Much is known about verbal communication between people. After all, this is nothing but a way of communication using speech. In this case, the main tool for each person is the word. But communication is nonverbal. It is such a way of exchanging information in which the body serves as a tool for transmitting data.
Significance of Non-Verbal Signals
According to the Austrian writer Alan Pia, which can be found in his famous book “Language of Movements”, verbal information is only perceived by a person in the amount of 7%. The remaining 93% comes to us through non-verbal signals. The latter way of communication is better known as sign language. It means a form of self-expression in which a person does not pronounce words and does not use any of the symbols of speech.
Knowing non-verbal signals in communication becomes important for several reasons. First of all, the sign language is entrusted with the function of the most accurate expression of the feelings that have arisen. After all, often they are so complex that the selection of words for their description is simply impossible. This can only be done using non-verbal means and methods. In addition, sign language is necessary for a deeper understanding between the interlocutors.
Fixed assets
How are non-verbal signals generated? The main means of such communication is the body. With it, a person transmits information with gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, a change in position in space, as well as mise-en-scenes. As you can see, for the delivery of non-verbal signals, our body has a variety and a wealth of specific capabilities. It is able to broadcast many images, while becoming a powerful tool with which the necessary information is brought to the people around.
Verifying the importance of sign language is pretty easy. Just watch any movie in an unfamiliar foreign language. Non-verbal signals in communication between the characters will help to understand, if not the essence of their conversations, but the general idea of the tape and its plot. This will happen due to the fact that with semantic deficit caused by ignorance of a foreign language, a person will more closely monitor the facial expressions of gestures of actors. At the same time, he will be able to “read” the emotional and plot component by the tone of their voice and movements.
Unique language
What is the global significance of non-verbal signals? A person who speaks only Russian thinks little about the fact that, besides him, he is familiar with yet another, and quite unique language. It is a universal set of movements and postures, using which representatives of different races, cultures and nationalities can communicate with each other. It's about sign language. To master it, you do not need to study the alphabet, grammar, phonetics, etc. Non-verbal language is unique. He establishes communication by applying obvious concepts and thought patterns. Of course, such a conversation will be quite simple. His concepts will not rise above the base level. Nevertheless, it will still allow certain information to be transmitted to both the Eskimos and the Amazonian Indians, the language of our words for which is incomprehensible at all. Indeed, non-verbal signals are universal and help to establish initial contact.
The only means of communication
The value of non-verbal signals cannot be overestimated in those cases when:
- people are not familiar with each other even at a basic level;
- a person does not have the physical ability to make sounds.
And if with the first option a higher level of communication can be established in the future, then in the second nonverbal signals become the only means of contact.
People who have limited speech capabilities or who have hearing loss can only use body language. The movements of their fingers at the same time become a kind of vocal cords, and gestures turn into words.
But sometimes such situations may arise when a person who is capable of reproducing sounds and having a hearing is in an environment that does not provide opportunities for verbal communication. In this case, body language will help him. Non-verbal signals are of great importance in scuba diving (diving), in the noisy rooms of engine rooms or metal shops, on the hunt and or during military operations, when you have to sit in ambushes.
A bit of history
Nonverbal communication originated at the dawn of mankind. Before the invention of language as a means of communication, communication between members of society was carried out only thanks to body language. People brought the necessary information to each other with the help of primitive gestures, which allowed the ancient man to solve the problems that arise before him. For example, with his hands he pointed to prey or fellow tribesmen, depicted simple phenomena - thunderstorm and rain, mimically showed anger, threatening and biting, while revealing teeth.
Conscious and unconscious gestures
What types of non-verbal signals exist? According to the principle of conscious use, they are divided into two categories:
- Non-verbal communication, used by a person consciously. This includes those gestural and facial expressions that we use deliberately to bring the right information to the addressee.
- Involuntary non-verbal signals. Their list includes those gestures, poses, micro-gestures, changes in body position used by a person uncontrollably and unconsciously. Such non-verbal signals are louder than words. How to understand them? Learning to read these signs of involuntary behavior.
