The production master is ranked as a manager. To get this position, you need to have a higher profile education and have experience in production from 1 year. With secondary education, this position is also possible, but in this case, companies establish more stringent requirements for experience. If a person does not have special education, then in order to become a production master, he needs to work for at least 5 years in this area. The head of the enterprise can appoint a person to the place of the production master, as well as remove him from this position.
What should a production master know?
- Regulatory and technical guidelines related to both the production and the economic part of the activities of a particular department.
- The requirements for goods that are manufactured at the factory, and also take into account the necessary technical characteristics of the products. This employee is required to familiarize themselves with the technology and features of manufacturing products.
- The construction of the production site and the rules for the operation of equipment.
- Ways to carry out production activities of a particular site.
- Fundamentals of legislation relating to the implementation of labor activities in production, in particular, the size and form of the appointment of wages to employees.
- Prices and standards for the adoption of work, as well as ways to verify and review decisions.
- The minimum possible wage rates, as well as ways to encourage workers and material incentives.
- rules labor protection the fundamentals of safety precautions, instructions for its maintenance, the ability and knowledge of sanitation in production, as well as the skills to ensure and monitor compliance with fire safety.
The main job responsibilities of the master
Providing conditions for the implementation of the plan by the site, as well as providing this fact by any possible means. Maintaining the assortment of products and their labeling in proper condition, as well as their systematization. Production of products that are competitive in the current market for similar products.
Monitoring the use of the maximum volume of production capacity, the proper use of equipment, as well as the full loading of materials into it. The duties of the master include the supervision of the proper work of the employees of the enterprise.
Taking part in the planning and development of new tasks for the production site, that is, a subordinate team. In accordance with the formed task, it is necessary to draw up specific goals that this employee communicates to employees subordinate to him.
What should the production master do?
Control over the absence of a shortage in production materials, as well as timely ordering and control over the delivery of semi-finished products, devices, tools, technical documentation in accordance with established tasks. Together with this, it is necessary to monitor the good work of the enterprise employees, proper labor efficiency.
Continuous verification of the work performed by teams or individual employees, quick elimination of emerging problems that impede the efficient execution of the task for the enterprise. Quick elimination of all factors that may affect the normal course of production of installed products.
Additional Responsibilities
Organization and resolution of professional and social issues relating to the subordinate team. Constantly taking courses to improve their own skills. It is necessary to carry out this action at least once every 2-3 years. For this, it is necessary to attend various courses or institutes that are specifically designed to familiarize workers with new methods and techniques that allow them to complete production tasks faster and better.
Monitoring the preparation of the correct forms and the timeliness of the issuance of production tasks. This applies to various outfits, shift tasks. The production master is obliged to organize rest on time, however, if possible, prevent downtime, as well as finding equipment without action. Its functions include the issuance of orders in excess of the working norm. This employee evaluates and compiles an information report on the progress or completion of a specific production program.
Complex but necessary duties
The job responsibilities of the master of vocational training predetermine the scoring of instructions for the ability of workers to perform new types of work or learn modernized processes, provide all possible assistance in learning new work technologies or contacting with unusual equipment.
The duties of the production master include the following requirements:
- To control the entire process of implementation of production tasks by employees.
- Be especially attentive in case of difficulties or situations in which solving a problem is an incomprehensible or complex action.
Particularly carefully should be monitored and supervised processes that are part of a complex, responsible or especially expensive work, the development of new ways of implementing complex procedures for the manufacture of goods.
Responsible issues
The duties of the master of construction work include monitoring the observance by workers of production technology and the earliest possible suspension of work of workers who deviate from the originally set course or perform important processes incorrectly. Compliance should be checked not only with the technical charter, but also with the proposed drawings, sizes, features, number of designs, and the appropriateness of the materials used.
Responsibilities Requiring High Professional Skills
Acceptance and inspection of a part or structure manufactured by new equipment or machinery that was delivered after repair. Thus, the duties of the master of production include control of repair operations and serviceability of working equipment.
The job responsibilities of the workshop foreman include taking part and, if necessary, providing advice on the revision of payment for work, as well as expressing opinions and the desirability of ideas regarding the revision of the number of hours worked by workers, that is, the ability to analyze the capabilities of people working in a particular enterprise.
Important responsibilities
The job responsibilities of the production master prescribe regular checks of the general condition of working equipment and fences, carrying out instructional measures for the work of employees, informing them of important details and ongoing changes.
Monitoring their knowledge in the form of conducting surveys regarding knowledge of the basic safety rules, sanitation, the rules for using personal protective equipment, if any are provided for in a particular production. Monitoring full compliance with safety regulations by workers and compliance with the requirements of labor laws.
Daily duties
Monitoring the maintenance by workers of labor discipline and security measures for their personal life and surrounding equipment. Also, the master of production must by all means maintain discipline, cleanliness in all rooms by exercising control over the activities of workers. This employee is obliged to ensure timely shipment of waste, as well as the timely receipt of finished products to employees, the duties of the master include its further distribution and distribution.
The master of production, together with the rights, has the duties of the master of the site, for the implementation of which he is responsible. All this is assigned to him in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore, for observing all the requirements, this employee is personally responsible. In the course of performing his duties, he cannot use methods of violence, and also take part in affairs that are not related to his specialization.