
Business on unusual gifts. Business plan: bouquets of sweets. How to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets?

business plan candy bouquets

A bouquet of sweets is a beautiful, edible, original gift that you can make with your own hands and give your friends and relatives for the holiday. Bouquets of sweets win against the background of ordinary flowers and sweets, because such a gift will be distinguished by special beauty, originality and uniqueness, which can not be purchased in any store.

Having received such a wonderful gift, your loved ones will remember it for a long time and will be very flattered by such attention on your part. Is it possible to make a business by making such unusual gifts as bouquets of sweets? Let's figure it out!

A business for making candy bouquets: is it possible?

If you have a lot of free time and a desire to do what you can and get paid for it, a candy bouquets business can be quite an interesting solution. As a hobby, this occupation may not bring large incomes, but when you develop it to a large scale, draw up a competent business plan, bouquets of sweets can really bring you very good money.

The production of such gifts will take you a lot of time and effort, be prepared for this. Later, when you get used to the market, it will be possible to hire several employees and open a mini-enterprise, but it is not practical to do this right away.

candy bouquets making

Where to learn this craft?

The easiest and least expensive way is to learn how to make bouquets of sweets yourself. Now there are a lot of training videos on this topic, each craftswoman is ready to share her experience with you for free. You can also share knowledge with people who own this skill in various forums.

But if you cannot study alone, you can try to acquire the necessary knowledge from experienced craftsmen. Such people can be found in many cities, they will gladly help you and teach you everything you need. The cost of their training sessions is from 10 thousand rubles. There are also various books that contain the secrets of making bouquets of sweets.

Correct pricing

So, you already know that for a start you need to write in your business plan: you need to learn how to make bouquets of sweets yourself. And here is the next important question: "How to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets?"

Each such gift that you create will be unique, and therefore different at cost. This is due to the fact that sweets, their cost and quantity in each bouquet will be different. Also, the supplies included in the bouquet will have a certain cost, which should be included in the total price

So how do you know how much a bouquet will cost?

Do not think that it is very difficult mathematics. Bouquets of sweets, the manufacture of which is a rather lengthy, but not the most costly affair, are evaluated as follows. We calculate the price of your created bouquet by multiplying the cost of all products by 2.

For example, if you spent 500 rubles on a candy bouquet, then you should sell it for 1000 rubles. Therefore, you personally will receive 500 rubles for your work. But be careful. If the order has some complexity of execution, you have the right to ask a large price for your work, it is very important to correctly evaluate your work.

You can, for example, look for similar works in specialized online stores and see their cost.But the price depends on many factors - this is the level of skill, the number of orders, the cost of materials, the purchasing power of the people of the village in which you live. In addition, you may not find the necessary material for bouquets in your city, and you will have to order it from other settlements or go there on your own, and this all increases the cost of your bouquet.

business plan toy bouquets

Where to find buyers?

While you are still new to this business, it is better to hand out your first creations to friends and acquaintances with a request to return money for the materials spent. This will be beneficial for you in terms of experience, because your budget will not be poorer, but your skill will increase. Plus, your friends will admire your talent with friends who may become potential buyers of your product in the future.

Therefore, write the following in your business plan: bouquets of sweets made in the first lots should be given to friends, colleagues, acquaintances for all kinds of celebrations. So you will gain experience, and earn a rating, and make an advertisement for yourself. Do not be upset that at first you will not receive money for work. This is normal, you just need to go to your goal, otherwise it will not work to open a successful business.

But what if you don’t give, but sell?

When your skill becomes more advanced, and you feel that you are ready to work hard, you can try to offer your goods to flower shops. And so that they have an idea of ​​your work, provide photos of already completed bouquets of sweets. So the owners of flower shops will have an idea of ​​the level of your skill and your capabilities. The price should be assigned at least 50% of the cost of the bouquet. But do not forget that outlets will “wind up” their sales margin for your product.

how to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets

And so that the buyer knows you, so to speak, “in person”, attach a small business card with your contacts to your candy bouquet. Then the buyer will be able to contact you directly or recommend to someone from your friends.

We advertise our services competently

You can offer your services on city sites, forums, and to advertise. But you can create your own website dedicated to the sale of bouquets of sweets. There you can lay out photos of bouquets that you already did, with a detailed description and price. Then people will have an idea of ​​your products and estimated cost.

You can use all kinds of ways to express yourself: this is advertising in newspapers, booklets with photos of your bouquets of sweets and contacts, you can also contact the agencies that organize all kinds of holidays. That is, select a separate place for advertising, and then your business plan - you will make bouquets of sweets or handmade cards - will be successful!

Also in big cities there are gift shops. You can offer your creations to such stores.

How can you grow your business?

Of course, when you reach a high level of skill, you have the right to open your own outlet. It can be either a separate store or a rented stand in a large store. Then you can hire excellent craftswomen who will help you with the production of bouquets, and perhaps do everything yourself - you will simply lead the process. In addition, from time to time you can expand your services and make a new business plan: bouquets of toys, for example! Why not?

Your skill level will depend on how unique and memorable you will create bouquets, how patiently and persistently you will relate to your work. Remember that when your work is successful among buyers, you will feel great pride in yourself and satisfaction, which, moreover, will be paid for. Good luck in your endeavors, do not despair if at first something does not work out. Believe in yourself!

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Reason for complaint
I agree with you completely) Emotions are a powerful thing, especially positive ones. This is a wonderful gift for any occasion. I myself love such originalities, so I wanted to try it myself. She studied herself in video lessons. I didn’t think it would turn out, but judging by the number of orders at the moment - everyone is very happy) Word of mouth works fine, better than any advertisement, although I still use whiteboards like Avito. Making bouquets of sweets was a good idea!
I myself put my services on Avito - as a side job more than satisfied. Such bouquets are popular because it is not only beautiful, but also practical. The best ads are satisfied people. It’s written correctly that you need to give such bouquets to all kinds of celebrations or for no reason. A person will remember the emotion, and it is expensively evaluated.


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