It is no secret that various companies seek to attract customers to sales of their goods, works or services. To do this, they use the technique of persuasion, various reminders, etc. Such an effect on a potential buyer is called promotion. One type of promotion is personal sales. Consider this method in more detail.
Definition of a concept
The term "personal sales" refers to direct contact between sales staff and the buyer. The main purpose of this interaction is to sell a product or service.
The relevance of this concept is constantly growing. So, before personal sales were a means of marketing communications and were actively used only in industrial goods markets. Today, they complete any process of acquiring the necessary product. That is why owning sales technology is important to all specialists, including retailers, those involved in advertising, as well as forming long-term relationships with customers.
What are the main advantages that have personal sales? Their advantages are as follows:
1. Direct contact with the buyer. This allows you to see the reaction of a potential customer to the proposals received to him, evaluate his non-verbal signals, as well as determine the mood and identify the expectations that exist with regard to service and product.
2. Opportunities to demonstrate the quality and features of the product. This is especially true when selling perfumes and cosmetics. The consumer will quickly buy the product that he saw and tested. The demonstration of the product to a large extent affects the success of its sale.
3. Opportunities to become for a client more than just a seller. In the course of the conversation, it is advisable for company personnel to find out certain personal information about the person standing in front of him. It can be his date of birth, any facts of life, interests, etc. The information obtained should subsequently become an important factor in increasing satisfaction with the purchase process. Numerous examples of the use of this mechanism can be found in modern clothing boutiques. They not only wish their client a happy birthday, but also offer him goods with a festive discount. This is pleasant for the buyer, and the company is increasing the number of sales.
Factors Affecting Successful Implementation
What are the means of personal sales? When drawing up plans for the sale of their goods, any company should have a general idea of its market demand. Of course, the company is unable to manage a large number of various factors affecting the sale. This can be said about the amount of indirect and direct taxes, weather, international crises, etc. However, there are certain market factors that lend themselves to the necessary changes. These include sales impact parameters.
With market heterogeneity, the seller, as a rule, does not seek to adjust the level of sales by prices. Most often, they apply a factor indicating the quality of the goods. This parameter is usually determined by the buyer. However, with an increase in the quality of the product, its service life increases. And this, in turn, threatens with the fact that in the future sales volumes will be difficult. If the market is saturated, then the demand for a particular product exists within the scope of things that have already failed. That is why many product groups have new models every season. This applies to clothing and shoes, cars, as well as video and audio equipment.Only in this case, the buyer begins to consider previously purchased goods unfashionable. He seeks to replace them with new ones.
In order for personal sales to be carried out as efficiently as possible, it is important to familiarize the target audience with information relating to the company, as well as the goods manufactured or sold by it. This will create a certain image for the company and form an attitude towards its product. Also, such a move will significantly increase personal sales. Advertising will help to form those ideas, on the basis of which it will become easier for the seller to build his relationship with the client.
Personal Sales Improvement
It is not surprising that in our time all the technologies at the disposal of mankind are gradually mastering more and more new directions. Personal sale of goods and services does not lag behind this process.
Today she uses such means:
- business negotiation technique, which is the first stage of sales;
- the technique of presentations of a commercial nature, contributing to the advancement of reasoned arguments indicating the benefit of a particular product;
- Telemarketing, which maintains the relations of managers with potential customers;
- network marketing, represented by a network of sellers engaged in personal sales.
Personal sales increase
To date, the personnel services of most companies seek to attract good managers to their staff. However, it is extremely difficult to find such specialists. A seller who has just come to work is unlikely to be able to effectively offer customers the entire range of products existing in the company. That is why managers often simply "grow" the employee they need. To do this, they turn to training programs. Many of them give recommendations that the seller needs to find out related and related products that are useful to the client. In theory, everything seems simple. In practice, all this is much more complicated.
In order for the personal sales of the manager to constantly increase in volumes, he will need to ensure compliance with ten principles of good sales. Let's consider them in more detail:
1. The first principle encourages the manager, conducting personal meetings and sales, always remember who his client is. Sometimes sellers forget about this concept and encounter their first difficulties in selling goods. It is worth remembering that each customer is individual. Therefore, this should be the approach to it. For a good manager, it is important not only to have knowledge of their field, but also to be able to understand the psychology and motives of the buyer.
2. The second principle of personal sales is the factor of personalization. After all, a person is not only a client, but also a seller. This statement may seem somewhat strange. However, it does suggest that trade welcomes the use of human data. In other words, each manager should present himself in such a way that he is interesting to the interlocutor. If there is hostility to the seller, personal sales cannot be expected.
3. The third principle recalls the significance of dialogue. This is the basis of any negotiations. A well-built dialogue is based on the ability to present questions well and correctly perceive answers. The survey technique should be constantly improved. Do not forget that a person has one mouth and two ears. Therefore, only twenty percent of your time should be spent on conversations, and the remaining eighty should be left on the perception of answers.
4. According to the fourth principle, the seller must always be aware of all the events that occur not only in his company, but also in the store, as well as in the industry as a whole. This will require some participation in the life of your market in the form of discussing sensitive issues on thematic sites, creating your own blog, etc. The effect of such actions will become noticeable after a short time.
five.The fifth principle concerns an individual approach. It is unlikely that the manager will be able to provide the buyer with any unique offer. This is not common on the market. That is why the features of the product should not consist in its exclusivity, but in the work of the seller. It is a manager who carries out personal sales of services or goods that must create unique offers for his client.
