
Precious metals in radio components: contents. Prices for radio components containing precious metals

Very often radio amateurs ask about the extraction of gold, silver and even platinum from parts of household appliances. In general, precious metals in the radio components, and especially the production of the USSR, are, and quite a lot. They are found almost everywhere - from resistors to transistors of any type.

precious metals in radio components

In particular, in the details of the times of the Soviet Union, such precious metals like silver, gold, palladium and many others.

general information

An affordable radio component, from which you can extract expensive components, is considered a conventional electromagnetic relay manufactured by the USSR. Any of them contains either gold or silver. The low-power parts that were used in arrogant technology have either gold-plated contacts or are completely made up of this metal. Precious can be and are elements of the device plate. It is quite difficult to find such spare parts, so the most affordable option is a regular relay that can be bought on any market. It is advisable to take more powerful, many have it in stock.

Getting precious metals from radio components is quite difficult. The most primitive way to remove silver from contacts is to take ordinary pieces and bite off its particles. But of course, you can use another way, chemical. It is more complex.prices for radio components containing precious metals

It is impossible not to say about tin. In import boards, where soldering of parts using hopeless technology (computers, laptops, etc.) is used, lead-free tin solder is used, which is especially numerous under the south and north bridges. We heat them with an electric gun and carefully remove them, and collect the balls of metal with a soldering iron and shake them off in some plate. Here is the finished material for chlorine tin.

Prices for radio components containing precious metals are growing higher and higher. Therefore, many are looking for valuable details on which you can earn.

Gold from radio parts

Knowing what to look for, you can get a good profit. The content of precious metals in radio components is different. Gold has attracted human attention since time immemorial. The main reserve of the country is in the form of this metal. How to create your own gold fund? The simplest option is, of course, buying up, buying radio components. Expensive, but profitable.

City craft

Thus, you can make good money. Of course, in our country there are specialized reception centers for gold-plated radio components. Watch cases and components that contain a fraction of this metal are a welcome thing for buyers.

Every day, gold mining from domestic radio components is in great demand. Why domestic, because it is everywhere? Modern digital technology also contains a considerable amount of gold. The same computer system unit from which you can remove about one gram of impure precious metal of a not very high sample. In this case, from one small transistor, you can get the same amount of gold that can be removed from the system unit.radio parts containing precious metals purchase and prices

Many are interested in which soldering of the metal does not precipitate, which is better to use, a gas burner or still gasoline?

Some experimenters use gas, and to avoid sparks, you need to moisten the part with a strong solution of borax. When it heats up, it is taken lumpy.

There are massive transistors, inside of which there is a drop of gilding. It is necessary to fill them with electrolyte and fill with nitrate. The problem is that at one time such a mixture will not “eat” all the metal.It is necessary to repeat several times. So, after the first time that the acid has worked, you just need to get the transistor with tweezers and rinse off this droplet with a spray gun. She, as a rule, exfoliates. After that, the part is put into the furnace, the rest is processed.

Others believe that it makes no difference what to do. A catalyst is needed to produce gold chloride. It can be nitric acid or peroxide. By the way, you can try the galvanic method, it generally uses only hydrochloric acid, and the current plays the role of a catalyst.

Classification of precious metals

Precious metals in radio components have a certain classification, that is, they are divided into three large groups. Depending on this, their price is also determined.

Group No. 1: the most expensive parts

The first group is noble precious metals. The same transistor mentioned above is gilded. Noble metal it is exposed in sight, you just need to remove the top cap. Under it is gold. The item must be thrown into royal vodka, and no additional operations are necessary.

The transistors KT-601 belong to the same group. Of course, you need to cut off the lid, the bottom of this part is completely covered with gold. Of course, not all transistors of this brand are gold-plated, there are also plastic cases.precious metals containing precious metals

It is necessary to pay attention to the production date. The seven-segment indicator contains precious metals in radio components. It turns out that in the Soviet Union there were televisions with a remote control operating in the infrared ranges. And these indicators showed which channel is transmitting. It was they who were gilded. You just need to remove the plastic cover and throw the item into the royal vodka.

It can be concluded that the first group of radio components is the one with which additional operations are not necessary for the removal of gold, or they are minimized.

Palladium is classified as platinum noble metals. Today, one gram of it costs about eight hundred and fifty rubles, which is half the price of ninety-nine gold.

You can find detailed information about pricing policy below, radio components containing precious metals (buying up) and prices at which they can be sold will be listed.

Group No. 2: parts with a low content of precious metals

The second group consists of transistors KT-916, 917, 914, 915 and so on. At first glance, the gilding spots on these transistors are not visible. How to understand whether they contain a particle of expensive metal or is it just a dummy? To do this, you need to take ordinary wire cutters, break the transistor and look inside. As for the amount of gold from this part, two grams can be removed from a thousand pieces.

For large low-frequency medium-power transistors, cleaning the gold components, the conclusions are a rather difficult procedure. But when you consider that the third group consists of dirty components, then working with the second is much easier. It takes a lot of time to bare all the components. Imagine that there are only two grams of gold in a thousand transistors, but you need to work hard for a couple of days to remove them.precious metals content in radio components

It is necessary to take into account the factor that not all ninety-ninth metal was used in all components. After the first time, when you dissolved it in aqua regia and collected grains for smelting, you still will not get pure gold (the ninety-ninth test, by the way, is called that). In order to get pure metal, you need to dissolve the obtained "ingots" in aqua regia once again. And each time your gold will be cleaner, but its weight will decrease accordingly.

Group No. 3: insignificant gilding of low sample

The third group is the "dirty" components. The integrated circuit has gold-plated leads on the sides, and most of the metal is located under the plastic case. The part contains a huge number of contacts that scatter and get lost during the cleaning process.Sometimes some people who are involved in the removal of gold from radio components refuse to accept such parts.precious metals in radio parts prices

This group also includes small low-power transistors. Gold in them is hidden under the plastic, and its share is low.

"Precious metals at hand"

Where else is gold? The television unit also consists of transistors and microcircuits. Precious metals in radio components are not always in sight, keep this in mind. But all active ingredients contain gold.

Antenna blocks have a huge amount of varicaps. But metal is quite difficult to remove from them. Silver is present in subscripted capacitors, although its share is negligible.buying buying radio components expensive

In DVD, the laser itself is covered with gold, in the mouse (in buttons) and keyboard (on the film) - silver. In the old monitor, precious metals are few, you need to look for details, besides there is a lot of copper. The new flat-panel monitors have all of their precious coatings. You just need to know in what details and how much. For example, in KT315 gold per 1000 pieces is about 0.8 grams, and in KT 308 per 1000 - somewhere around 25 grams of gold, in KM capacitors (5 series) of platinum per 1000 pieces - about 15 grams.

Precious metals containing radio components: purchase and prices

Many both private individuals, entrepreneurs, and companies at the state and commercial levels acquire non-working parts with gold plating. Prices for radio components containing precious metals are completely different. For 1 kg of capacitors, you can get up to 55 thousand rubles. One lamp ranges in price from 300 to 17,000 rubles. Therefore, it is quite profitable to sell such parts if you have them somewhere else. But the purchase price may fluctuate. Each company should have a price called "Precious metals in radio components." Prices from it determine the final cost that the company is ready to offer for the goods.

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