Today, many people know about the benefits of goat milk. However, this product cannot be called very popular in our country. Of course, goat milk is on sale, but, as a rule, of foreign production, which accordingly reflects on its price.
This area of business in our country is still relatively underdeveloped. In this regard, today there is every chance to start the production of goat milk and make a profitable business on it. We offer you to familiarize yourself with this area of activity.
Business benefits
Goat milk has long been known as a very healthy product. With regular use, it helps to normalize metabolism, improves eyesight, removes radionuclides and helps in the treatment of allergies. Also, goat milk is recommended for use by children, as it is easily absorbed by the body and increases immunity. In addition, babies who regularly use it grow stronger and healthier.
In Western countries, a family business such as a goat farm is very common. A business plan can be done by anyone. There are very few manufacturers of this product in Russia, and despite the rather high demand, the offer is not yet able to fully satisfy it. In this regard, the manufacture and sale of goat milk is a successful and promising business idea that will allow you to take a worthy place in the still free niche.
If you are seriously considering such a thing as a goat farm, the business plan should include consideration of two main aspects: raising goats in order to get milk from them and selling it later, and raising breeding animals with their subsequent implementation.
Legal basis of business
You must register your company and get all the necessary documents and permits. To begin with, we submit an application to the tax committee in order to register as an individual entrepreneur. This form will be the best option if you decide to start a business in milk.
Next, you need to prepare all the documents for the land on which you plan to build a farm, and apply with the appropriate application to the administration of your city or region. After that, you will need to get a technical passport for buildings in the BTI.
After the farm building has been built and equipped, it is necessary to invite representatives of the sanitary-epidemiological station, fire service and environmental safety service to verify compliance with all applicable standards. If everything is in order, you will be issued appropriate permits to conduct activities.
Selection and equipment of land and buildings
To save on the construction of the necessary facilities, it is recommended to drive through the nearest towns and villages and take a closer look to see if they have old abandoned buildings (stables, cowsheds, etc.). Based on them, it will be quite simple to equip the goats. You can also rent nearby land for sowing perennial grass on them and walking your horned wards.
As for the arrangement of the goat’s, this room should be dry, warm and include the following compartments: for the maintenance of young animals, dairy goats, as well as the maternity ward. In this case, be sure to keep in mind that each animal must have at least four square meters of area.
The floor of the goat house must be covered with a dry layer of straw or hay. Also, each compartment should be equipped with feeders and drinking bowls. Ideally, the goat house should be equipped with its own boiler house, water supply and sewage. You will also need to equip a milk processing workshop and a feed storage warehouse.
Farm equipment
Since the goal of this business is to sell goat milk, you will need to equip the farm with a milking machine. You can buy a similar unit of foreign production, but it is expensive. The best solution would be to re-equip the milking machine for cows, given that the goats only need two suction cups per udder. If you plan to maintain a large number of livestock on the farm, it makes sense to purchase a tractor for distributing feed.
How to feed animals
In order for goat milk to become a successful business, you must provide your horned ward with a suitable diet. It should include both fresh green grass and hay, as well as silage feed and concentrates. In addition, goats should always have clean water for drinking.
The main food in the winter is hay. You can also feed animals with the so-called brooms, which are a bunch of young juicy branches of various trees harvested from the summer. In addition, goats are very fond of corn, beets and Jerusalem artichoke.
It is recommended that animals give table salt (at the rate of 15 grams per day for each individual) and chalk as a source of minerals. One adult goat eats an average of 1.5 to 2.5 kilograms of hay per day. In accordance with this value, it is necessary to prepare enough food for the winter to provide food for all your wards.
As for the diet of pregnant goats, concentrated food (grain, legumes) and mineral fertilizers must be present in it without fail. It is also recommended that these animals be given only warm water.
Animal acquisition
This stage is very important, it should be approached with all responsibility. Be sure to purchase several purebred goats and goats from different parents so that their offspring are healthy and productive, because this will directly affect the size of the milk yield. Experts recommend purchasing animals of the Saanen breed. However, purebred individuals are quite expensive, so for starters you can buy several thoroughbred pairs to cross males from them with ordinary goats.
Farm Work Plan
To organize productive production, it is necessary from the very beginning to determine a clear schedule for feeding and milking animals. Otherwise, the goats may experience stress, which will lead to a decrease in milk yield.
Be sure to find an experienced veterinarian who would carry out preventive examinations, and if necessary, treat your animals.
The goat house needs to be kept clean by timely cleaning and processing of all its departments.
Goat Farm Products
The main product that you will produce on your farm is, of course, goat milk. Its quality and quantity are directly dependent on the physiological characteristics and breed of animals.
So, ordinary domestic goats produce no more than two liters of milk per day. And the milk yield of the Saanen breed animals can reach six liters.
If you plan to further process goat milk, then you can become a producer of cheese, butter, cottage cheese, cream and sour cream. These products are also very highly appreciated by consumers for their beneficial properties and great taste.
A milk processing business plan should include the costs of purchasing additional equipment, arranging a room, and the salary of employees.
In addition to milk and its processed products, being the owner of a goat farm, you can sell kids. This can be done both in live weight and in the form of meat.
Another goat business product is fluff. It is used for making blankets, carpets and various clothes (for example, warm sheepskin coats).
Sales of finished products
Goat milk and other related products can be sold either directly to the final consumer (small shops or retail outlets in the markets) or through an intermediary (selling goods to supermarkets).
Goat farm opening: financial side
As for the initial investment, it’s unlikely to give a specific amount, since everything will depend on how many flocks you plan to start, as well as on the location of your farm. On average, the organization of a farm of 120-130 milking goats may require an amount of 80-100 thousand dollars.
A similar farm will bring you about 50-60 tons of pasteurized milk per year. Thus, the income for 12 months of operation will be from 100 to 120 thousand dollars. In this case, the initial investment will be able to pay off already in the second year of the existence of your farm.