6. The sixth principle indicates the need to sell the result. This is also indicated by many of the most popular methods. How to achieve this principle? This will allow you to make a conversation with the client, during which the seller must find out all his "painful moments", and then indicate the way to resolve the problem.
7. According to the seventh principle, the seller must forget about the logic. After all, according to many studies, it affects the purchase only in the amount of 16%. The remaining 84% are motives of an emotional nature. That is why the seller must remember that the client is most likely led by: greed, prestige, status, ambition, fear and other feelings, but not the logic. To successfully complete the transaction, you need to find out the emotional motive that drives the client.
8. The eighth principle states that knowledge is power. Stimulation of personal sales can occur only on the basis of giving the buyer sufficiently extensive information about the product or service. This knowledge should be built dialogue.
9. According to the ninth principle, price should not be the most important issue. What does this mean? Reducing the value of the goods should not be one of the methods of persuasion. For a good seller, the greatest value is his products and services, as well as their own level. For this, the corresponding price is set.
10. The tenth principle of personal sales emphasizes the importance of presentations. The supply of goods carried out with their help makes the right impression on the buyer and increases the probability of concluding a profitable transaction by 10 times.
Sales Scripts
Sooner or later, it becomes clear to each manager that a certain set of standard blanks is important for the quick execution of transactions. These are the scripts. However, do not rely on them completely. After all, it’s important for the manager not to turn into a robot who is poorly aware of what he is saying.
Personal sales scripts are a pre-recorded script of behavior, dialogue, as well as manager’s reactions. Using this template, the seller is able to convince the client of the right approach to the selection of a product. A pre-written script will make it more likely to lead a client to a purchase, and a seller to a sale.
Translated from English, “script” means “algorithm” or “script”. It is on it that the survey takes place, and then the final decision is made to continue the dialogue.
Script example
How to quickly and profitably sell a product? Consider an example of a sales script that takes place between organizations in a personal meeting of managers. At the first stage, it is important for the seller to carry out self-presentation. This is necessary not only for preliminary acquaintance, but also for conveying to the client those key tasks that must be solved within the framework of the meeting. The conversation usually begins with the phrase "Good afternoon, my name is ... I represent the company ... Let's discuss cooperation that will allow your company ... (the description of the benefits of the transaction follows)".
At the second stage, it is important to determine the interest of the client that pushed him to the meeting. Such a move will appeal to this fact during all negotiations. For example: "I am engaged ... You agreed to meet, having a certain interest in concluding a deal ... Please specify your motives."
In the third stage, it is important to identify key dialogue issues. They may relate to prices and terms of delivery, options for cooperation, etc. For example: “Thanks for the info.Now let's discuss the key issues that will be raised by us during the negotiations. ”
At the next stage, the sequence of consideration of issues is set. For example: “For the maximum efficiency of our meeting, let's do this: right away I will find out some nuances with the help of certain questions, and then I will talk about our products, transaction conditions, prices and other details. Have you agreed? ”
Next, it is worth asking questions to understand the key motives for which the client agreed to a meeting. After this, a presentation of the product or service is carried out based on the interests of the potential buyer.
The next stage is needed to summarize the preliminary results. For example: “(Buyer's name), I completed the presentation of my product, and now let us once again briefly consider the issues that were identified by us at the very beginning of the meeting.”
After the preliminary results have been summed up, you can proceed to the completion of the transaction and consider options for cooperation. For example, with the buyer's objections to the high cost or that the delivery time does not suit him, it is important to ask a very effective question: “So, in general, do you mind working with us? Then we will meet you and decide ........ "
Thus, the script is a technology that allows the manager to constantly achieve the success of personal sales.
Realization of a personal car
Buying a car is much easier than selling it later. After all, every buyer wants to buy a vehicle literally for a penny. Therefore, he will always try to lower the price, finding fault with everything in a row.
That is why the sale of a personal car has its own subtleties. At the first stage, you will need to evaluate the appearance and technical condition of the machine. This will be the starting point for pre-sale preparation.
A priority indicator for a car is its appearance. That is why it is worth replacing worn tires, remove traces of rust, remove chips and dents. All the effort expended is sure to pay off. Next, it’s worth thoroughly cleaning the interior and removing all unnecessary from it.
After an external inspection of the car, the buyer will certainly wish to open the hood. That is why there must also be order. In particular, the seller will first need to check the battery mounts and terminals, as well as clean the engine. There is no doubt that the buyer will drop into the trunk. An ideal order should also be brought here.
Selling a personal car is never without bargaining. This is the golden rule of the market. The buyer may begin to reduce the price due to high mileage, cracks in the body, etc. And if the car has hidden malfunctions? It is better to warn about them right away. After all, then there is a high probability of going to court and canceling the transaction.
Sale of second-hand clothes
Today, the sale of personal items is carried out, as a rule, when submitting ads on special sites. What is the recommended action algorithm?
Selling personal items begins with washing the product.
Then he is photographed (preferably against a light background) and defined with a category (women's clothing, children's clothing, etc.). In order to correctly set the price of a thing, you will need to look at similar products, paying attention to the quality of the fabric, the useful life, the presence of spots, etc. Only after that a special platform is selected on which the ad is placed. The size of the item must be indicated in the comments. Everything. You can wait for a call from the buyer and make a deal.