Gesture recognition rules
The quantity and quality of non-verbal signals depends on many factors. These include the person’s age and gender, social status and type of temperament, nationality, etc. So, based on the data of psychological studies, during a conversation lasting 1 hour, the Finn gives non-verbal signals on average only once. The Italians gesticulate up to 110 times, the French - 120, and the Mexicans - 180. Non-verbal signals are sent by women more often than by men, etc. The meanings of gestures may vary, depending on which culture a person belongs to. For example, a Russian, saying no, shakes his head from side to side. For Bulgarians, such a gesture means "yes."
How to understand non-verbal signals? For the correct interpretation of body language by experts, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- consider the totality of gestures, and not each of them individually, which, like some words, may have more than one meaning;
- interpret body language in the context of its manifestation, for example, crossed arms on the chest may indicate a person’s mistrust or indicate that in cold weather he simply froze;
- consider gestures according to national circumstances;
- “Reading” gestures, do not attribute your condition and experience to another person;
- take into account health factors.
Non-verbal signals include many elements. In total there are about a thousand. But some researchers believe that this number is much larger - from 3 to 5 thousand. Moreover, each of these signals has several options, almost 1000 different poses, as well as about 20 thousand facial expressions.
Facial expressions
The expression of our face is the main element that reflects the feelings and emotions of a person. This is the facial expression.
Any positive emotions are recognized by us much easier than negative ones.Love and surprise are not as hidden by man as anger or disgust. Researchers have proven that emotions are reflected differently on the left and right sides of the face. This is due to various functions assigned to the cerebral hemispheres. So, the right is responsible for the emotional sphere, and the left is responsible for intellectual functions.
In facial expressions, emotions are expressed as follows:
- the state of anger is accompanied by wide-open eyes, clenched teeth, lowered corners of the lips;
- surprise can be judged by a parted mouth, raised eyebrows and wide-open eyes;
- in fear, a person draws his eyebrows and stretches his lips, lowering and pulling down their corners;
- happiness corresponds to a calm look, as well as laid back, raised corners of the lips;
- a sad person can be recognized by an extinct gaze, flattened eyebrows and lowered corners of the lips.
Eye contact
This method of body language allows you to demonstrate interest in the conversation and better understand the meaning of what was said. During the conversation, both people create, and then regulate the level of comfort. To do this, they periodically meet with each other's eyes. After they take them aside. A close look can contribute to both building confidence and a sense of discomfort.
Eye contact supports common topics that are pleasing to the person you are talking to. Confused and negative questions lead to the fact that a person looks away, thereby demonstrating his hostility and disagreement. Those features that are characteristic of a particular eye contact make it possible to draw reliable conclusions about the level of interest in the conversation and attitude to the speaker. So, with:
- indignant, the gaze becomes steadfast, intrusive and a little disturbing
- admiration for eye contact is long, and the look is calm;
- the location to the interlocutor is attentive, and eye contact is interrupted every 10 seconds;
- anticipation of an eyebrow raised, and a sharp look;
- hostility man rolls his eyes and avoids eye contact.
Timbre of voice and intonation
The correct reading of these non-verbal signals will help you learn to understand the “messages” of a person by reading them between the lines. The list of such features includes unfinished sentences and frequent pauses, pitch, speech speed and phrase construction. So, one can talk about excitement if a person's tone of voice decreases. His speech at the same time becomes frequent and abrupt. Confirmation of enthusiasm is the high tone of the voice. The speech in this case is confident and clear. When tired, the tone of the voice is low. At the end of each sentence, a person lowers intonation. Uncertainty is indicated by frequent pauses, misspelled words, and also a nervous cough.
Poses and gestures
Attitudes and feelings of a person can be determined by his way of standing or sitting. Individual movements, as well as a set of gestures, will help to recognize them. People are much more pleasant and easier to communicate with those who are characterized by expressive motility, lively, but at the same time relaxed facial expression.
