Those who want to earn money without spending the bulk of their lives in stuffy offices and not spending a lot of time traveling to their workplace should pay attention to the possibility of receiving money via the Internet. Without a doubt, many people think about this question. And those who set themselves such a goal find many methods. However, far from all of them provide a more or less decent income. That is why it is worth paying attention to writing articles for money. Such work can be an excellent solution to all financial problems of any person.
This term appeared relatively recently and immediately became popular among a huge number of freelancers. Copywriting is a very interesting profession, the development of which allows you to get the long-awaited independence and freedom. Indeed, almost ninety percent of the population are engaged in everyday work, on which they look forward to Fridays on Monday, and in the morning they constantly look at their watches in anticipation of the end of the shift. But there is a completely different world in which free and happy people live. They receive significant financial income and are not burdened with the shackles of everyday life.
How to make money writing articles on the Internet? You just need to do copywriting. Specialists in this field have been in demand at all times. Only before they worked in glossy magazines, magazines and newspapers. However, with the development of the Internet, the volume of such work has increased significantly. At the same time, the demand for copywriters has grown. Those who are familiar with the basic rules of SEO promotion should not explain that the position of any site in the issuance of Google or Yandex depends entirely on how correctly and correctly the articles are written, what is their design. It matters, and in what form they are filed for the search robot and user. Good positions require constant updating of content. However, webmasters are not always able to cope with this amount of work. Sometimes they have five or six sites and uploading them on a daily basis according to the article, even for 5000 characters, is very difficult. Indeed, competently and interestingly written volume of 25-30 thousand characters requires a lot of time.
In such cases, they turn to good copywriters. Moreover, the demand for writing articles is constantly growing. After all, there are a huge number of them on the Internet every day.
This is another area of writing articles for the Internet. It is somewhat different from copywriting. Indeed, copywriters write copyrighted articles based on their own experience. Moreover, they use additional sources of information. Rewriting involves the usual rewriting of finished articles. The authors at the same time in their own words expound the meaning of the text. They retell the finished, without inventing anything.
What is the point of such work? The fact is that all search engines select only sites with unique content. With a simple copying of other people's news, reviews and articles, the resource will never get into the search engine. A person with enough experience in rewriting will propose an article so that its uniqueness is one hundred percent. And this despite the fact that the text he wrote will be nothing more than an ordinary retelling. However, for a search robot this fact is unimportant. The main thing for him is only uniqueness. This is what the site owner uses.
How profitable is writing articles for money? The salary of a person engaged in copywriting directly depends on his professional qualities, as well as the prices for such services, the amount of work performed and a number of factors. An average copywriter can earn about five hundred dollars. And the most experienced and successful are able to get 2-3 times more.
Many novice performers write articles for money not very large. At first, they are offered a rate of 10 rubles per 1000 characters. Of course, this is quite a bit, but even the quality of such a text is hardly at its best. More experienced copywriters get paid between $ 2 and $ 5 per 1000 characters. Such a specialist, without any stress, writing a text of only 5-10 thousand characters per day is able to earn from 300 to 600 dollars a month. And those who try and work harder will reach the minimum bar of $ 1,000.
As you can see, writing articles for money is one of the most profitable types of income generation on the Internet. That is why thousands of people pay attention to it and choose copywriting as their main income.
The rewrite work is less paid. This is due to the fact that, despite the uniqueness of the text he wrote, it consists only in retelling a specific article. At the same time, no original thoughts appear in it.
Who is writing articles for?
Perhaps in your school years you took an active part in the design of wall newspapers or noticed a manifestation of your writing skills. Or maybe you wrote poetry? Then you should think about such work as writing articles for sites for money. This work can be done at home, being at your computer.
However, not only those people who have literary talent can pay attention to writing articles for money on the Internet. The feedback from those already doing this confirms that mastery of the word is important, but not necessary at first. The main thing is to have a great desire. And then writing articles for sites for money becomes available even for those who have problems with their expositions and essays at school. If you have a great desire, the skills that copywriting requires will definitely come to everyone. And although at first it is very difficult, but gradually the work becomes easier and easier. For example, you can even suggest writing legal articles for money. Moreover, they will be in demand more than those offered by professionals. Indeed, it is difficult for qualified lawyers to avoid the dry language of terms with which the average reader is simply unfamiliar. Copyright will do in this case the main task, which will allow the article to be in demand. He will make a high-quality “translation” of the legal language into “human”.
Where to begin?
Writing articles for money on the Internet is possible for magazines and newspapers, various literary projects or when receiving orders from specially created exchanges.
