The period of final exams is considered to be perhaps the most difficult time for schoolchildren. Perhaps every student feels a huge burden of responsibility. It is important to get a high score, not to disappoint parents and go to college. In the graduation class, you have to spend hours studying textbooks to repeat the entire school course. Not everyone is able to cope with such a load.
Can I pass the exam in grade 10?
Imagine that instead of actively preparing in grade 11, you can study at a measured pace, already having a certificate of passing a single exam.
How is this possible?
Thanks to another innovation, starting in 2015, the opportunity to hand over some items ahead of schedule is available. That is, after the end of grade 10. I must say that not all were included in the list of such subjects, but only some school disciplines. In particular, the Russian language and mathematics (in the basic version), as well as geography.
According to the Ministry of Education, by the end of grade 10, students finish studying these subjects, so no one bothers to pass the exam before the rest. The free time can be used to prepare for other exams.
How to pass the exam in grade 10?
There is one important condition. The student must confirm that his grade in the chosen discipline is at least three points. This will be the basis for admission to the exam.
It is curious that not all students know about their rights. Many teachers do not tell whether it is possible to pass the exam in the 10th grade. In order to pass a single exam, you need to have time to write the corresponding application before February 1. The application should be submitted at the school where the training takes place.
Is it possible to pass the exam in grade 10 if the training is carried out, for example, remotely? Pupils who master the material individually, also have access to the early delivery of the exam. Provided that you have successfully passed the intermediate certification. Also, for admission to the exam after the 10th grade, the permission of the teacher's council will be required.
Is it worth it?
You need to make an informed decision. We have already found out whether it is possible to pass the exam in grade 10. Theoretically, nothing prevents the student from doing this. However, the availability of the opportunity to pass the exam ahead of schedule does not mean that you need to rush to use it.
A big plus of premature passing the exam is that at the same time with the certificate the student gets the opportunity not to attend some disciplines. This frees up extra time for other activities. It can be a hobby or preparation for any other exam.
Upon receipt of a positive assessment on the exam, it is put on the certificate. So, in the graduation class, the student will have less homework. He will be able to keep up with everything, and not be in constant stress due to increased stress.
However, for all these advantages, the student will have to pay in 10th grade. After all, he will have to not only keep up with the program, but also pay attention to preparing for the exam in the Russian language or other subject.
However, if the exam results are not taken into account when entering the university, then it is fearless to get an imperfect result. A student who claims to have a high score or a gold medal may have to retake the exam.
Another difficulty that those who plan to pass in the 10th grade of the USE in the Russian language or other discipline are faced with is that far from every teacher will approve such an undertaking. Of course, no one will forbid you to pass a single exam ahead of schedule. However, be prepared to be more biased towards you.
In any case, having passed the exam in the 10th grade, the student does not lose anything. After all, with an unsatisfactory assessment, you can try again later.
How to pass a single exam externally?
As you know, parents can independently determine the form of education. If the student is studying without being present at the lessons, he can pass the exam as an external student.
However, some conditions must be met:
- submit a certificate confirming the completion of 9 classes;
- pass the essay and intermediate tests.
You need to understand that, passing the exam as an external student, is forced to prepare independently. An alternative can be individual lessons with a teacher, regular consultations, intensive studies, etc.
The option of passing the exam as an extern is suitable for those students who, for whatever reason, are forced to miss school. For example, children often participate in music or sporting events.
Students have the right to pass the exam after 10th grade. To use it or not, everyone decides independently.