
What is authenticity in modern conditions?

The concept of originality and naturalness in its own way is particularly acute at the present time. Thanks to the media and the Internet, people can communicate with each other while in different countries. Undoubtedly, such a development of technologies has brought into our lives a lot of diversity, new interests and an expanding horizons. And you can’t argue with that. But besides all the charms, disadvantages also came. One of them is very closely related to the topic of our article.

An example from psychology

What is authenticity?

Social networks “give birth” to universal idols who become legislators of fashion, relationships and behavior. It seems that there is nothing wrong with taking an example from a decent person. But firstly, in the vast social networks worthy role models can be counted on the fingers. And secondly, each person must learn something from others, but at the same time remain himself. After all, each of us is a unique set of habits, thoughts, desires. Each is an unread book with deep inner content. But the concept of authenticity, that is, authenticity, is much broader and covers not only the sphere of psychology ...

Authenticity is ...?

Authenticity value

Each person heard this word and asked himself the question of what is authenticity. The meaning of the word is very simple, but not everyone understands it. This is due to the fact that people have excess information that they cannot correctly operate on. All concepts are confused, and it turns out just a set of words, as a result of recalling what authenticity is, it is almost impossible. This is a very unpleasant process, because of which knowledge turns into a set of intuitive conclusions.

Speaking literally, authenticity is authenticity, something real. Authenticity is one of the central concepts of gestalt therapy. In psychology, this term means the ability of an adult to live their own lives, not to wear masks and to correspond to their inner "I". Man's acceptance of himself is the central concept of psychology. But this is just an example on which it is possible to explain what authenticity is. It is believed that one of the two manifestations of authenticity is congruency - the correspondence of external behavior to internal content. Its second manifestation is transparency. The meaning of the word is not necessary. What is authenticity in jurisprudence?

How to establish authenticity?


Consider this concept from a legal point of view. Establishing authenticity involves proving the uniqueness of certain documents that are not subject to adjustment. In other words, we can talk about the authenticity of any papers. Establishing the authenticity of a contract means that its text and conditions are final and do not need amendments. This process is due to the initiation of the contract. Initialization of securities is the affixing of signatures or initials of authorized persons.

It should be noted: if the contract or document was not drawn up correctly, then you can make changes to them. However, after that they are subject to a new establishment of authenticity.

In addition to initialization, there are other authentication methods. These include:

  • inclusion of the text part of the contract in the final act;
  • inclusion of the text part of the document in the resolution.

Authenticity in Modern Contracts

Establishing the authenticity of a contract

It should be noted that the initiation method is not suitable if the contract is concluded not by two parties, but several. Therefore, new methods of establishing authenticity are increasingly being used and developed. In such cases, it is confirmed by the signatures of the competent persons.

Also note that at significant events, texts of agreed contracts are often included in final acts. But, importantly, the inclusion of these texts in the final document does not mean that the participants in the conference agree with several or all clauses of the contract. The act, which is drawn up at the end, simply fixes, but does not confirm. In order for authenticity to be established, a special signature is required.

Summing up, I want to say that the concept of authenticity is very broad. It is in use in many sciences and industries. And not in vain. In any field, the most important thing is something real, genuine. Artificiality has not been recognized as a virtue for a long time, because it is just a masterfully executed copy. No matter where you intersect with the concept of authenticity, the main thing is to understand its true meaning.

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