
Horizontal analysis. Balance sheet analysis

Financial analysis is a process of researching the results of an enterprise with the goal of identifying reserves for increasing value and ensuring further development. Based on the results obtained, management decisions are made, a strategy is developed.


Investigate the activities of the enterprise in several ways. First, the specific gravities of the reporting items in the final indicator are calculated. Horizontal analysis (temporary) reflects a change in indicators compared to the previous period. Trend comparisons of data with previous periods are carried out in order to formulate a plan. The coefficients show the ratio of individual balance sheet items, and the factor analysis displays the reasons for their change.

horizontal analysis

The company most often carried out structural dynamic studies and calculated indicators (liquidity, financial stability, profitability, turnover and market activity). In this case, the following factors are taken into account:

  • the value of the coefficients is affected by the accounting policy of the organization;
  • diversification of activities greatly complicates the analysis of indicators by industry;
  • normative and optimal coefficients are different concepts.

Analysis of balance sheet items shows:

  • volume of assets, their ratio, sources of financing;
  • what articles are changing at a faster pace, and how does this affect the balance sheet structure;
  • share of reserves and remote sensing;
  • the amount of equity, the degree of dependence of the company on borrowed resources;
  • distribution of loans by maturity;
  • level of debt to the budget, banks and employees.

 horizontal analysis method

Vertical and horizontal balance analysis

The financial statements show the structure of the property and the sources of its financing. Vertical analysis shows the proportion of individual balance sheet items. Based on relative estimates, a comparison is then made of performance indicators. The calculation algorithm is simple: the share of current fixed assets in the total balance sheet is determined, and then the reasons for their change are analyzed.

Horizontal analysis consists in constructing tables that display the value of the liability (asset) at the beginning and end of the year in absolute and relative values ​​and their changes. If the settlement period is more than a year, the basic growth rates are determined.

These two types of research complement each other. In vertical analysis, elements with a large specific gravity are distinguished, in horizontal analysis, emphasis is placed on spasmodic changes.

horizontal balance analysis

Asset Dynamics

The balance sheet reflects property and sources of its formation. If the currency (total) for the year increases, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the change. The increase in overdue receivables indicates an ill-conceived sales policy, which can lead to losses. By providing a commercial loan, the company advances its customers, shares part of the income. But if payments from counterparties are delayed, it is forced to take loans to ensure current business activities. If fixed assets are updated, this means that the enterprise is functioning efficiently. The increase in cash indicates an increase in liquidity. Ideally, the money should be enough to pay off 50% short-term liabilities. Surplus is worth investing.


Current assets may decrease due to a reduction in production potential, revaluation of fixed assets in accounting. In other cases, this indicates the formation of a mobile asset structure, acceleration of their turnover.

 horizontal analysis example


The horizontal analysis method allows you to compare the value of indicators with previous periods. When studying the composition of stocks, attention should be paid to changes in the volume of raw materials, production assets, state enterprises, and goods for resale. The increase in the share of stocks may indicate:

  1. increase production capacity;
  2. the desire to protect funds from impairment by investing in stocks;
  3. inefficiencies of the strategy, as a result of which the majority of OA is immobilized in reserves with low liquidity.

Changes in liabilities

Equally important is the ratio of equity to borrowed capital. The greater the proportion of personal funds, the higher the financial stability of the enterprise, it is less dependent on creditors, it does not threaten bankruptcy. A significant proportion of borrowed capital indicates a threat. Loans and borrowings will have to be repaid sooner or later. If the company has insufficient funds, it may go bankrupt. The absence of borrowed funds generally indicates a high financial stability. But it is important to remember that if profitability exceeds the price of attracting resources, the overall efficiency of the use of funds increases. retained earnings can also be a source of funding for the organization.

horizontal financial analysis


We will conduct a horizontal analysis of the balance sheet of the enterprise. To do this, we calculate the absolute and relative deviations of each reporting item. The table of horizontal analysis will help us with this.

