Business ideas for students without start-up capital in the rapidly evolving information space are found as often as mushrooms after a good rain. The main thing is to be able to see them, formulate them, have a desire to do business and follow a simple rule: work efficiently and constantly improve their skills.
Reading books and feature articles, listening to teachers, parents, and friends is not the best solution. Eternal, but not promising, will be offered as the best business ideas for students: courier, housekeeper, waiter, author of coursework, rewriter, copywriter, typesetter and the like.
Even if pride allows, and there is time, you can do anything, but in the modern world there has long been something more significant.
It is important where to start and how to do it.
The basis of the best business idea
The period when a person studies is different from others. It is better to think about business and your own destiny even at school and not waste time in vain.
Business ideas for pupils and students in most cases do not require reaching a certain age and do not need start-up capital. And if you need it, you can always emulate it. While parents help, there is much to be done. As a rule, a modern student has everything necessary for a quick start: a head and hands are always, a computer and a smartphone in most cases.
The professions indicated above cannot be ranked among the best. They can be stable in terms of earnings, but it is doubtful that representatives of the younger generation will have a conscious desire to devote their lives to them.
The best idea is one that works simultaneously and effectively in three ways:
- Knowledge. The rapid growth of qualifications.
- Economy. Costs will fall, revenues will increase.
- Rating. The interest of others will continuously increase.
A candidate for an idea must formulate it himself and have a confident desire to implement it. The above is enough to begin with.
Economics of the best idea, profit calculation
What ideas can a student offer for small business? Profit and its steady growth are important for him. Before starting any business, you need to weigh everything well and calculate.
It is necessary to determine the source of income. When calculating it,
- transaction and its value (S);
- their number per month (N).
Perhaps each transaction will be accompanied by additional income. Fulfillment of obligations may require expenses (Mr): advertising, materials, tools, electric energy, Internet access. You should not fantasize and immediately make big plans. Business ideas for students without start-up capital is only a transaction (service), and the goal is to increase their number. Great prospects and a detailed calculation of the business plan are when real incomes per month will be at least 8,000 rubles.
If the business is initially legal, and the state registration of an individual entrepreneur or company is completed, there will be tax costs (Mg).
Profit per month will be:
- P = (S * N) - Mr - Mg
This is a simple student version of the calculation, and not the economy of a real company, but it is enough to determine which idea will be able and can be considered the best.
If a transaction costs 400 rubles, and the number of transactions per month is 20, then the turnover will be 8000 rubles. With a planned salary of 4000 rubles. you will have to pay insurance premiums in the amount of 30% (PFR - 22%, FSS - 2.9%, MHIF - 5.1%), which will increase labor costs. In this case, it is necessary to provide for taxation. The STS rate on turnover is 6%, and on profit, 15%.However, you should get acquainted with the regional legislation. Local authorities have the right to differentiate or lower the tax rate.
For certain types of activities UTII is envisaged, including for retail trade, the provision of domestic services, and the placement and distribution of advertising. Profit calculation should be done for the reporting period (quarter, year, half year). The size of the single tax is 15% of the tax base, but can be reduced by decision of municipalities.
Interesting areas of real ideas
The most interesting and promising: space, the Internet, programming and the cutting edge of science and technology?
This is not true. From childhood, you can start making barrels for cucumbers and cabbage or grow bees. Both are honorable, profitable and necessary for people. If there is a familiar cooper or beekeeper, and there is a conscious desire - this is a great idea and a worthy business.
Absolutely the same: stove business, fireplaces, pools, construction. Real application areas require only a good mentor (teacher) to get you started. If there is a notice in mind of a professional who loves his job, and there is a desire for this matter, the student cannot find a better idea for a small business.
Feature of the national educational process
The school, technical school and university have a specific goal - to provide students with education and specialty. Both the school and the parents understand this; this is the national doctrine of education.
But the student, having passed the next (intermediate, final or entrance) exams, is obliged to ask himself: he only wants to study and live comfortably at the expense of his parents all the time he studies or start to make his life in order to build it right.