Vivid gestures indicate positive emotions. They are conducive to trust and sincerity. Moreover, if a person gestures excessively and often repeats his movements, then we can say that he is internally tense and also unsure of himself.
The ability to understand the gestures and poses of the interlocutor makes non-verbal communication more accessible and at the same time increases the level of mutual understanding. So, the closed eyes of a person, pinching his nose and rubbing his chin will indicate concentration. Positive-minded people bend their heads slightly forward while touching the neck with their hand. Distrust is expressed by palm covered mouth. If the interlocutor is clearly bored, his body is slightly bent and relaxed, and his head is supported by his hand. With the disapproval of human movement are troubled. He constantly yanks off his clothes, shaking off the "villi" from her.
Interpersonal space
An important role in establishing contact is the distance at which the interlocutors are from each other. Often people express their feelings using categories such as “I want to stay closer” or “stay away from him.” People interested in each other reduce their space. It can be:
- intimate - up to 0.5 m, expressing a trusting relationship between friends and loved ones;
- interpersonal (from 0.5 to 1.2 m), which is comfortable with a friendly conversation;
- social (from 1.2 to 3.7 m), characteristic of informal interaction during a business meeting;
- public - over 3.7 m - this is the distance for a person speaking to a group of people.
The significance and scope of such distances are directly dependent on the gender of the person and his age, as well as on personal characteristics. So, children are always more comfortable to be closer to the interlocutor, while adolescents often close and try to distance themselves from those with whom they are talking. Women prefer closer distances, but it doesn’t matter to confident and balanced people.
Recognize cheating
Is it possible to feel comfortable and confident when communicating with different people? Yes, but this requires knowledge of a non-verbal language of communication. This will avoid such situations when the interlocutor is trying to cheat.
The correspondence of the supplied verbal and non-verbal signals is called congruence. In this case, we can say that the interlocutor is telling the truth. About the falsity of the information submitted will tell:
- too frequent or long pauses, as well as fluctuations in front of each replica;
- lack of synchronization of facial muscles, asymmetry of facial expressions;
- a frozen expression on the face that remains unchanged for 5-10 seconds;
- the occurrence of pauses between the word and its related emotions;
- a tight smile;
- shallow eye contact, with a restless facial expression;
- twitching of any part of the body, biting the lips, tapping the table with fingers;
- small gestures controlled by a liar;
- heavy breathing and a high tone of voice;
- crossed legs and bent body;
- blinking eyes with high frequency.
The relationship between man and woman
A person’s body language and gestures can tell a lot more about him than he does. So, with the help of non-verbal signals one can recognize sympathies and selfish goals, interest of the opposite sex, etc. He who knows body language, he will never let you down.
Often men and women are in no hurry to make confessions of their feelings. However, they are not able to hide them in the presence of someone they like. These feelings are manifested in non-verbal signals. People draw attention to themselves subconsciously, but the observant person can read through the meaning of such gestures.
Non-verbal signals of men are different from women. Representatives of the stronger sex tend to show their boldness. Ladies, on the contrary, demonstrate femininity and weakness.
What men do when they see their object of sympathy:
- straighten hair and clothes;
- straighten your shoulders, tighten your stomach, shine appears in the eyes;
- they keep their hands in their pockets, leaving their thumb outside, or they put their fingers under the belt;
- look at a woman with a long gaze;
- they hold their heads high, showing themselves in all their glory.
Non-verbal signals of women are different. So ladies:
- shake the hair, straighten the hair, sometimes curls are wound on the finger;
- start to swing hips when walking;
- shoot eyes, attracting the attention of men;
- demonstrate their wrist;
- stroking a pencil, a leg of a glass or any conical object;
- lower the tone of the voice.
Body language is very eloquent. That’s why you should carefully watch the people you like. Maybe they just do not dare to express their feelings?