Inspection is a procedure mandatory for motorists, the purpose of which is to assess the technical condition of the machine. What is needed for inspection, what is its frequency and cost, where does it go? We will answer all these questions in this article.
Is it mandatory to undergo this procedure this year
Yes, it is necessary, but not all cars. Owners of motorcycles and vehicles, as well as trailers and semi-trailers belonging to category B and having an age of up to 3 years, do not pass. The rest of the cars should undergo such testing in 2015, if the interval between the two inspections established for this type of vehicles ends this year.
Why do I need a vehicle inspection?
Its main goal is to check the safety of using a car. It allows you to identify malfunctions that require speedy resolution, which the car owner is able to fix in a timely manner.
Today, to obtain the right to drive a car on Russian roads, you need to buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. Well, do you need to undergo inspection at the same time? For insurance of those cars that are not required to pass it, it is not needed.
But the owners of all other cars without a certificate of its passage will not be sold the CTP policy. And riding without it is prohibited and punishable by a fine. Therefore, the question of whether it is necessary to undergo inspection for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance can be answered in the affirmative. But this will be correct if your car does not belong to category B.
When is inspection required?
The need is determined type of car and the term of its operation.
- Cars with a service life (from the date of manufacture) of less than 3 years do not pass inspection, including cars and trucks, as well as trailers and semi-trailers with an authorized maximum weight of up to 3,500 kg, as well as motor vehicles. Drivers often wonder if a vehicle should be inspected if it is 3 years old. Yes, you need it, otherwise you won’t buy an insurance policy.
- Cars age (from the time of issue) from 3 to 7 years (with the exception of those falling under paragraph 5), including all those listed in paragraph 1, are inspected every two years.
- Cars with an age (from the moment of release) of more than 7 years (with the exception of those falling under clause 5), including all those listed in clause 1, are inspected annually.
- Cars for training drivers and passing exams for a driver’s license, trucks with an authorized weight of more than 3,500 kg, as well as cars equipped with special devices for delivering light and sound special signals (except for those falling under paragraph 5), also annually.
- Buses, taxis, and minibuses designed and specially equipped to transport passengers with more than 8 seats without a driver's seat, as well as cars and trailers carrying dangerous goods are inspected every six months.
Therefore, the question of whether the car is a year old or whether a vehicle inspection is needed can also be answered in the affirmative if it falls under paragraphs 3-5.
For any car, the start of the timing of the inspection is taken from the first of them, carried out before the conclusion of the MTPL agreement in the year following the year the car was put into operation.
The cost of the procedure in 2015
What do you need for a financial inspection? Its cost varies depending on the type of car and the region in which it is held.
In today's real world conditions, inspection of a Category B car will cost an average of 700 rubles, a passenger bus weighing up to 5 tons - 1300 rubles, the same, but weighing more than 5 tons - 1600 rubles.A truck up to 3.5 tons can be tested for 800 rubles, but a truck inspection with a mass of more than 12 tons will cost 1650 rubles. The cost of inspection without any state duty is paid to the account of the organization authorized to conduct it.
In order to determine the exact cost of inspection in your area, you need to phone with several companies operating this procedure, select a specific one and write down the details for payment. You can pay the cost of inspection at any bank or through a payment terminal.
Inspection Points
In the Russian Federation there are several thousand such items. You can test a car in 2015 anywhere in the Russian Federation. Therefore, those who live on the border between the two entities, it is better to choose one of them, where the cost is lower.
What documents will you need
The documents required for inspection in 2015 are as follows:
- driver’s license or passport;
- power of attorney from the car owner, if he is not driving;
- certificate of registration of a car or technical equipment passport (TCP).
With regard to TCP, it should be noted that it is better to take it always, especially if the car is not yet registered. Other documents needed for passing inspection the operator company is not entitled to demand from you.
Preparing a car for inspection
To successfully complete this critical procedure, you should prepare for it.
What do you need for inspection so that it runs smoothly? Take care of every available problem, large or small, starting from the creaking of the wheel and ending with a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher. Check all technical systems, it would be better if you replace the cooler and oil. Give the greatest attention to brakes and steering, which directly affect road safety and are checked as strictly as possible. Adjust the steering clearance to the specified standards.