The sphere of virtual ideas
The best and most cost-effective business ideas for students are in the field of information, primarily Internet use and Internet programming. The latter is very beneficial, but not everyone is impressed by the versatility and complexity of the initial stage. Then everything will go fine, but the first three months will be very difficult.
Creation, storage and processing of information - any schoolchild or student can find his calling here. This does not require special knowledge, but you need your own idea. It must be provided with a personal desire and a confident movement towards its achievement. You need to clearly understand that not everything will not always be smooth. Difficulties await at every turn.
The information sphere is a business idea for students with minimal investment. The calculation is very simple. Starting capital is as follows: computer + Internet access, smartphone + close circle (friends, classmates, fellow students).
Simple but definitely profitable destinations
A simple but great business example is cooking. Demand is obvious, which means business is possible. If you add your own style to this topic, show perseverance, desire and patience, then the idea will definitely justify itself.
Medicine and herbs. These business ideas for students are also feasible. It is simply necessary to collect the necessary information and present it in a way that no one has done before. Health is an unquestionable value for every person, and knowledge to satisfy this value is an excellent basis for business for both a student and a student and an adult.
To calculate and justify a business plan in terms of physical, chemical and social laws, to represent the scientific and practical potential accumulated by mankind is a great idea. Although to compete with existing networks (quickly, that is, economically viable) does not work.
Knowledge resource idea
Creating a knowledge resource is a great and practical idea. For starters, you can simply limit yourself to your own studies. Classmates and fellow students will immediately become customers. You just need to go a little further, present the necessary knowledge beautifully, conveniently and enable people to get effectively what they spend too much time on.
Saving time is an excellent opportunity to spend money, and therefore, own knowledge resource is a great business idea. And you don’t need to look for clients, they are sitting at a neighboring desk and are eager to download a quick control, course or get the necessary knowledge before the exam.
Analysis of the best idea can be performed in the last year of study, before defending the diploma, but in this case, you need to make an adjustment for wasted years.
Business Ideas: Examples Ready for Student Software Solutions
Generations of programmers painstakingly created a basis that is now available for use by any student and even schoolchild. There is no point in making any calculations. The effectiveness of the economy in programming, both local and distributed (Internet), is beyond doubt.
The only point that should be taken into account is the ability and desire of the customer to pay for the work. Some people think: if a student, then you don’t need to pay, or you can pay a little. What to say about the student? So the average consumer of software considers.
Starting a business in programming, you should immediately dot the i. Money, of course, is important and necessary, but work is time and labor. And it has no less value than money.
The ideal axiom: knowledge and experience are more important than any number of banknotes. Skills will not go anywhere, and money is always easy to lose. They were invented by people in order to somehow evaluate what was done. As practice shows, they do this terribly badly. And customers all the more.
Real examples of ideas
Business ideas for students at the simplest level: design and graphics. Graphic editors do not require special knowledge. They are often included in the training program in many specialties. You just need to go a little further. Learn more than what is required by the program, learn how to manipulate colors and fonts, create animated pictures. Create a bank of good photos. A competent portfolio will attract customers.
Business ideas for intermediate students: programming inside the browser (JavaScript) or on the server (PHP). Three months, as a rule, takes to prepare the implementation of ideas and the formation of their own style. If you do not combine two languages into a single whole, then with due diligence, experience and customers will appear. Programming, especially Internet programming, is characterized by an increase in orders for new developments, but there is a steady demand for the refinement of existing resources. Qualitative knowledge in any of these languages will be in demand.
Business ideas for high-level students: client-server programming. Here it is best to start realizing yourself after achieving confident results in programming in JavaScript or PHP. Many young programmers automatically jump to the next level of business, but some remain true to one programming language. It cannot be said that programming ideas in the sphere of “client-server” are less profitable than just “client” or just “server”. It’s just a different level and a different qualification, where the style of thinking is very different.
Foundation of success
The success of any business is hard work to achieve the goal. The idea should work, not be in the clouds. Difficulties will always be, problems cannot be avoided either, but you should not stop there. Business is life, and life never stands still.