Balance (thousand rubles) 2013 2014 Absol Relation
Current assets
Cash 17 12 -6 -33 %
Central Bank 54 14 -40 -74 %
DZ 271 389 118 44 %
Bills received 47 43 -5 -10 %
Goods and materials 51 45 -6 -12 %
Advances 11 10 -1 -9 %
TOTAL OA 452 513 61 13 %
Buildings 350 358 8 2 %
Depreciation 84 112 28 34 %
Residual value 267 246 -20 -8 %
Investments 15 15 0 0 %
GP 28 28 0 0 %
Goodwill 11 6 -5 -45 %
TOTAL OS 321 295 -25 -8 %
ASSETS 773 808 35 5 %
Short-term debt
KZ 143 97 -46 32 %
Promissory notes issued 38 33 -5 13 %
Accrued liabilities 55 86 31 56 %
Loan 7 11 4 62 %
Current portion of long-term debt 5 5 0 0 %
Debt to the budget 34 35 1 3 %
Short-term debt, total 281 267 -15 -5 %
Long term debt
Bonds for payment 80 80 0 0 %
Long term loans 15 10 -5 -33 %
Delayed NPP 6 4 -1 -21 %
Long term. debt., total 101 94 -6 -6 %
Preference shares 30 30 0 0 %
Ordinary shares 288 288 0 0 %
Additional capital 12 12 0 0 %
retained earnings 61 117 56 93 %
TOTAL SC 391 447 56 14 %
TOTAL Liabilities 773 808 35 5 %

Horizontal analysis of the asset balance showed that fixed assets for the reporting period were not updated. The total assets increased by 35 thousand rubles, and liabilities decreased. The changes occurred due to the growth of retained earnings. The amount of working capital increased by 60 thousand rubles. due to receivables. Part of the money was used to pay short-term debt (5.23%). The company compensated for this reduction by an increase in liabilities, which in this example were one of the sources of financing. Horizontal financial analysis shows that the ratio of SK and ZK is approximately 55:45. A positive trend is a decrease in the share of loans by 5% and long-term loans by 6%. There were no changes in the structure of equity for the reporting period. For more information, consider other indicators.

Profit and Loss Statement

For clarity, we decided to use the table again

Profit report 2013 2014 Absol Rel
Revenue 1230000 1440000 210000 17 %
Cost price 918,257 1106,818 188,6 21 %
Material costs 525,875 654,116 128,2 24 %
Salary 184,5 201,6 17,1 9 %
Production costs 167,05 214,12 47,1 28 %
Depreciation of tangible assets 35,832 31,982 -3,9 -11 %
Depreciation of intangible assets 5 5 0,0 0 %
Gross profit 311,744 333,182 21,4 7 %
Administrative costs 55,35 86,4 31,1 56 %
Marketing Costs 129,15 122,4 -6,8 -5 %
Operating profit 127,244 124,382 -2,9 -2 %
Result from the sale of assets 1,25 6,15 4,9 392 %
Dividends 500 1520 1020,0 204 %
Profit before payment% 128,994 132,052 3,1 2 %
% on bonds 11,2 11,2 0,0 0 %
% on long-term debt 3,2 2,4 -0,8 -25 %
% on the loan 1,08 1,56 0,5 44 %
Profit before tax 113,5 116,9 3,4 3 %
NPP 34,1 35,1 1,0 3 %
State of emergency 79,4 81,8 2,4 3 %

Horizontal analysis of the profit and loss statement shows that for the year, revenue increased by 17%, and gross income - only by 7%. An undesirable change occurred due to growth at a higher rate of the cost of materials (24%) and production costs (28%). Operating profit decreased by 2% due to a significant (56%) increase in administrative costs. Despite the increase in costs, net profit increased by almost 3% due to a decrease in interest payments and an increase in profit from non-core activities (sale of assets).

horizontal analysis table

What else to look for

Horizontal analysis, an example of which was presented earlier, allows you to make general conclusions about the financial condition of the organization. In order to correctly determine the reasons for the change in the structure of assets, it is necessary to further study Form No. 5. An increase in an intangible asset such as “WIP” indicates the diversion of resources to unfinished construction projects. This negatively affects the current situation of the organization. The presence of long-term financial investments indicates the intensification of investment activity. It should further evaluate the liquidity, profitability and risk of equity securities.

horizontal balance sheet asset analysis

Availability in the first balance section patents and licenses indirectly reflect the financing of intellectual property. A detailed analysis of the use of intangible assets is important for the management. It cannot be carried out according to the balance sheet alone. Other types of reporting should be added.

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