue to fulfill their duties at their usual workplace. Registration for a specific long period in the staff of the customer’s company is only formal. Outstaffing of foreign personnel is often more popular, since the conclusion of labor relations with citizens of other states is much more complicated.staff outstaffingIt’s much easier to recruit a provider of foreign specialists in this way.

The main advantages of outstaffing services

Considering such services as leasing, outstaffing, staff outsourcing, it becomes clear that their main purpose is to optimize the tax system of the company. The main advantages of receiving outstaffing services are the following:

  • the possibility of a significant reduction in personal income tax payments (often this expense of the enterprise takes up a considerable part);
  • improvement of the personnel management mechanism (in retail chains, for example, outstaffing allows you to independently adjust the number of employees, providing full mobility);
  • optimization of established posts in accordance with the number of employees.

Customer Benefits

In addition, the employer has the necessary amount of time to assess the real capabilities of the potential employee. Since the staff outstaffing agreement may have a provision on the maximum trial period (up to 1 year), it is quite possible to make a reliable analysis performed over the entire period of work. As a rule, a trial period is a three-month period. If an employee manages to prove himself only on the positive side, the employer will conclude a long-term employment contract with him.staff outsourcing and outsourcing

In Russia, providers of outstaffing services provide customers with complete financial settlements. In this case, the providers assume the intermediary function, acting as a connecting element between employees and a potential employer. Meanwhile, the preparation of reports on tax withholding, deductions to various funds (pension, social insurance) are the main responsibilities of the provider company.

Why is outstaffing beneficial?

It doesn’t matter, the outstaffing agreement is concluded with Russian citizens or foreign specialists, in any case, it should contain the most detailed information. Mandatory is the annex to the contract containing information on employees who will be removed outside the organization.Such employee lists have some additional statements about each of the employed employees: personal data, qualifications, level of training, characteristics, etc.

Guaranteed lower income tax is the cost of such services. Often, $ 30 is a pay for one employee. As a rule, this amount is significantly lower than personal income tax deductions. Personnel outstaffing helps companies get rid of routine work with personnel, free themselves from payroll, transfer tax payments and control over the implementation of all relevant legal norms within the framework of labor, tax and migration laws.staff outstaffing agreement In addition, the costs of stationary maintenance of the accounting department and human resources will be significantly reduced if you choose outstaffing.

Legality of service

It is worth noting that the need to use services such as outstaffing and outsourcing of personnel increases significantly at times of greatest stress on the company, enterprise, organization. For example, the seasonality of work is almost always associated with an acute shortage of personnel. Turnovers and volumes of activity are growing, and there are no qualified specialists who contribute to the establishment of the working process. Reducing costs, minimizing risks, contacting provider companies for help will solve this problem. After all, at the end of the seasonal activity with hired employees, basically, you have to break off labor relations, which, of course, entails additional losses. Personnel outstaffing, including foreign - an ideal choice for labor relations during intermittent work.

In the tax system, all actions must begin with the letter of the law. Neglecting the norms of migration legal acts can cost significant losses, or even ruin. If tax officials discover violations, unscrupulous employers will have to pay a considerable fine. For example, for each employee, without timely notification of the tax service about his activities, it will be necessary to pay about 800 thousand rubles. leasing outstaffing staff outsourcingIn addition, a system of fines is present both in labor legislation and in the field of labor protection and safety.

Outstaffing in bookkeeping and HR administration

Outstaffing providers often turn to non-core employment companies. Often, accounting departments, personnel department employees are faced with workload problems. In addition, the maintenance of the number of staff of these units sometimes acts as an obstacle to the normal functioning of the enterprise and the implementation of the main tasks. Personnel staff outstaffing helps to eliminate all sorts of troubles during the implementation of professional activities, including penalties, the need for a comprehensive recount of all tax payments, lack of documentation and a tense atmosphere in the workforce.

This type of cooperation will be the best solution for the management of the company. Having applied for the provision of services to a provider company, which without fail will conclude an official labor contract with both parties, and, if necessary, draw up the termination of any working relationship.staff outstaffing services

The package of measures for the provider to provide outstaffing contains the compilation of the last monthly reporting statements on the results of labor activity. It should be noted that attracting foreigners to this service is absolutely legal, therefore, having drawn up all the contracts and keeping current documentation in accordance with the migration legislation, the companies are not facing any fines.

Business Opportunities When Choosing Outstaffing

Deciding on the choice of potential employees is quite simple thanks to the information databases through which staff outstaffing is carried out at this stage. Moscow is a city of great opportunities, which is ideally suited to seek the help of providers who can choose real professionals for the enterprise, both in Russia and abroad. In addition, metropolitan companies will open new horizons.

As a rule, reserves for the distribution and expansion of the main activity (opening new trade lines, stores, subsidiaries) accumulated through outstaffing have a direct impact on the development of the business as a whole.

Pros for employees

Outstaffing staff has many advantages for employees. The main one is the employer’s ability to charge so-called “white” wages at a high level, as a result of which an individual has a real opportunity to apply for a cash loan at any bank. At the same time, the organization will minimize its own costs when paying income tax, and will also benefit.foreign staff outstaffing

So, this service allows you to conduct business transparently, not one of the controlling state bodies will doubt the legality of such a method of selecting employees. Legally, both parties do not acquire additional labor duties, because outstaffing contracts imply that employees are in the staff of the outstaffer.

Spheres of economy where outstaffing is especially demanded

Today, attracting foreign workers is most relevant in the construction industry, the agricultural sector and the housing and communal services sector. Personnel management outstaffing contributes to resolving issues related to an overabundance or lack of qualified personnel, which in turn is reflected in significant monetary gain. Sometimes the savings can be impressive amounts.

Standard service package from providers

Despite the likely differences in the policies for the provision of outstaffing services by different providers, there is a basic set of measures to perform this type of work:

  1. The conclusion of agreements on cooperation with employees and the implementation of their activities outside the company’s staff. In addition, databases of potential employees include candidates from all Russian regions and CIS countries. Invitation to work of foreigners is a separate procedure that requires compliance with additional conditions.
  2. Compilation of comprehensive reporting, maintaining current personnel issues (records in personal files, work books, etc.) in accordance with regulatory legal acts of labor legislation.
  3. Regular accrual of salaries to employees and payments on time.
  4. Accrual of tax payments and control over their timely payment, as well as accruals in the manner prescribed by law in various social funds.
  5. Calculation and payment of vacation allowances, compensation for unused vacation, expenses related to business trips, treatment, provision of requested certificates, etc.
  6. Insurance procedure (compulsory accident insurance, etc.).
  7. The implementation of continuous monitoring of the implementation of legal norms of labor legislation.
  8. Periodic lectures, briefings on fire safety, labor protection.

Additional services

staff outstaffing MoscowIn addition, provider companies as additional actions can carry out such work:

  • selection of candidates for the position taking into account the wishes of the customer;
  • provision of employees from the reserve base in case of temporary absence of the main employees (illness, personal circumstances, etc.);
  • drawing up current bank accounts for transferring funds to employees individually.

All this makes outstaffing services a profitable investment for the development of any business.

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