Beginners should not pay attention to the work of typesetters, which is offered on bulletin boards. Today, this type of activity is unclaimed. Ads are usually served by scammers. They offer to transfer money to them for checking a test task or training material. However, after the transfer of a certain amount, people understand that they have become victims of fraud, since they do not receive any work after that.
In what cases can cheat be expected if articles are offered for money? Feedback from more experienced copywriters suggests that you should not agree to work with the offer of high payment, which exceeds its market value many times.
Novice users are encouraged to search for customers on copywriting exchanges. Some of them pay for writing articles in rubles, while others - in dollars. It is likely that for some of them the copywriter will not like the job.Then on another exchange, he will be able to find a regular customer for himself.
How to make money writing articles so that they can become your main income? To do this, you should work hard on the portfolio and gain experience. Only in this case it will be possible to order an article on a topic on which it will be most interesting to select material, and for which a worthy payment will come.
How to get into the element of copywriting and rewriting?
Where can I offer my services to write articles for money? Belarus, Ukraine, Russia or another country - the place of residence of a person to start such work does not matter. After all, the Internet is a huge space connecting people living in different countries. And here it is very easy to fulfill your desire, you just have to take a few consecutive steps. You can start working in this direction after the following:
1. Establishment of your own mail. She will help you quickly find contact with a potential customer. It is recommended not to use words like “Superman” or “Kisul” in the login. Everything should be at a decent and serious level.
2. Registration on the exchange of articles. As a rule, all beginners begin with this step. After that, professionals in their field remain on the exchange. This will avoid meeting with scammers.
It is recommended to start work with rewrite. These orders will be paid from 5 to 10 rubles. for every 1000 characters. Of course, such work is not entirely grateful, but it will allow you to gain experience and earn an impressive rating, which other customers will definitely pay attention to. And only after the hand is full, you can try the next step. It is an independent customer search.
Anyone who has long turned from a beginner into a real professional often creates a personal website that contains links to their own profiles, a selection of portfolios, information about the artist, etc.
Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that writing articles on the Internet for money is not so hard work as it seems at first glance. Mastery comes with experience, and in order to get it, you should first devote as much time to this activity as possible.
Material for rewriting
Articles proposed for writing by the customer can be of a wide variety of subjects. Sometimes they cover a wide range of spheres of human activity, from culinary recipes to construction. It may even be writing scientific articles for money. The main thing is not to get confused and continue to master this work.
Where to get the material so that the rewrite is truly high-quality? The simplest answer to this question is on any Internet resource. To do this, enter the topic key phrase in the search bar and view the responses received. When searching for articles about a thing, the network will give out information about it not only in the country where the person who made the request is located, but also in the CIS countries. That is why when typing a key phrase, you should make more precise about the search region.
When writing articles for money, for example, on business topics, specialized magazines can be used in addition to sites. The same applies to the search for material in other areas.
Source of information for copying
This problem is invariably faced by beginners who decide to make money writing articles on the Internet. And this question is very important. Since future income directly depends on the speed of the search and the quality of the material found. What are the sources of information for copywriting? Let's consider them in more detail.
Thematic sites
This is the very first resource that people who write articles pay attention to. Finding material in this way is easy.It is enough to type in the search engine the topic proposed by the customer, and many ready-made and interesting articles will be offered immediately. Of course, this method is the fastest. However, for example, writing medical articles for money, which afterwards will go on free sale, will require referring to a special category of sites.
What in this case can be Internet resources? These are specialized sites:
- at which medical consultations are made by professional doctors;
- on which there are reference resources with information about various preventive and medical institutions;
- popular science online medical journals with articles and tips, ratings of healthcare institutions, advertising of medical services, etc .;
- with professional resources on which issues of medical education are highlighted and there are bases of dissertations, as well as literature reviews for researchers;
- socially-oriented areas in which preventive advertising is located, schools and health-care clubs work.
The Bourgeois
For those who are not difficult to read an article written in English, it is recommended to refer to the English-language resources. This segment of the Internet is much more extensive, and the information submitted on it is of high quality. Articles found can safely be put up for sale. After all, the translation is a kind of authorial processing, which must be adapted to the realities of the native country.
These are sources of legislation that are available on the Internet for free. This includes, for example, a database containing legal acts. She will be the best source when writing articles on a legal topic.
Popular magazines
Such publications often publish descriptions, reviews, tips and articles on relevant topics. Moreover, as a rule, the presentation of information in such journals is carried out in a concise manner. This is especially useful for copywriting.
When writing articles, this source of information is often used. After watching videos of TV shows and videos posted on the Internet on the relevant topic, they should be stated in the article, adding your own opinion.
Personal experience
This is the most valuable source for information.
Personal experience is the most reliable and proven, but it can hardly be obtained by a copywriter in many industries.