It is necessary to check the fuel system, adjust the CO and CH (according to exhaust standards). Make sure that the sound signal, windows, windshield wipers, window washers are clear. Check the health of seat belts, etc. It’s good to adjust the headlights yourself (fog, dimensions, turn signals) yourself, make sure that they work correctly.
Be sure to check the contents of the trunk. Not only a working fire extinguisher with a volume of at least 2 liters and a first aid kit with suitable (by time) medications should be available, but also an emergency stop sign, a tow rope, a spare wheel.
What do you need for inspection yet? Check for rust on parts. If found, then remove it with a subsequent painting, and even better - replace the rusty part.
Wash the car inside and out, clean the engine and wheels. Engine and body numbers should be clearly visible.
Quite often, cars do not pass inspection because of a crack on the windshield if it appeared on the driver’s half in the area of brush movement. If the crack is outside this zone, then you can try to pass with it.
What is checked at the inspection
First, a general inspection is carried out to check the availability and compliance with the requirements of the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle, seat belts, sun visors, automatic couplings. Next, they check the serviceability of the locks in the doors, the sound signal, the integrity of the windows and mirrors, the operation of heating and blowing the windshield, brushes and the glass washer supply, seats. Buses and trucks are checked for the presence and serviceability of wheel chocks.
The next step is to check the toxicity of the exhaust gases. In a car before 1986, the exhaust is checked for carbon monoxide content of not more than 4.5% only at idle engine. For younger cars that are not equipped with a neutralizer, the content of both carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons is checked at idle and at increased speeds.
Modern cars have a catalyst in the exhaust system with three catalyst substances: platinum, palladium and rhodium.They measure the content of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gas analyzer.
Then, the brakes are checked, including the integrity of the brake hoses, the brake force of the axles of the wheels and the coefficient of their unevenness are measured, the effort on the levers is checked, and the braking alarm is working.
After this comes the turn of the steering. Here, the power steering is checked (if any), the resulting steering backlash by the amount of free wheeling of the steering wheel, the presence and integrity of its braid and its rotation without jerking or jamming, the size of the gaps between parts in their assemblies.
Then they move on to the engine and its subsystems, the main attention is paid to the tightness of the power systems and exhaust emissions.
At the wheels, they check the condition of the wheels and tires, measure the air pressure and wear of the tread pattern, check the frame and cardan, what kind of backlash in the ball bearings, how worn the springs are.
In the end, check the headlights, how their light beam is directed, the operating modes, measure the light intensity, check the health of the on-off indicators.
Diagnostic card
After inspection, the car owner is given a diagnostic card of his car on an A4 sheet with filling on both sides, certified by the signature and seal of the operator.
It contains all the test results of the car. If everything is in order with him, then you can present this card by buying a CTP policy. If not, then you will have to troubleshoot and undergo inspection again for a fee.
If there is any doubt about the authenticity of the document, you can check the test results of the car on the basis of EAISTO. Inspection ticket is not issued this year.
Sanctions for failure to inspect
Only drivers of passenger taxis, buses or utility vehicles, as well as cars for the transport of dangerous goods, are fined today. The amount of the fine varies from 500 to 800 rubles.
Other drivers for driving without inspection are not fined. There is no liability for the lack of a diagnostic card in a car.
However, the lack of inspection means that the car owner did not purchase a car insurance. Therefore, he will still be fined 800 rubles for her absence.
Inspection or purchase of a diagnostic card?
There are many cases when drivers who are not very confident in the technical condition of their cars tend to buy this card without going through the procedure itself.
Although you can find the appropriate proposals, but you need to consider that the document that you are offered is most likely fake. Indeed, the risks of the operator company when issuing such cards without inspections themselves are very high. For each such issued card, the company will be fined between 100 and 300 thousand rubles. Plus, the operator will be held criminally liable if an accident occurs due to a faulty car. So, it is risky and not profitable for official companies-operators of periodic automatic testing to "sell" diagnostic cards.
In fact, scammers are most often involved in this. Having printed a fake card on sheet A4, they often certify it fake stamp and pass it on to the buyer. But such a card will not pass verification on the EAISTO database, and the MTPL policy will not be sold on it. Therefore, such a sorrow-buyer will be spent twice: both on a fake card and on a real inspection.
So it’s better not to buy a fake, but, using the above tips, prepare for auto-testing so that it passes without problems.