
Half brothers and sisters are ... Family relationships

Sometimes people, due to different situations in life, resort to breaking up their once romantic relationship and find their happiness with new members of the opposite sex. The result is often the emergence of new family ties between their children. Half brothers and sisters are one example of such a relationship.

half brothers and sisters this

Types of relationship

The status of brothers and sisters has persons who are united by the presence of common relatives. At the same time, depending on their biological origin, this family relationship is divided into three types officially approved by law: full, part-time, consolidated. Thus, the relationship between brothers and sisters can be determined by both genetic factors (inherent in the first two types) and social (as a result of the conclusion of various alliances). Most often, people know such concepts as “consolidated” and “blood”, but not everyone knows what “half-brothers and sisters” mean. Let us further consider what is meant.

Full and half relatives

The full-fledged kind of relationship is the most common in the world. It is popularly known as "blood". In this case, the children have common biological parents. Such brothers and sisters have a common genotype, are similar in appearance, can in most cases act as donors for each other if necessary.

full and halfHalf brothers and sisters are relatives who also have a genetic connection, but it is due to the presence of only one common parent, regardless of whether the father or mother. Therefore, the likelihood of having common external traits or character types is significantly reduced compared to siblings.

For persons who are biological children of one woman, but having different fathers, the term "single-parent" is introduced. In the opposite case, when the children are united by a common father, but they are born by different women, they are assigned the status of "consanguineous".

What is the difference between half-members and half-members?

People often confuse the designation of the terms “consolidated” and “partial”, despite the fact that the difference between them is palpable. As mentioned earlier, half brothers and sisters are individuals who are united by one parent. For example, a woman with a daughter from her first marriage remarried and gave birth to another daughter from her new husband. In this case, girls who have a common mother and different biological fathers will be considered incomplete sisters for each other. If in such a marriage, where the spouses already have children from a previous relationship, a common baby is born, he will also have a half-age status with respect to all the others.

The concept of collective kinship implies a complete absence of a genetic link. In this case, a family relationship is formed as a result of civil relations, such as marriage. step-brotherAn example is the situation when a woman who gives birth to a son from her previous husband enters into a new marriage with a man with children. Then, according to the legislation, the woman’s son will be the half-brother for the man’s children.

Marriage between brothers and sisters

Many will agree that the main marriage union should be love, which, as you know, has no boundaries. But in fact, there are legislative restrictions on entry into marriage. According to the contents of article fourteen of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, it is not recognized that marriage between close relatives is possible.marriage between half brothers and sisters

If you seek clarification of the concept of close relationship to the code, you can see that they include not only relatives in a straight line, which mean parents / grandparents, but also half-brothers and sisters. Thus, officially registering a marriage between half brothers and sisters, in fact, as between full brothers, in the Russian Federation will not work.

This prohibition does not apply to step-by-step relatives due to the lack of biological kinship between them. If desired, a woman can marry her half-brother. Moreover, marriage between cousins ​​and cousins ​​is permitted. It will not be an offense.

The right to inherit from half relatives

In life, there come moments when, after leaving a person’s life, his property is inherited. If an official written will has not been drawn up, the inheritance process will take place within the framework established by law.

In the matter of distribution of inheritance, the main role is played by the degree of kinship between the applicants and the deceased. It is this criterion that allows possible heirs to claim this or that share.

If questions of marriage are enshrined in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, then the topic of legal inheritance is regulated by the Civil Code. Chapter 63 prescribes inheritance rights in the absence of a written will. If the deceased does not have relatives in the first order, namely spouses / parents / children, then the right of inheritance passes to the second stage, to which all his brothers and sisters belong. In this case, the type of relationship does not play a role. Half-brothers and sisters are the same legitimate applicants for inheritance in the second stage, as full-time and step-by-step.

Is it possible to change the relationship status?

Relations in each family are individual, but sometimes undergo changes in connection with various life situations. It is not uncommon for the blood brothers and sisters, by coincidence, to not communicate with each other. But there are opposite phenomena, when half-brothers and sisters are so close that they begin to consider themselves relatives.

which means half brothers and sistersIs it possible in this case to change the status of kinship? This procedure is not possible, since the statuses that determine the kinship between brothers and sisters are not classified as “changing,” in contrast to the status of a husband or wife. These statuses are determined solely on the basis of the facts of the birth of persons who are brothers and sisters. But this does not stop them from treating each other like relatives.

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