
Failure to comply with subordination. What is subordination and what is regulated?

Let's talk about what is subordination, why is it needed in business communication, what are the rules and what happens if it is not respected. The topic will be discussed below in full detail. It is worthwhile to understand that the role of communication in business and at work is simply enormous. You can be an excellent professional in your field, but because of the inability to communicate, give your place to a person less capable, but more sociable. One of the most important rules of communication between business people is subordination. The rules of communication relate to three planes: between the boss and the subordinate, between the subordinate and the boss or between employees.


First, let's try to answer the question of what is subordination. From the Latin language, this word is translated as “submission”. Subordination means a person’s place in a system of relationships. Adhering to subordination means following the rules of communication that are established between people at different levels of the hierarchical ladder.non-observance of subordination

Head and subordinate

The attitude of a subordinate to his boss depends on many factors, but the main ones are authority and maintenance of the work process. In order for employees to be able to observe subordination, the manager must correctly set out the rules of service discipline, pay attention to the ethics of communication and establish the framework of what is permitted. This is very important, because when there are no established rules, the team feels insecure, takes little initiative. Employees do not understand how to relate to the words of the boss: as a request or order. In order to avoid incidents, each employee must know the norms of communication in this company.

Key tips for the leader:

  • If an employee does not do his job, remind you that you expect results from him. In another case, he may think that you have forgotten about the assignment and not fulfill it. In addition, such comments remind the employee what might happen if they do not follow the instructions of the boss.
  • If you criticize the employee, the criticism should relate exclusively to working moments. It is unacceptable to use humiliation or insults;
  • You can not give subordinates any personal advice, because you will be responsible for the result.
  • Even in the most critical situations, the leader must demonstrate confidence. Workers should not see in the words and actions of the chief uncertainty, fear or panic. This threatens to lose credibility.
  • It is important to value your best employees. Their remuneration must correspond to the forces that they spent on its implementation.
  • Do not forget the praise. Praise before other employees can cause a great motivation for the employee.

We already know what subordination is, but the main advice in business relations between a boss and a subordinate is that you need to give tasks based on the specific situation and the nature of the employee. You need to understand that some need constant monitoring, because without it they cannot work.what is subordination

Orders, requests and advice

When communicating, it is very important to establish what the form of instructions will be - an order, a request, a recommendation. Most often, managers use the request, which expresses their friendly attitude. However, when communicating with dishonest employees, an order should be used.He differs from a request with a strict voice and a special emotional presentation. Failure to comply with subordination at work should be noted by management. This fact cannot be ignored. It is necessary to tell the employee about the rules of communication. The reprimand for non-observance of subordination must be in strict form so that the employee learns the lesson.

Relations with the team

The manager must understand that non-compliance with subordination may be caused by his behavior. Crony relations are unacceptable.

The boss should communicate with the staff using recommendations. Advice should be given to help the employee find a solution to the problem. Relations with the team should be based on mutually beneficial principles. Financial stimulation, as well as moral, plays an important role in this matter.non-observance of subordination at work

Subordinate and Head

An employee who does not adhere to the rules of business communication can obtain dismissal for non-compliance with subordination. A person who plans to stay at work and move up the career ladder is simply obliged to adhere to subordination, because his future largely depends on the boss. At the same time, one should not rush to extremes and show coldness in a relationship, but also one should not crouch in front of the authorities.

In order to build a good relationship with the leader, you should remember some rules:

  • the leader will like it if the employee will rally the team;
  • you need to express your ideas about work in a tactful and polite manner, as arrogant remarks towards the leader can turn into troubles;
  • it’s not necessary to speak with the boss in a categorical tone or to answer monosyllabically, most often employees who speak little and are constantly dissatisfied with everything fall under reductions;
  • no need to try to get a promotion by jumping "over the head" of his immediate superior.

The last tip is that even with the best of relations, you should not show disrespect: to enter the boss’s office without knocking, to interrupt him once he is talking with someone.reprimand for non-observance of subordination

Business communication leaders

Relations in the field of business relations can be built horizontally, that is, between two bosses. Failure to comply with subordination in this case can also lead to a number of negative consequences. To avoid them, remember the following rules:

  • You should speak clearly with the partner on the case, without wasting time on showing interest. Many business people are annoyed by empty dialogs because they value their time.
  • In order to attract the attention of a colleague, offer him facts and figures.
  • If your interlocutor is aggressive, show calm to calm him down. In no case do not react angrily.
  • Offer pre-designed solutions to show your initiative and business competency.

Telephone communication

Telephone communication is an integral part of business communication. Some successful people spoil their business because they do not know how to communicate on the phone with a business partner.dismissal for non-compliance with subordination

To begin with, it is worth noting that when communicating with a business person, you should not answer phone calls. This is permissible only in very rare and important cases. When calling someone on a case, you should first clarify whether it is convenient for a person to speak at the moment. In no case do not use swear words, as this may alienate the business partner.


It is just as important for the employee to find a common language with his colleagues as he is with the boss. Communication must be done correctly from the very beginning so that there are no common problems. Some, using a good attitude towards themselves, shift professional responsibilities to others. Others expose their comrades in a negative light before the boss. To avoid this, it is worth following some rules:

  • when the boss gives the task, it is necessary to equally divide the work between all members of the team so that there are no loafers in it;
  • it is necessary to avoid conflicts of interest and pulling customers: a couple of customers will not help to get a raise, but it will spoil the atmosphere in the team, because of which you will have to work in a tense environment;
  • if you cannot help, do not promise it;
  • It’s not worth starting intimate conversations at work, as this can lead to a further deterioration in relations with the boss and colleague.

The last piece of advice is that self-fulfillment is not worth the expense of colleagues.non-compliance with subordination at work

Failure to comply with subordination

Is it possible to punish an employee legally? For non-observance of subordination at work, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for three types of consequences: reprimand, reprimand, and dismissal as a last resort. The remark is used for a single violation of the rules. A reprimand for non-observance of subordination, the model of which is in the article, can be verbal or recorded in a private matter. It all depends on the degree of violation. Typically, the reason for reprimand is single or permanent disciplinary offenses. Dismissal in case of non-observance of subordination is used in case of violation, which falls under the article of the administrative or Criminal code (beatings).reprimand for non-observance of subordination pattern

An important role is played by what kind of communication we are talking about. An employee, for example, risks only losing his job, while a manager can lose his reputation and respect in the business community. All successful companies build internal relationships on the principles of subordination.

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